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Empirical Deduction

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  • 124 weeks
    Still alive for now; now accepting donations & comissions.

    Hello everyone.

    For all those who have been waiting years for the next chapter, and for all those who are just tuning in: thank you for reading. I'm really glad that my silly little stories are something you enjoy. I'm also quite sorry that it has taken so very long for this chapter; I've not been the most prompt poster from the start, but this is a new level.

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  • 242 weeks
    And On it Goes

    Well, I've finally caught up and just watched the last episodes. At long last, I don't have to work to dodge spoilers anymore! And I'm...content, I think. I rather liked it; they played to form, had some fun with their bad guys, and had mad shipping in the epilogue because why not? I'm going to be a little wistful for a little while, but honestly I think this was going out well.

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  • 257 weeks
    Update when.

    Without going into too many details, settling into a new position and a new city took more out of me than I thought. Right when I thought things were settling down, new aspects of my project rose up and demanded that I deal with them. Still, I'm about as happy as can be expected; it's work right at the intersection between my experience and the field I want to break into. I'm having to learn

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  • 308 weeks
    Staying Existential

    Hello everyone; I've got two quick announcements.

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  • 335 weeks
    And Now for Something Completely Different...

    For anyone who noticed In an Effort to Stay Evil and thought "hey, didn't this guy say he'd be doing a Dr. Strangelove crossover next?" the answer is yes - and I still am. I just found myself inspired, and decided to bang the first chapters of this out first.

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A first, a question. · 12:22am Jan 14th, 2016

So, I've finally put metaphorical pen to paper and published my first fic, "We Can Do This Forever". The idea for it occurred to me at a certain moment in the Season Five finale a few months back, and since then I've been debating with myself about actually trying to write and post it. Thanks in no small part to the encouragement (and proofreading) of a good friend, here it is. It's a short little "what if" story, but it's mine and I'm kind of proud of it.

What I wasn't expecting is the warm reception it has received so far; I've been tickled pink all day as I've read the comments and seen the likes and favorites grow. It's been heartwarming to see all the positive feedback, and interesting to see discussions crop up about different aspects. I can't sufficiently describe my surprise when I noticed it in the featured box!

To all of you who have read and enjoyed it, thank you!

Of course, that leaves me with a question with regards to this story: "What now?"

There are many possible ways the story could go from here. Indeed, a part of me wants to flip the story to "Complete" and leave what comes next to the imagination of the reader; the friend that helped me proof it suggested as much as well. On the other hand, moving forward Starlight could say "yes", she could say "no", or she could say nothing at all. To be honest, I'm not decided on which one seems more likely, much less how things would play out after that. Thanks to that, another part of me wants to write several endings (or at least alternate endings or "omake", if I decide to go with one).

Since I'm probably going to be undecided for a bit, any feedback on this topic would be appreciated. And thanks again for taking the time to read.

Comments ( 13 )

I'd say that as it is now, it has to be continued. You could simply edit a few of the final lines, and leave the rest of it up to the audience, but you can't leave like it is now and not publish another chapter.

As for which of the three endings to do, (Vague, yes or no) I have no preference. I would recommend you write out at least rough drafts of all three before deciding which to go with. Or just post all three.

More. And good job so far.

It's complete as it is, and very well-done. Maybe you could continue it with just as high quality (and I hope you can!), but I've seen several excellent one-shots spoiled by a poorer continuation.

So - especially since you don't have any clear plans what comes next - I'd recommend flipping it to "complete" and publishing what comes next as a sequel. Or several sequels.

Personally? I would consider it complete as it is. It's a little open ended, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it enabled readers' imaginations to come up with so much more. The writing itself was rather solid and enjoyable. Furthermore, I'm not entirely certain what more you could do with it. Yes, you can explore Starlight's reaction to Twilight never giving up and that would be an interesting enough read on its own, but, well it gets rather predictable at that point. Either Starlight gives up and everything proceeds as normal, or she slowly withers away until she can't fight on.

What you have right now just feels complete.

Still, it's your story. Do what you want with it. Hell, there's probably many other directions I haven't even thought of yet.

If you originally didn't have plans to continue the story, then why the lack of a proper closure and being tagged as [Incomplete]?

I think you should write it as one of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books all of the ideas you have for how it could go, that way the readers can choose what happens.
But that's just me, and I'm saying this under the assumption that there's only going to be one more chapter.

I'm surprised to hear the fic wasn't a complete thing by itself. It felt very complete when I read it. I feel like the story works best left open ended.

Personally, I'm in favour of simply putting it down as complete. I think it works well as it is and there's really not much of anywhere else you can go with that concept. Adding anything more would just be continuation for the sake of continuation.

If you do write another chapter, I'll be interested in reading it, but the story does work as is.

I think this works perfectly as-is.

Regardless of the interpretation on Twilight's immortality (even following with the tweet that she won't outlive her friends is meaningless here because this is before they would die anyways, in a time loop) she still has the conviction, and I think that's what matters. It isn't important what Starlight says, because the story will, in anyone's mind, end how they want it to. Adding mroe may just elave people dissatisfied with the alteration.

Whilst I could take this as the end and let my imagination take it from here I'd much rather see where you can take it from here, even if you only wrote single-chapter multiple endings that'd be nice. On the other hand if you'd rather go ahead and flip it to complete then I only ask that you give the scene a greater sense of finality, not quite so much as and Ending but more like the break in conversation where one party decides to think on it; having the spell end and send twilight back is one way I can see this happening.

In the end I'll be happy either way to have read it but I'd prefer if you continued it.

I think it'd be best to leave it as-is. Just because ponies think they want more doesn't mean they do. It seems to me like the story already says what you wanted it to say.

That said, don't stop writing. And you might want to check out The Writeoff Association. :raritywink: At least for the next Writeoff which will be MLP themed (every other writeoff is).

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