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Brony God


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I am boycotting the new Star Wars movie · 11:29am Nov 11th, 2015

Yes that's right I am boycotting Disney's non canonical bastardisation of a Star Wars movie for many reasons. I am so fed up with Disney's abuse towards the Star Wars fandom ever since they took over the Star Wars franchise :twilightangry2: First they shut down Lucasarts and cancelling many star Wars games that were in development. Then they declared 30 years of the Star Wars expended universe to be non canon in order to make their politically correct fanfics to be canon and that is what the new Star Wars trilogy is BTW. I heard that in the new movie Han Solo never got together with Princess Leia and he dies in the movie and Luke Skywalker turns to the Dark Side somehow and become that poor man's Darth Vader with the weird lightsaber :facehoof: I was sitting on the fence of whether or not to watch the new movie until I heard that Disney decided to pander to SJWs and ban all merchandise of Princess Leia in her slave outfit from Return Of The Jedi and may be thinking about editing out her slave outfit in the next edition of Return Of the Jedi and putting her in a CGI burka :pinkiesick: You heard me Disney is catering to the very same heterophobic freaks who drove that fanfic artist to attempted suicide from my previous blog The depravity of SJWs knows no boundaries. Because of this I would not go and spend money to watch the new movie. Anyone who actually cares about the original Star Wars trilogy or just human decency please do not give money to Disney on anything especially on the new movie. However I would recommend that you go and buy anything with slave outfit Princess Leia while they are still in stock. Disney needs to pay for this and the only way that they can is that if the new Star Wars movie flops in the box office. We Star Wars fans are no longer will tolerate Disney's horrible treatment towards us because we have a thing called "Self Respect" and we are not just cash cows/talking toilet bowls. For those who agree with me please make blogs about what Disney has done and how we can send a message to Disney that we will vote with our wallets for it is our right as consumers to whether or not to continue purchasing their products. Once Disney takes notice that their new Star Wars movie has flopped and merchandise sales has dropped except for anything that has slave outfit Princess Leia, they have to think twice before pandering to SJWs because it would lead to financial losses and alienations of their target audiences. And here is a video that shows what Disney is doing to the Star Wars fandom right now in a nutshell

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Comments ( 151 )

What is great about Star Wars is that it is fiction, you can make up any headcanon you like.

Though, seeing as it is apparently the only space based fiction out there, you clearly have to love it and nothing else.

3535423 Oh I forgot to include this video in my blog because it shows what Disney is doing to the star Wars fandom in a nutshell :facehoof:

3535428 What do you think about that video in the blog?

3535430 Funny but true

3535436 So what do you think about what I said in my blog?

3535438 That is a nice gif

3535444 you certainly have point

It looks like you got a lot of bullshit to clean up!

I am so fed up with Disney's abuse towards the Star Wars fandom ever since they took over the Star Wars franchise

Hrm. How was it abused?

First they shut down Lucasarts and cancelling many star Wars games that were in development.


Then they declared 30 years of the Star Wars expended universe to be non canon in order to make their politically correct fanfics to be canon and that is what the new Star Wars trilogy is BTW.

Uh, sir...refer to the sentence atop this comment. Or watch how Trevor Noah handled the story of how a Black man was cast in a Star Wars role. His comedic reaction to that holds more truth in it.

I heard that in the new movie Han Solo never got together with Princess Leia and he dies in the movie and Luke Skywalker turns to the Dark Side somehow and become that poor man's Darth Vader with the weird lightsaber :facehoof:

No comment.

I was sitting on the fence of whether or not to watch the new movie until I heard that Disney decided to pander to SJWs and ban all merchandise of Princess Leia in her slave outfit from Return Of The Jedi and may be thinking about editing out her slave outfit in the next edition of Return Of the Jedi and putting her in a CGI burka

SJW is a derogatory term to describe people who do the right thing for minorities. Would you describe Sesame Street folks as SJWs for using social lessons in its curriculum? Also, in 1964, there was this Christmas special with Rudolph in it. It promoted diversity, so would you accuse the folks who made it of being ''SJW''s?

You heard me Disney is catering to the very same heterophobic freaks who drove that fanfic artist to attempted suicide from my previous blog The depravity of SJWs knows no boundaries.

