• Member Since 22nd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2023


Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, because there's bugger-all down here on Earth.

More Blog Posts426

  • 49 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXVI

    I meant to post while it was still Christmas (CST) but as usual I’m late. I hope my few remaining readers had a lovely holiday! Here’s a song that’s been in my head lately.

    Chuu is one of those who, according to her coworkers, really is just a ball of sunshine. Follow me past the jump.

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  • 57 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXV

    No, really. I haven’t been by my local burrito place in a long time, partly due to my mother, so I haven’t been able to get good inspiration for another Burritoverse story. Sorry. For now, enjoy my favorite J-Pop group NiziU.

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  • 76 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXIV

    Hey, y’all. Been a few months. Whoever reads this, just wanted to show I’m not dead yet. Do you know NMIXX? You should.

    Right. Now, where was I? Oh, I’m sure I’ll figure it out below the jump.

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  • 97 weeks
    Random Rambling CDXXIII

    So… Turns out it's been a full year (!) since my last story. I promised a couple stories in between but failed to finish them. But at least I got my annual Mayor Mare story in. Have some Twice as penance.

    More past the jump, if you're willing.

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  • 107 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXII

    Hi. Been awhile. Not sure who's left to read this. I just now realized I accidentally added an "L" on my last 3 posts. Oops. Well, enjoy Sir Elton.

    So, after fixing my screw-up, let's get to the meat of why I'm writing, if you'll pass the jump with me.

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Author's Notes for Mayor's Break Time · 4:31am Jan 22nd, 2016

Thank you for reading Break Time and these notes! Like I said in my previous blog post no one read, I wrote this story as something of a mini-celebration of my first fic on the site, Ponyville Holds An Election. To date, that remains my longest published fic, the only one to break 10,000 words (though nowhere near my most popular). I actually have not read it since shortly after posting it, so I can't say anything as to its quality relative to what I've done since.

Break Time was written in just a couple of days. While I could – and probably SHOULD – have let it lay for more than a day to smooth it out, I felt I needed to get it posted on the 20th, otherwise what would be the point of writing it in the first place? And yes, I had to end the story with an explosion. Because nothing good can ever happen in Ponyville, right? :derpytongue2:

Anyway, my headcanon for this series has always been that Mayor Mare doesn't like Twilight, considers her something of a usurper… and felt that way even before her Alicornication – you're not going to see many if any "Princess Twilight" stories from me, for the record. But considering Twilight's canonical tendency to step in and take over, it makes sense to me that the mayor and Spike would be able to find common ground in complaining about her and would use that to forge an unlikely friendship. Also, the idea of Apple Bloom innocently making moonshine is intrinsically hilarious to me.

Consider yourselves lucky. Before publication, I cut a long-winded rant from the Mayor about Twilight and the Canterlot Nobility because it didn't really take the story anywhere and I wasn't able to get Spike to stop the derailment.

Report Soufriere · 403 views · Story: Mayor's Break Time · #author notes
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