• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I have no idea what I'm doing

More Blog Posts9

  • 213 weeks
    Personal Thoughts of this Commissioned Art Piece.

    Evening lads, I was hoping if anyone could give me their thoughts on this art piece I commissioned that was made by JodTheCod, here's the link to the original thread if you're interested.

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    6 comments · 343 views
  • 220 weeks
    I Sleep... Real Sh-

    Boss: "Hey, we're cutting hours for the entirety of next week, you're one of those people"


    Boss: "But you get paid leave"


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    8 comments · 349 views
  • 222 weeks
    Motivation for Writing

    "Remember, a scene a day keeps the heresy away! :twilightsmile:" - Is pretty much how I motivate myself to write for three four stories.

    1 comments · 268 views
  • 224 weeks
    "What does it mean to be a...Pony?"

    "What does it mean to be a... Pony. Ever since I discovered the truth about myself, I often questioned my very existence. Am I a real Pony? Or am I just a false being; an artificially created construct given the false reality of life inside a metal hollow shell I call a body... What does it mean... to be a... Pony?"

    A line I came up with while discussing a story with my artist.

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  • 225 weeks
    A General Update

    At the time of writing this, the local time is 4:53 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

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"What does it mean to be a...Pony?" · 6:46am Apr 5th, 2020

"What does it mean to be a... Pony. Ever since I discovered the truth about myself, I often questioned my very existence. Am I a real Pony? Or am I just a false being; an artificially created construct given the false reality of life inside a metal hollow shell I call a body... What does it mean... to be a... Pony?"

A line I came up with while discussing a story with my artist.

It's not the story that's in the making, that's still a secret :trollestia:.

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