• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2018


Aspiring to live under a bridge, but the man keeps holding me down.

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  • 296 weeks
    I think Brett Kavanaugh is the biggest joke in American History and I don’t give a fuck if you’re some ultra-conservative asshole cuntard.

    Do I really need to say anything else?

    No one else has been smart or shameless enough to do it yet. Fucking retard fucktards.

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  • 304 weeks
    Ostentatious Finger Nails

    My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do.
    Someone I know recently combined Maple Syrup & buttered Popcorn thinking it would taste like caramel popcorn. It didn’t and they don’t recommend anyone else do it either.
    We have never been to Asia, nor have we visited Africa.
    I love eating toasted cheese and tuna sandwiches.

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  • 306 weeks
    Just a Little Sad...

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  • 310 weeks


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  • 325 weeks
    Happy First Day of Spring and New Season of MLP

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    3 comments · 330 views

Hate Mail... Wow, thanks Fimfiction. What a great community you are... · 12:07am Oct 11th, 2012

Sorry about all the blog posts lately, I know it's annoying as hell to get a notification and it turns out to be dumb blog post, especially from me.

But this one is actually important and relevant, as it details the actual surprising amount of hate I've received, and my reaction towards it.

Ever since I uploaded Twilight Discovers Wikipedia, believe it or not I've received more than twenty hate mail PMs. Most are fairly subtle in their hatrid, but a few are very blatant and explicit. For example, here's one of the worst ones:

You are the cancer of fimfiction and you are the reason I don't read feature bar stories anymore. I'm sick and tired of Luna eating Oreos, Fluttershy finding animal crackers, Applejack taking math tests, Twilight discovering shit, anypony doing fucking anything. Your story picture is the worst piece of shit I've ever seen, and is a embarrassment to writers and artists everywhere. Just thought that you should know that you are ruining a website by clogging the feature bar with your meta troll crap where there should be actual good stories. Also, your username is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Okay, so apparently I'm ruining this website with my stories.

I'm not one to be easily affected emotionally, but this... wow. I have no words for this.... except for maybe, "wow, look at all the loving and tolerating there."

When I switched over from serious stories to writing comedy, I didn't expect everyone to enjoy my silly style of writing, or anything to become well known and popular. And I know with every popular parody/random comedy fic comes some hate, often from those people that are sensitive about whatever you're making fun of.

But I also know that hate is usually just expressed in the comments, and that's fine. I don't care about that.
But when you receive actual hate mail... you know, that really gets to you. People here actually hate me for what I enjoy writing. It actually makes getting featured feel really bad, like I did something wrong.

Maybe this is just what comes with being popular, and if that's true, then I want no part of it. I'm seriously considering quitting writing and fanfiction altogether.

I know what you're going to say, "Fatty, don't listen to those guys. Most of Fimfiction is great and friendly!" This is absolutely true. I'd say at least 95% of people on Fimfiction are very nice and friendly, and would never consider writing anything like what that guy wrote to me in a PM. If most people here don't like a story or an author (or even their silly username), they will just ignore it or keep it only to the story comments.

It's funny though, how you can get tons and tons of praise, but you care so much more when a few people say bad things about your work. Maybe it's human nature, or maybe it's just me. I don't know.

Please, don't think this is some sort of dramatic attempt for attention or pity or some crap like that. This is seriously how I feel, and I just want people to know that there are people here amongst you who will make you feel like crap for writing something popular, especially if it's a light silly story that's meant to give you a quick laugh.

Report Fattymagee1 · 302 views ·
Comments ( 115 )

omg everwan h8s u!!

That was sarcasm, if you didn't catch it. I don't actually write that bad, anyway. Please keep writing those dem horse words

I like your stuff.To be honest I think your a great author and you're definately not the cancer of Fimfiction.


Shit, this actually looks like I could write

Well, I am not going to say that I adored TDW, but it does not really mean it deserves hate, it is not author's choice to go into feature box or not.

Nevermind the hate, just do not crack under pressure. *coughcoughDeviceHereticcoughcough*

This is what admins are for. Use them.

415290 Nah, that's like telling the teacher on someone for swearing in high school. You just don't do that because... no. They have the right to message me, I can't stop them, I don't have to read their messages, and they're not doing any actual physical harm to me. They're just trying to make me feel bad, which technically isn't against the rules I don't believe. And it's working.

415294 Hold on, it's working? May I suggest having these people killed? They're obviously just jealous that you actually make stories that get into the featured box.

Ok i will say this that i do think the random storys like that are getting to much love. I admit that. But wtf, that hate mail was just fucking uncalled for and i hate that a Brony or Pegasister wrote that because it just ruins the Love and Tolerate motto. Granted it is just a saying. But i still like to follow it. Hell i laughed at the storys myself. Damn jackasses.:facehoof:

I never get hate mail...
I just get love letters. From weird people. Very weird people.
It is a shame that people don't take all this aggression and sublimate it into something creative. At least Trollficers try to be clever-ish.