In that blog post, you have displayed absolutely 0 respect for anything except pushing an agenda not unlike the one such websites as Stormfront would be known for pushing. You're right about the fact that they had no reason to drive the artist depicted in the linked blog post to attempted suicide, but they were kind of right about her drawing and overabuse of the two words in the fanfic. After a set of death threats were issued to Amy Keating Rogers based on her Pinkie Pie character writing in ''Filli Vanilli'', SuperPinkBrony12 pointed out that though what Rogers did to the character was wrong, nothing ANYBODY does, quite frankly, merits death threats.


Somebody once said that I acted like Chris Chan at one point. His type of behaviour, I'll say, is being displayed here.

I have to admit that i've never been one for the movies... Cuz i've never entirely seen them (not saying they're bad, they're awesome, i'm just not a big fan... I honestly dunno why myself), but that is some major bullshit... What surprised me the most is that George fucking Lucas agreed to this shit :facehoof:
However... I am one for the classic LucasArts games. And... FUCK DISNEY UP ITS ASS FOR SHUTTING THEM DOWN!

This is an easy decision for me since I was thinking of not watching it, anyway, since it's so radically different from the Lucas movies. At least from the trailers I've seen it looks like a real dog. I think, perhaps, Disney may be in for a real wake-up call when the final box-office tallies come in. I can't imagine any die hard Star Wars fans wasting money on this thing.

A huge clue as to how Disney sterilizeed the whole franchise can be seen in the series Star Wars: Rebels. Although the characters have their moments they're pretty bland and boring, lack the same spark of character and personality that Lucas wrote into the characters that he created.

If Disney uses the same formula for the movie that they used for Rebels then it'd be better to stay home and watch the original Spielberg movies.


Though, seeing as it is apparently the only space based fiction out there...

Wait... You're kidding, right? Did you forget Star Trek? Babylon 5? (You can't get any more space based than that!) Farscape? Nope! Star Wars isn't the only one by a long shot.

3535660 They never finished Farscape.

3535447 Thanks:twilightsmile:

3535459 Wow you are fucking idiot:facehoof: And you censoring the word bullshit only makes you look like the nasally voiced mouse that you really are. SJWs don't care about anything except for bullying people into censorship and nothing more. These crazy people defended ISIS for God's sake. SJWs promote hate speech such as heterophobia and they are no better than the Westboro Baptist Church literally. These are the same people who killed Derpy Hooves for 2 seasons. If SJWs get their way movies like Disney's Fantasia would be banned because of the naked fairies in the Nutcracker Suite segment and MLP FIM would be cancelled because they made a SJW named Starlight Glimmer a villain. Get you head out of your ass right now. Poor Man's Star Wars Episode VII The Farce Awakens is going to be a very shitty movie just like that Jem And The Holograms movie.

3535463 Disney is no better than Konami.

3535581 I heard very bad things about that Rebels show.

3535706 He is incapable of learning because according to him learning is imperialist, racist, and misogynist.


Actually, they did finish Farscape with a follow-up movie that explained what happened to Crichton and Aeryn after they were seemingly vaporized in a boat. Fan outcry was so strong after they'd left the series hanging like that they were forced by public opinion to make the follow-up movie. You might want to check it out, you might find it entertaining.

You might also like to know that there's a new Farscape movie in the works although I have no idea when production's due to start on it.

3536405 That's the same thing that happened to Firefly.


I heard very bad things about that Rebels show.

Actually, my family and I have been watching it and it's not all that bad except that it just doesn't have the same feel to it as the George Lucas creations such as Star Wars: Clone Wars which, incidentally, had an absolutely awesome episode where Yoda and Dooku fought it out with Lightsabers. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see the likes of those kinds of exciting episodes or that kind of thrilling special effects ever again now that Dis(may)ny has taken it over and reduced it all to pure vanilla blandness. You'd think they could have done the decent thing and made it French vanilla at least.


You know... Now that you mention it, it is! I have to admit, though, I'd started watching Firefly but got through only a few episodes before I was so bored by it that I just stopped watching it so I never saw the actual cliff-hanger ad follow-up movie for that, even though I was vaguely aware of what'd happened.

3536459 Its a more realistic scifi, but also a western in disguise so its kinda slow but the humor and characters pick up after a few episodes in.

