A Crafter's Dream: The Buttons · 11:48pm Apr 2nd, 2019
Hey, so, if you read the chapter I posted yesterday, " A Queens Terror (Part 3)" you would know that I would be posting a blog today. Anyway, I want to get this over with.
As you know, the story, "A Crafter's Dream", is a story about Steve from Minecraft, in the land of Equestria. And, as you all know, a rather strange aspect of this story is that there are button presses that litter the words, mostly in fight scenes. I thought it was a pretty cool idea, and most of you all didn't seem to mind, but some users have commented and messaged me about it, and they seemed pretty irritated with it. I blew it off at the time, but it got me thinking. Now to the point of this blog.
I ask you, as readers, what you all think about it. Whether you guys like them, ignore them, or flat-out hate them. And be honest. If it happens to be that most of you like them, or don't mind them, they will stay. However, if not, I will spend some time, during or after my trip, to remove them from the story.
I hope you all will tell me what you guys think. I really want to make this story as enjoyable as possible for anyone, or anypony, reading. Thank you.
Sincerely, ruthim345.
Also, side note, the story will be going under some rework to help expand the story and fix up scenes and dialogue. Just thought I'd tell you. Thanks again.
I like them, it gives a bit of a unique feel. It is in place with game like aspects that Steve has with the inventory and damage system and health. I’m with for keeping them.
I'm with Sabre Cutlass it's very unique to the story and makes it interesting to read
I like them, they give it that "Minecraft: Story Mode" feel to it and shows that Steve isn't just another Run-of-the-mill Hero, But one that has powers on the scale of an Alicorn.
I ignore them. I find it kind of weird and annoying, but it's not hard to just not pay attention to them. To be fair though, once a story passes a certain action/story ratio I generally start skimming past action scenes anyway.
I like and ignore them as i see fit.
Usually these types of button prompts in fiction CAN be annoying, but reading through the story gives me an idea of whats going to happen in a fight.
I think the ONE thing you should get rid of is the fighting introductions
you know the
Ready? FIGHT
If someone is going to fight, then context of the conversation should indicate where the characters stand and why they are going to fight so when the fight starts there shouldn't be an intro
I might say more later, but great stuff mate.
I like it dude keep it. It helps a little with the story as well
I dislike them. They don't add to the fights, if anything they break up the flow of the action for me. They also don't make much sense to me since Steve hasn't shown to be controlled by any higher force like a "player." Who's doing the button prompts? Steve? Us? Does he know about them?
Steve still having an inventory works in the story for me since I imagine it's one of the abilities of his race as a Crafter, like some magical dimension all Crafters have access to. But the prompts imply he's not the one doing the actions, but that he's being controlled, yet nothing like that has been alluded to.
The prompts also feel like a holdover from an otherwise faithful and interesting take on the world of Minecraft. The world feels alive and real, but then these button presses pop up as if to remind you "hey, this is a video game," even though it doesn't feel like it.
I'm having a hard time properly explaining why it doesn't work for me but here's my take on it at least.
I mostly just ignore them as best I can. Its an interesting idea and adds some flavor to the story that will definitely draw in adventurous readers but I feel it is fluff that doesn't necessarily need to be there. They don't seem to elevate the fight's in a meaningful way other than as a admittedly helpful visual representation if the reader has played fighting games that use those mechanics. Other than that positive aspect I think the fight scenes would be improved by removing them. You seem to have, in my opinion, a pretty good grasp on how to write fight scenes so this might give you more free time to improve the story in other areas. Granted they don't compose a large portion of the chapters they are featured in I imagine outlining where they are going to be and what action is going to be completed in the sequence is still time consuming. Having said that the button prompt's aren't over intrusive or taking away from the rest of the story too much so if they stay that's fine too.
eh do what you want, I don't love em but I never hated them
I say that you should keep them, and it’s not because of my opinion on yielding to those that judge a persons work. I feel it gives you your own style and personality to the story, but most of all it allows you to express motion into words easier. The button prompts are a beautiful way of breaking the fourth wall to display the narrative.
But still, I am a bit biased in the fact that what you create should be what you decide it to be, not what others say it should be.
I love them it's unique and new and it adds some style.
I like the buttons, and I say keep.
like most noticeably different things, it took a bit of acclimatization. Over time I've come to appreciate the visceral nature of them. For instance, when things keep trying to ambush him, that DODGE! impulse that comes out of nowhere really helps with the immersion. It's a tricky thing to get the reader to appreciate the panicked rush of a situation like that, but I think you manage it.
Though honestly, as others have said, I think your story could do without the fighting game "ready? fight!" bit. That feels out of place in an otherwise impressively smooth story.
I like them, they male the story unique and help to keep up with the action.
But I get why people hate them, they are a little similar to the annoying quick event from telltale games or Resident evil 4, but I personally don’t mind them, like I said they make the story easier to read during the action parts.
Do as you please, but for me, don’t take them away
I ignore them tbh. I think they break up the flow of the story, but hey, I don't *hate* them
I dont mind them at all it quite enjoyable actually
'Ey, I say keep 'em mate!
To me they fit the style of story really well, and they make for a rather unique take on the fighting scene aspect of this story.
If you want my thoughts on the matter, simply read Venerable Ro's comment
I don't mind them at all.
Like this guy said. I didn’t out right really care at the beginning either way. But now they feel like a part of the story so much so that at least to me. It would feel like the story is missing part of its charm if you removed them.
Although like others have said I’d just remove the “ready fight” prompts.
All in all I’d rather not see them go but if enough people want them gone it’s not that much of an issue. I Still think it would detract from the story if you removed them now that we’re 30 chapters in. To me they feel like a natural part of the story.
Well it’s truly up to you. I patently await the next chapter. And whatever choice you have made.
I don't mind them, at this point they are so ingrained in the story that attempting to remove them would require a massive rewrite so details are not lost, as they give off a sense of action. If you decide to drop them I would recommend finishing the story and then rewriting it without them.
I don't mind it, but to be honest with you, it isn't really necessary since you're basically, in a manner of speaking, spoiling what Steve will do and you already written it out what he does after the buttons. I would prefer that they would be removed so it doesn't interrupt the flow. Plus it is a bit of a distraction.
Unfortunately, since my thoughts on it is late and 75% of the people here voted "Leave it in", my vote is considered void now.
Anyway, just my review on the thought is all.
I generally ignore them. They just feel like unnecessary filler to pad out the story to me.
It’s unique in that few good stories have it. I don’t mind it and sometimes enjoy it.
I don't mind, and if they do appear on a chapter I skip them and go back to the dialogue or narration of the story; sure it can ruin the immersion... but to be honest I don't know who would worry about something like that. Exactly what kind of immersion are they looking for, we're all reading a story about a Minecraft Steve in an AU Equestria with all manner of weird crazy things happening in between... so to everyone worrying or complaining about the immersion being ruined, it's a story not a play on a stage or a video game cutscene so stop trying to get a hissy fit, you're the ones who decided to read the story no one here forced you so if you dislike one part of it, you can decide to stop reading or just ignore it like everyone else. I know my fair share of stories that have small bits of bad grammar or parts that disrupt the flow of a story but as long I'm enjoying the majority of the story then I got no problems. Same should be for everyone else.
Basically; read it if you like it, don't read it if you don't like it, that simple.