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  • 4 weeks
    Updates: Book and Stories

    Hello folks, I wanted to give everyone some updates.

    On the book printing front, I’m pleased to say that things are moving ahead. The most significant piece of art for the story has been completed and we’re only waiting now for the cover art to be complete. Thank you so much for your patience.

    Pre-orders are still open if anyone wishes to grab a print copy of “Rainbooms and Royalty.”

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  • 12 weeks
    Rainbooms and Royalty Preorder Post

    Hello. I wanted to post an update to keep people who pre-ordered the print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty in the loop. I'm still awaiting some art from the book, once it's in-hand I'll place the print orders. Thank you again for your continued patience.

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  • 22 weeks
    Rainboms and Royalty Print Run: UPDATE

    Hello folks! It's July 1st, the date I asked folks to pay their pre-orders for the print copy by. I've gotten around 19 pre-orders so far and am waiting to receive payment from two.

    Now, to make clear: pre-orders are NOT closed. You can still order now if you haven't already.

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  • 26 weeks
    Rainboom and Royalty Print Copy Pre-Order Status Update

    Hello there!

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  • 27 weeks
    UPDATES: New Fics and Print Run Pre-Orders

    Hello one and all! Today is my 40th birthday and to celebrate, I'm giving you all some presents!

    First up, two new stories!

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Dashverse Updates and Question/Answer · 2:09am Oct 23rd, 2015

Hello faithful readers. I thought I'd give you all a heads up about current plans and goals.

I haven't been sitting idle since completing "Wedding Bells Bug Hunt." I'm working on a couple of smaller, slice-of-life stories set at various points in the Dashverse continuity. These stories will give some time and attention to not just Rainbow Dash, but the other members of the Mane Six, to showcase how they're similar and different than their show-canon selves. One is about half-way completed and another is starting up. I hopefully plan to publish at least the first chapters of each within a few weeks' time.

But to tide over any of you who simply cannot wait any longer, I'll be doing a question/answer bit here in my journal about any questions any of you have about any of my Dashverse stories, completed or planned. I won't give any blatant spoilers for anything not yet written, but I might drop a hint here or there. I'll answer any questions I get up until Halloween, when I'll showcase a sneak preview of another, more major, upcoming Dashverse story. And yes, the date is significant and relates to what I'll be sharing. That's all I'll say on the subject.

Other plans in the works include me revisiting "Rainbooms and Royalty" and fixing some spelling/grammar mistakes. There are a few continuity issues I want to clarify and just generally improve the quality of the writing. There shouldn't be any significant changes, though I'll add a note at the end should anyone be curious and not want to re-read the entire story.

My good friend Chengar Qordath, author of the Winningverse and the definitive fan-identity of Cloud Kicker, has worked up a short little story Cloud Kicker taking Twilight out on a date in a side-story to Dashverse. Keep your eyes peeled for when he posts it, and then follow him for all his other stories.

Thanks again for reading!

Report Trinary · 738 views · Story: Rainbooms and Royalty · #Dashverse
Comments ( 32 )

First of all this is fantastic news, the Dashverse is one of my favorite series on the site and I look forward to whatever new bits are ahead.

1. Have the gargoyles begun to spread out over Equestria now that Princess Luna has been back for awhile?

2. Did Rainbow Dash have any friends/acquaintances in Canterlot or was it really only Princess Celestia and her tag buddies the Royal Guard?

3. Would Tanks for the Memories happen at all due to Rainbow Dash having more edu-ma-cation or would she try issuing a royal proclamation that winter has been canceled?

1- Is Dash going to follow Twilight and become a Alicorn?

2- Discord is still going to be reformed

3- Dash is going to get a castle?

Any way 'A Camping We Will Go" will ever have a update? Its one of my favorite MacDash stories ever!

I think I remember it basically being confirmed that this was the case, but are Gargoyles effectively the Batponies of your universe?

Good to hear you're still among the writing. :)

1. Is Trixie ever gonna come back?

Awesome, I love your stories and some Q&A would be sweet.

1 - What has become of Spike since Twilight hatched him and will he be making any future appearances?

2 - Being that Dash grew up in Canterlot, has she had any extended time with the Wonderbolts, as she has likely attended Grand Galloping Gala's and other events they would be required to make appearances at?