3536311 Naah. Disney was Konami before it was cool. (Disney shut em down like a year ago)
Anyway... That Jesse guy... It seems as though he's an SJW apologist. Hmm... I wonder where he was on your last blog?

I can agree it was more realistic but, all things considered, reality can be pretty boring. :rainbowlaugh:


a western in disguise

does sum it up very nicely.

3536439 Well I'll definitely will avoid Star Wars Rebels because if it does not have the Lucasfilm fell to it then it is not really Star Wars.

3536503 I wonder that too.

3537390 Do you know him from before, or is this your first time seeing him? Just wondering.

3537408 I don't know him much. I have seen him before and he is a Grade A Asshole with the capitol A. I don't know why he followed me in the first place though

3537418 Does he still follow you? Cuz... That's kinda counter-productive. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just a troll. Then again, knowing SJWs...

3537422 All SJWs are trolls. I'll block Jesse. Oh I just checked his account and he is following Ryouku The Creative. You got to warn him about Jesse.

3537426 Well, a troll would imply he doesn't actuaply think what he's saying. I'm guessing some SJWs do. And i'll try to tell him

3537429 Good. Tell him to block that creep

3537429 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but in blocking Jesse your denying his opinion. I'm not saying either of your opinions are right or wrong I just think you should allow people to have their own opinion. And I'm not trying to start a fight.

3537502 ... Scoots, he can have his opinion. We're not taking that away from him. But at the same time, don't we have the right to not have his opinion plastered in our face? For example, if you see a Ku Klux clansman telling you how you should kill black people, would you listen him out, or just get the fuck out of there? He'll still have his opinion, you just won't have to listen to his crazy non-sensical babble.
3537433 You agree with what i told Scoots?


don't we have the right to not have his opinion plastered in our face?

Is that not what this blog is?

3538009 Yes, but i actually WANT to view Monarchy's opinion. He's my friend, and he's intelligent enough for me to respect it. Jesse, on the other hand... Not so much. And that makes it so that listening to the clansman would be something you may want to do, if you're into racism. But, seeing as you're sane and rational, you won't want to, now will you? Just as me and Monarchy don't wanna listen to that ass of a man.

3538009 Yes, but i actually WANT to view Monarchy's opinion. He's my friend, and he's intelligent enough for me to respect it. Jesse, on the other hand... Not so much. And that makes it so that listening to the clansman would be something you may want to do, if you're into racism. But, seeing as you're sane and rational, you won't want to, now will you? Just as me and Monarchy don't wanna listen to that ass of a man.

3538009 Jesse believes in an ideology that is all about censorship and shutting down other people's opinions. This is the guy who sided with those crazies in the Steven Universe fandom who drove that fanfic artist to attempted suicide. If I went to express my opinion in Jesse's blog, he WILL block me. So I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine since he would love to kick me out of Fimfiction alongside with everybody else who disagree with him. You are a quite the hypocrite to say that I can't express my opinion but Jesse can. You clearly are trying to start a fight here.

3538006 Yes I agree with you.

I'm not saying either of your opinions are right or wrong


3538358 Are you sure that you are not Jesse using an alternate account?

3538372 Really? :rainbowhuh: Ask Bosnian and Ryuku and my girlfriend Rainbow FlutterDash plus I'm British not American.

3538386 Really? But you sure are more on Jesse's side than with mine. Here is the difference between a blog like mine and comments like Jesse's. A blog is published for anyone who is interested into looking at it. But a comment however is directly at one or more people with the absolute expectation of a reply back.

3538395 I'm not on anyone's side and I can 100% assure you I'm not Jesse. As i said I don't want to start a fight, I just think everyone should be able to express their own opinion. I'm sorry if I offended you. But please ask Ryuku about me he will say I'm a nice guy.

3538395 I can tell ya Scoots ain't Jesse... Why he's defending him though, i can't.

3538405 I believe that you are not Jesse but you are not a nice person either. You showed whose side you supported by attacking me. It is very clear that you are a SJW just like your friend Jesse. Since I don't trust you, I am going to permanently block you too.

3538414 That's because he is a SJW that's why.

3538554 I'm guessing he thinks he's not at fault for you blocking him... He shoulda quit when he was proven wrong. And he says he doesn't wanna start a fight...

