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David Silver

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To Dark or not to dark? · 4:21am Dec 15th, 2015

I'm not sure I want to carry through with this. Could I? I think so, but I'm not sure I'd enjoy it at all. I just enjoy lighter stories. Even when I'm pummeling Silver back and forth, the characters involved are generally nicer, and get their comeuppance. Heck, Silver's still alive, complaining about his lot in life.

Someone who just plan murders people? There is no apology that makes a dead person not dead. I feel odd writing from such a perspective.

Maybe I'm being sensitive?

Comments ( 32 )

I'll just say to you the same thing I say to people who complain about how tedious, grindy, and painful a Genocide run is - if you want that bad ending, you have to EARN it.


I feel the same way, that sometimes an author needs to remember they have a conscience.

Still, you did a pacifist run, now for the no mercy one.

rhyming skills gg

The protagonist is clearly correct about it being a videogame, since he already restarted from a checkpoint once. You could think of it that way.

If it is going to bug you I would advise not going that route. As it has been stated you have done the pacifist play through. The question I have is why you wanted to do the more violent play through? I understand it comes from the game but from your writing style you never seem to favor the dark stuff.

Personally, I've never liked stories where the protagonist was the bad guy; you're implicitly on their side when you read a story from their perspective. Much more so when you're the writer. Since you use an intuitive style of writing, you would have to make yourself a bad guy to write a bad guy protagonist. Worst case, you succeed, best case, you have no fun.

My preference would be that you write the story that you want to write and have fun with.

If you want to experiment with darker feelings that's all well and good, but if you have to FORCE yourself to write it, what is the profit in that?

That said, if you do decide to dabble in darker writing, I feel that you have the storytelling skills to at least make it interesting and I'd give it a read, even if darkfics are not to my personal taste (haven't read Cupcakes and never intend to). After all, there is plenty of darkness in our world as it is, I hardly need to go looking for more.

Would you be taking Silver Stars into this darker fiction or would it be a separate narrative?

Only write something dark if you're comfortable with doing so.

*grumbles all the way grillby's*

in the end it will be your choice but after following most all of you story's you have always hade a dark time or too in them but over all you have steered away from the dark areas.
I guess the question is how do you feel about it?
Harts Fire

You can do it David! Evil is not an easy choice (nor should it be), but I have faith that you've got the stomach for it. Just reach down past your heart to your guts, and try to hold them down from vomiting out your mouth-hole (gods I GOTTA play this game, you should totally write game comercials....wait....you sorta do). The Cult of the Unspeakable Pinkie Pie hovers in the shimmering darkness waiting for this. I won't hold the Night Watch fan art hostage (that'll be be done in a couple of days, ink takes time and I only draw on the train to stop myself from jumping in front of the train). So giggle at the ghosties, grab a fork and eat a brain, and SMILE, SMILE, SMILE! The laughing abyss awaits us all. You're most evilest fan has ultimate faith that you can do this. I was holding out, waiting to read these stories untill I'd played the actual game, but potential spoilers be damned to the laughing pit, I'm diving in. :pinkiehappy:

3619634 Oh, totally different story, one that was already written in a much more positive light. I put it down for now.

3619747 There's a big difference in 'can' and 'want'. I wrote the first chapter already, and it ended in a perfect little cliffhangery moment, so I can just leave it there.

3619967 Well, if it's not fun for you, then you should stop and write something else. I'm all about some peer presure (obviously), but you should write stories that are fun for you. Really enjoying Roots of Stone, BTW. Off topic, but worth saying. :pinkiecrazy:

I've said it before, but I think you could write a Geonocide if you wanted to, and I'd love to see what the alternate timeline would be like. However, it's completely your decision, and I understand if you don't want to.

If you aren't certain you should write a one-shot test fic to see how you feel about it.

3622163 That's exactly what I did.

3622168 Oh. I thought that plan of yours was going to be a full story.

Well, you already did the test, and it's clear you don't like it, so you aren't cut out for dark.

Okay, I actually finished Undertale and er... watched a No Mercy run.

The only thing I'll say about it is... the No Mercy run is where you see the inhabitants of the underworld at their absolute best. The ending is dire and depressing as heck, but many of the major characters do things that are super impressive.

But, it's from the perspective of the bad guy, rather than the underworld monsters in their heroism, so I don't blame you for not wanting to go through with it. I didn't in the main game.

Also the whole run and the ending is meta as heck, and I'm not sure what the analogue would be in text.

3634164 Yeah, I just didn't want to continue from the view of chara/unnamed human dude. I like how the positive one came out. I feel I blended the themes of Undertale with the world of Equestria successfully. Have you read that one? I'd love your input.

Not yet. It's halfsies why I was interested in Undertale (Second reason is I learned it was produced by Toby Fox and know his music is awesome. The game didn't disappoint in terms of music.)

3634191 He did an amazing job with the game.

Well... the postmodern metaplot can be pretty unimmersive. Same thing with the combat that's you turning into a tiny heart/SOUL and dodging attack. How exactly does that work? What am I doing? The game is reminding me I'm pressing keys on a screen, even with the justification that it's just how combat works and how it happens for everyone...

Also the bullet dodging is rather easy.

Also the pixel art ranges from rather nice to ugly.

But the music is Grade A, and the story outside of the metaplot's pretty good, and the multiple paths, especially for such a small game, is pretty good too.

3634455 It never really dragged me out of the game, kicking and screaming. I got to the neutral ending, then did what I had to get the maxplus ending, then never touched it again, happy for the experience. I do listen to the music though.

So, I've joked about genocide runs in the original story several times, but now that you're questioning doing a much less friendly version of the story, here's what I say you should do:

Do you want to continue it? Then do it.
Do you not feel comfortable continuing it? Then don't.

That being said, I think it would be a shame to let the genocide run sit on an early cliffhanger, so, if you absolutely don't want to ever touch it again, the way I see it, why not hand it over to me to write, then? After all, your hands will be clean, then :)

But seriously I'm willing to continue it if you don't want to, just give me the word.

3639625 Take it, take it and run as far as your muse allows.

Will do, partner.
Also are you alright with the fic getting moved onto my account, because I feel like that would make it easier on everyone should I continue it

3640452 Is that best? I could link to it yours from here?

I was thinking straight-up moving the story onto my account, which would make everything easier for both of us, since I wouldn't have to send any and all updates directly through you and it would make it easier to pull some cool meta-writing techniques I want to try out. The thing is, I remember seeing something about that being mentioned a while ago in the FAQ/Rules, but I can't seem to find it now, so I'm currently waiting on word back from the mods themselves.

3641092 No no, I mean you write the story, on your account, and I use this space to point to it in chapter 2.

Oh, yeah, sure, I can do that. Though, honestly, I was hoping to rewrite the first chapter a little bit, since, while it certainly fits the tone of a genocide run, it feels a little bit... rushed, I guess. After all, in the game, the effects of a genocide run aren't actually seen until you clear your first area of monsters, so I think it would fit a little better if the murder took a little while to get started.

Just a thought, though, just letting you get a glimpse inside my ideas for this.

3641612 Stop talking, and start writing. Want to re-write the first chapter? I won't stop you. I can't stop you, when it comes down to it, but I wouldn't stop you. Just knowing I inspired someone makes me happy. Once it's posted up, give me a link and I'll point at that bad boy.

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