• Member Since 22nd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2023


Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, because there's bugger-all down here on Earth.


This story is a sequel to Making Equestria Something or Other Again

How long was Mayor Mare out-cold? No one really knows. But what we can say is that the world has changed quite a bit and she needs bringing up to speed. Fortunately, her friends are there to do it. Also Discord served as the interim mayor of Ponyville for some reason.

Rated "T" for flippant and callous discussion of death and alcohol.

Chapters (1)

The Wagon-Wheel Rally, one of the largest events of its kind in Equestria, has decided after two decades to move to Trottingham due to construction in Ponyville. Supporters are furious and decide to take it out on a hungover Mayor Meyer Mare, who treats them with her usual brand of (dis)respect.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer wakes up to discover she has been out for several years and the world has moved on without her in an unpleasant direction. Is Sunset ready to start her new life? Of course not. Neither, for that matter, is the Author.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Home Is Where The Sanity Isn't

Ponyville's train station, having lain in ruins for years, is finally repaired. Mayor Mare shows up, hung over (of course) to give a speech, but the crowd has other grievances on their mind. So does she. Both involve an impending tribunal in Canterlot.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Octavia Melody Rejects A Burrito

After what feels like five years, Sonata Dusk finally feels like she has the means, financially and psychologically, to buy Sunset Shimmer a burrito as penance for the one she stole. But before she can do that, she discovers living in the nexus isn't always pleasant.

Cover art (for now?) by Light262

Final Planned Entry in the Burritoverse. Dedicated to MythrilMoth (RIP)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Trip To The Border

After what feels like months or even years, Mayor Mare, Raven, Apple Bloom, and Spike are back in Ponyville, hopefully for good. This is the story of a well-earned but failed denouement, for the world is not content to allow Ponyville's mayor to drink in peace. Not yet.

My annual Mayor Mare story. Thanks for five years!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Sasha

Low-resolution cardboard cutouts of her friends speaking like computers. Shipping that stops before it can start. Random explosions. Nicolas Cage. Bakeries and Burgers. This is the world Sunset Shimmer finds herself in. She handles it surprisingly well.

Based on EQUESTRIA GIRLS by ZXInsanity, Blarghalt, and Jake Whyman

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Sasha

What can I say? It's a rewrite of the Happy Holidays comic with details altered to fit the continuity of my early Recovery Arc and Burritoverse entries. The only reason I made this at all is because it's necessary to set up a later, more important, story. I hope you'll enjoy anyway. Obligatory Guide Link.

PS: This is set between the first two EQG movies (one of many things I "fixed").

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Sci-Twi Analyzes A Burrito

It's been well over a week since the Siren Sisters went their separate ways. Things have not been working out for Aria Blaze since then. Famished, she enters a certain burrito-selling establishment where she encounters a man who would be king. Things go downhill from there.

Part of the Burritoverse.

NOTE: This is a from-the-ground-up Rewrite of my June 2016 story of the same name.
Still rated "T" due to Aria's foul mouth.

Cover Art by AmarthGul. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sonata Dusk Ruins A Burrito

Having been invited out to eat by Vinyl Scratch, Octavia reluctantly enters the Burrito Barn. Inside, she finds that she has managed to enter a land of confusion.

This story is part of the Burritoverse.

Chapters (1)