3538554 Scoots is a nice guy ProMonarch. It's just one opinion but if you get to know him he really is an awesome guy

3538588 I know right. He is such a dumbass.

3538769 That one opinion spoke volumes of what kind of person he really is and he strikes me as a condescending, two faced hypocrite who had the audacity to insult the intelligence of me and The Bosnian Brony. Scoots is the very kind of person I don't around me.

3538769 Ryuku... Just don't, okay? It was his fault for not quitting when he was done. I mean, i talked to him, explained everyrhing to him, and when he was proven wrong, he kept on going. And doesn't the fact rhat he asks other people to say how awesome he is, despite him being an ass, speak volumes about how he really is?


Yes, but i actually WANT to view Monarchy's opinion.

So all you want is a bunch of yes men circlejerking you and making you "feel good," and anything that threatens this world view is obviously flawed and not worth hearing out. It's not enough that you don't like his opinion, you actively don't want him to be allowed to voice it.

It's one thing to block someone who's unconstructive and actively harmful, but Jesse was not being unconstructive or harmful in this case. I know him, by the way, and he was doing better here than in most places I see. He voiced a dissenting opinion, and now you're apparently very much against that, to the point where you and Monarchy only want your fellow yes men to voice their opinions.

Just sayin'. There's lots of novel and original opinions, and yours and Monarchy's are no more valid than Jesse's. He's got just as much right as you to speak here.


Jesse believes in an ideology that is all about censorship and shutting down other people's opinions.

So you're censoring him and shutting down his opinions in retaliation? No, no, I wouldn't call that hypocritical. :raritywink: Showing how much you disapprove of someone's ideology by adopting that ideology just doesn't seem quite right. As if you secretly approve of it.

I also don't understand what you've got going with SJWs. Perchance, do you wear a tin foil hat on weekdays? No? Just Tumblr? My God, he's too far gone.

I lol'd.

3540310 ... Yeah, methinks you're too far gone. You actually think SJWs contribue to society.
I can't believe i'm even trying to reason with you using an analogy, but here goes.
Say, for instance, you were in a fanclub, or fan forum, talking about something related to a fandom built specifically for talking about that fandom, say, the brony fandom, seeing as you're obviously a part of it.
And imagine, for instance, a person started saying, inside that thing meant for bronies, how all bronies are pussy ass faggots that deserve to die, and who will never budge from that position. His argument is already faulty and disproven, but he keeps claiming it anyway. Would you like to listen to his opinion?
See, the fact of the matter is, SJWs are proven asshole. I urge you to take a gander at Monarchy's blog before this one. Look at the video. Then look at some other videos by this guy. Now, the guy isn't the only one that makes videos proving how faulty SJWs and their mindset is, but i don't have all day.
But i'll just leave you with this.
Why do big time atheist refuse to debate evolution and the earth being round (cuz that's something that people still can't accept is true nowadays apprently)? Because those are facts.
Now i ask you. Why do people not want to debate and just block SJWs and SJW supporters? Because SJW are FACTUALLY incorrect! And they are FACTUALLY online bullies! And if not... Prove me erong. They have factually bullied people to suicide, and to consider suicide, and they have factually contributed nothing to society other than vensoring things they don't agree with... Even though it makes no fucking sense. I mean, seriously? Using "man" and "dude" is reason enough to bully people to SUICIDE? To END A PERSON'S LIFE!? If you seriously say you agree with this, then just call the police and turn yourself in already. I think you've killed enough people that said "hi" to you on the street.

Replace "SJW" with "the government" in your post. In addition to bringing to light your difficulties with the English language, it's illustrative of the mentality. SJWs aren't some crisis, like gas prices or global warming. I'm advocating a realistic outlook on this, not witch-burning.

You've got this whole ideology of, "If you're not with us, you're against us." I never said I agree with SJW mentality, only that you're blowing the influence of a group of people way out of proportion. That you think I even agree with their opinions, or disagree with yours, is illustrative of how little you're picking up on here.

Apart from the obvious comment on censorship, the witch-burning of SJWs in Monarch's blog is pretty ridiculous. You guys ought to find more productive things to do with your time than hate on a group of people who are more annoying than anything else. They won't go away if you pay attention to them.

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