Twilight discovering shit

I believe Luna Shoves a Cellphone Up Her Plot just got a sequel.

i like how he says "you are the cancer of fimfiction"...wasn't that DH a couple of weeks ago or something? he left though, so im guessing that they need to find a new victim.:ajbemused:
one thing has always amazed me; how are they able to say that to another human, they would never do it if they had to do it face to face, that much i know. do they not understand what they are saying, are they so incredibly retarded that they can't fathom how wrong they are acting, or is it something like a talent...maybe it's a sickness; "the sickness of being a hater", what would the scientific name for that be?...
as a side note: isn't it possible to report others now?

Aww, that guy's just jelly people don't like what he writes.


Don't stop because people that never get featured are jealous. Not everpony thinks alike. Most will just see what the hype is about, decide if they like it, and maybe favorite it. But there is a small precentage of people who are just hateful to anypony in the spotlight, because it isn't them and probably never will be. Take the hateful bronies' negative words and just turn them into a big compliment: "I'm so good that they feel not only jealous, but threatened, by my success." :yay:

There ya go! :pinkiesmile:

415312 ^ one of my favourites authors right thar.
Ya know who the cancer of the FiM community is?
The people who hypocritically call themselves Bronies.
The haters arent worth your time, or your feelings.
REAL bronies Love and Tolerate everything >.> welll...with exceptions, but you should'nt be like that, ever, brony or not.

I could go on and on trying to convince you not to feel bad or anything and that won't do Jack Squat.. so instead of talking i'm instead just going to keep spamming this comment boxxes full of Nice pictures (and a few funny ones) until you feel better. Okay? Okay.

First one


What the hell happened to him?

Silver out!


415384 Who cares?dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Applebloom_lolface.png
He proved to be an butthurt idiot, that is all.



Some people told me that Device was kind of a prick...but I can't judge because I never knew him.

Silver out!



Sorry, I cannot fathom comment signatures.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Applebloom_lolface.png

415332 You better write that sequel.

so.... Have i made you feel better FattyMagee? or do i need to go looking for a lot more piccies to spam?:twilightsmile:


Sorry, it's my thing! :raritywink:

So...was Device a prick? Or are these just rumors?

... :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: Silver out!

bah, fanboys are fanboys, no matter any given communities. If i were you, I wouldnt get to infested with those mails and just shrugged it off and laugh. After all, the irony is that people like themselves ruins the community. Be proud of what you done and dont let others tell you otherwise. Here is a quote I think fits the subject

"Not flattered by praise, not hurt by blame."

--Buddhist saying

Anyhow, Best regards man:eeyup:


415416 He was. Especially in PMs, he acted like an angry 13 year old xbox live kid.
Kinda unexpected, actually.

you can't stop the cute... you can never.. stop... the cute... (FIREFLY PARODY-ISH REFERENCE FOR THE WIN)


I've gotten a bad comment on my story once so i know how you feel:fluttercry:
i got alot of good ones but that one bad one really got to me:pinkiesad2:

just keep up what your doing and ignore the few who just try to put you down :pinkiesmile:

415437 im posting ponies! what are YOU doing hmmmmmmm :rainbowderp:

415437 Haha Device Heretic... I remember he responded to one of my comments all the way back in I think March when I was an obscure nobody here. I recall him being a prick too in that comment haha. :facehoof:

you have to go to the link for the cuteness to work here.. but if you DON'T find this cute..... i fear for you



415442 Definitely something more productive, like coding.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Sweetie_Belle_lolface.png
Aah, why do I bother....

415448 Can I post a disgusting gore image here?dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Trixie_lolface_1.png

Look, I know we've been bullshitting a lot the past few days, but I've had a shitty day and this irritates me. :flutterrage:

The whole reason I come to this place is to find stories that make me laugh. I don't come here looking for fucking masterpieces that belong in a time capsule for future generations to find, just a simple story that is silly enough to help me relax.

I really don't understand how he/she can say Luna eating Oreos, Fluttershy finding animal crackers, and Applejack taking math tests, are all the same thing, but leave out all the generic mane 6 ship fics that are literally the same thing. Does Applejack eat Oreos during her math test? no. Does Twilight discover a cell phone in Luna's plot? no (well not yet anyway...I just gave someone a million dollar idea). But hey look! A fic where mane 6 member A has discovered secret feeling for mane 6 member B. She isn't sure how to confront her crush, so she battles all sorts of "unique challenges" only to find out her secret love felt the same way all along! I mean for fucks sake...

I obviously hate those stories, but guess what, I DON"T READ THEM! I ignore them and look for shit I actually like and enjoy my evening. And I certainly don't PM the writers and tell them I think they are cancer, because at the end of the day, we all like different shit.

And saying your username is the stupidest thing they've ever seen...their mommy must have taken away their Nintendo or something. How fucking juvenile is that?

*hugs for Fatty* Ignore the jerks, Fatty. We're with ya.

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