3 - We have seen hints and teases of possible relationships with Dash and other characters both stallion and mare. Do you have any plans to have Rainbow actually start a relationship or is it all teasing?

4 - What is the significance of Cadance being a unicorn rather then an alicorn or a Pegasus (as the books have suggested she was prior to ascension)?

5 - Will Sombra make an further appearances or is his crystallization the last we will see of him?

6 - What age level difference is there between Ditzy and Dash?

Interesting. Well, here's a question that's been bugging me for a very long time.

Exactly what role will Sunset Shimmer play in any of your future stories, if any? This is something I've wondered for a long time since watching all of the Equestria Girls movies, and I've wondered what sort of relationship would the two form as past and present students of Celestia. There's just so much potential for them that I would dearly love see explored.

This might just be a half-baked theory as well (as your first story was written before Equestria Girls), but after reading through it, I actually wondered if part of the reason Celestia chose to take on Dash as her student was because of her failure with Sunset. Maybe she decided it would be better to train somepony other than a unicorn so as to avoid the same pitfalls that came with Sunset.

Plus, I want a fight scene of the two throwing down man to man (or mare to mare), which would be even better if Dash actually found herself on the ropes because, well, Sunset's had seemingly about three years of use of the human body and, according to her, she always preferred the hands (hoofs)-on approach to anything (and she proves it throughout the movies by running like the wind, handling a sledgehammer like a baseball bat, and launching herself through the air like a javelin).

Q: I think I remember it basically being confirmed that this was the case, but are Gargoyles effectively the Batponies of your universe?
Q: Have the gargoyles begun to spread out over Equestria now that Princess Luna has been back for awhile?

A: Very glad you asked. I first wrote them as the actual gargoyles of Disney Afternoon fame, but later found that excessively fan-servicey (no, not that kind of fan service!) and instead rewrote it. The gargoyles now are the bat-winged pegasi or batponies. The events of the story haven't changed, but instead of being bipedal guys who can only glide and are voiced by Keith David, they're the batponies we saw in "Luna Eclipsed." Though they may still be voiced by Keith David for your reading pleasure. They're still called gargoyles (among other things) in-story and have some traits in common with the Disney Gargoyles (such as the 1,000-year nap and an aversion to sunlight), but they're no longer literally the Disney gargoyles.

On a related note, removing other bits of excessive fan-service and references to concepts from other non-MLP shows is one of the things I mean to update when I go back over “Rainbooms and Royalty.”

And yes, since they were unfrozen, gargoyle/batponies have spread out and become a more common sight in Equestria. Helping Luna save Canterlot from the Changeling invasion was a big help in dispelling and lingering fears about them.

Q: Did Rainbow Dash have any friends/acquaintances in Canterlot or was it really only Princess Celestia and her tag buddies the Royal Guard?

A: Good question and one I hazard to guess is inspired by “Amending Fences” and the expansion of Twilight’s experiences in Canterlot before the show's start.

Rainbow’s journey, at the risk of stating the obvious, was much different than Twilight’s. Rainbow had a group of friends at flight-camp: Fluttershy, Cloud Kicker and Ditzy/Derpy Doo (maybe Gilda, if I decide to retcon a few changes). But they sort of lost touch after Rainbow Dash went to Canterlot as Celestia’s student. Fluttershy went to Ponyville, Derpy became pregnant and later ended up there as well and Cloud Kicker went to Canterlot to join the royal guard. She and Rainbow reconnected and soon Rainbow had another group of friends in Canterlot: Cloud Kicker, Vinyl Scratch and Trixie. Notably, none of them were among the ranks of the upper class Canterlot elite or were the kids of the elite.

But as time went on she grew more and more frustrated by her failure to repeat the Sonic Rainboom, as well as by her growing impasse with Princess Celestia, Rainbow started focusing less on her friends and more on her training. So she would’ve spent more time around the guards and Shining Armor. Eventually Rainbow and her friends just went their separate ways. Cloud Kicker left guard training and made her way to Ponyville. Trixie went on the road to make her own name as a traveling magician. Vinyl Scratch was still in Canterlot at the time of Cadance’s wedding, but as she was seen as living in Ponyville during “Slice of Life,” I might have her move out to Ponyville at some point as well.

Most of this was mentioned in “May the Best Friends Win” but will be clarified in the updated “Royalty and Rainbooms.”

Q: Would Tanks for the Memories happen at all due to Rainbow Dash having more edu-ma-cation or would she try issuing a royal proclamation that winter has been canceled?

A: That’s a good question! I certainly love Tank (and Owlowiscious too!) and would love to have him appear in Dashverse. The trouble is that arranging for the same circumstances in Dashverse that led to her adopting him in the show would be more than a bit of a contrivance. Even if I chose to just put Tank in a story and explain that he was adopted at some point in the past (“off screen”) feels kinda lazy and ends up coming off as following the canon just for the sake of following the canon. I’m certainly not against including Tank in Dashverse, but it would have to happen in a way that made internal sense and would be to the benefit of the ongoing story.

But granting that he did show up, how would Rainbow react to him hibernating? That’s really hard to say as it's contingent on a number of factors ranging from Rainbow’s education, her devotion and loyalty to her friends (which includes Tank), etc.

On one hand, Rainbow Dash did drop out of school and Celestia (and once in Ponyville, Twilight) took over her education. Dash probably would have fared better working individually with someone she respected and who could tailor her teaching style to accommodate Rainbow than a normal school setting. On the other hand, Rainbow was so focused on her flying that she didn’t get the importance of why Celestia was teaching her science, math, history, etc. and tuned a lot of it out. I write Rainbow as being somewhat better educated than in the show because of Celestia’s hard work and effort (the law of averages say she would’ve had to pick up some of what Celestia imparted). But Rainbow is still Rainbow and isn’t likely to be interested in knowledge unless she sees it as having some sort of practical use in her life. To say the least, the hibernation habits of tortoises is not something she would’ve recalled, and that’s assuming that Celestia would’ve even focused on what kinds of animals undergo hibernation in the first place. Heck, a lot of knowledgeable fans didn’t realize that tortoises hibernated. It’s not even an all-reptile thing since alligators, for instance, don’t hibernate.

The other thing to recall is that hibernation was the show’s way to explore the grieving process without actually killing someone. My stories don’t have those sorts of restrictions, so it’s possible that Dashverse Rainbow may have lost someone at some point in her life and had to learn how to cope with it then. If that were the case, Tank’s hibernation might not have had the same impact that it did in the episode (alternatively, it could be worse as it could remind her of an actual death).

Long story short, there are a lot of ways “Tanks for the Memories” could play out in Dashverse, with Rainbow having the potential to act substantially the same way she did in the episode or act differently. I'm sorry I can't give you a more definitive answer, but I hadn't previously considered this idea and there are a lot of possibilities (maybe even for future stories) that I don't want to foreclose by giving a definitive answer of how she'd act at this time.


Q: Is Dash going to follow Twilight and become a Alicorn?
Q: Dash is going to get a castle?

A: That'd take us into pure spoiler territory. I will say that one of the shorter stories I’m working on will go into further in-depth about the nature of Rainbow Dash and Celestia’s relationship. You can draw your own conclusions from that story once it’s published.

Q: Discord is still going to be reformed

A: Again, spoiler territory.


Q: Any way 'A Camping We Will Go" will ever have a update? Its one of my favorite MacDash stories ever!

A: This isn’t a Dashverse story, but I’ll answer it since I’m sure I’ll get a dozen other people asking if I don’t. However this will be the only question related to that story that I will address. Anyone else looking for information on "Camping" should look to this post.

This is a story that’s really, really hard for me to get back to for several reasons, not the least of which is because it’s so popular that people keep asking me to continue it. When I paused the story it was because I was about to wrap it up and finish it, so thought I could take some time to work on something else. Since then the story has gotten so many requests that I feel like adding one chapter to wrap it up would be a major cop-out. At the same time, I don’t have much by what of ideas for what else to do with the story. Another issue is that this was one of my earliest stories. Since then my writing style has changed, I’ve gotten people who pre-read and edit my stories, and even my outlook on how to characterize and write some of the characters has changed. So it’s hard to take a step backwards in my development to continue writing a character in a manner in a way that fits the rest of “Camping” but I don’t employ in any of my later stories.

I’m not saying that I’ll never work on “Camping” again, but it’s not easy to get back into and additional questions and requests to continue it only make things worse.


Q: Is Trixie ever gonna come back?

A: Indeed she will! As will several other minor Dashverse characters we’ve encountered (or will soon encounter) who are to play a not-insignificant role in the next major story.

3491236 Sorry... I would not mind the next chapter to be the last, I thought that was it was supposed to be.

3491239 Awesome on all accounts. Thanks! :D

Q: What has become of Spike since Twilight hatched him and will he be making any future appearances?

A: To be honest, Spike never really factors much into my considerations, be it in Dashverse or even in the show-canon stories I write. I don't hate him, but...actually that's about it.

As to happened since his hatching, the most I can say is how it differed from the show-canon. I believe it’s been established canonically that Princess Celestia or someone else at the castle oversaw the raising of Spike until some undetermined point where he was sent to Twilight. Since Twilight’s exam in Dashverse was such a fiasco and she did not become Celestia’s pupil, this would not have occurred here. So any relationship between Twilight and Spike, assuming they ever met at all, would be tenuous at best. As to Spike making an appearance, there are no plans for it at this time. So it remains possible, but unlikely.

Q: Being that Dash grew up in Canterlot, has she had any extended time with the Wonderbolts, as she has likely attended Grand Galloping Gala's and other events they would be required to make appearances at?

A: She’s certainly been to a lot of Wonderbolt shows in Canterlot (and elsewhere), more than she would likely have been able to attend than her show-self. It was mentioned in “Wedding Bells Bug Hunt” that Rainbow had attended the Grand Galloping Gala in the past—and did not enjoy it, even despite getting a chance to meet the Wonderbolts. As Celestia’s student, Rainbow Dash couldn't get away with snubbing 95% of the attendees to just chat with the Wonderbolts. It's also likely the Wonderbolts didn't want to be seen as showing Rainbow Dash undo attention or interest for fears of being accused of favoritism, likewise because Rainbow was Celestia's student. One of the upcoming slice of life stories will further explore Rainbow Dash’s past experiences with going to high-class events like the Gala.

Q: We have seen hints and teases of possible relationships with Dash and other characters both stallion and mare. Do you have any plans to have Rainbow actually start a relationship or is it all teasing?

A: Teasing.


You probably wanted more of an answer than that. Alright, I'm sure this will upset some people, but here it is: for a number of reasons, I have no desire to introduce romantic subplots for Rainbow Dash. My goal is to focus on the adventures and friendship between the six heroes (and their family and other friends) and explore how it’s both similar and different from what exists in the show. While I intend to expand on Dashverse a bit so it isn’t such a one-trick pony (with everyone the same except for Rainbow and Twilight) that nevertheless remains the main focus. Providing romantic partners for her wouldn’t assist in that goal. I suppose I’m putting myself in J.R.R. Tolkien’s camp: he didn’t want to introduce romances in Lord of the Rings so he could better focus on the friendships between the protagonists; so people wouldn't ascribe romantic intent to the love that exists between friends, which I don't see as being lesser than bonds based on romantic love. I'm not going to have a cast that's 99% one gender as Tolkien did, but you get the idea.

In my view, to focus on a relationship would take the emphasis away from their friendship and to the romance between X and Y. And if it isn't given some focus and is generally unimportant, why have it at all? Plus it would single out one (or two, if I go that route) of the Mane Six for special attention that I couldn't similarly give to the others. Providing partners for all of them would require either them all pairing up with each other (which would be contrived) or giving them other partners (which would bloat the cast of characters needlessly). I also have little faith in my writing skills to make a romantic subplot compelling. There are plenty of great stories on FimFiction for all manners of pairings for each of the Mane Six, both within the group and with characters not in the group. I’d sooner devote my effort on what makes Dashverse unique rather than introduce story elements that’ve been done in countless other stories, and done better than I what I could bring to the table. I suppose it's possible I may change my mind, but it's very unlikely.

But what about Rainbow Dash's crush on Shining Armor, you may ask? That was introduced because I thought it a cute possibility that had never been done anywhere else, to my knowledge. And even then, the crush was meant more as a spur for further character growth on Rainbow’s part, not to really delve into her romantic yearnings.

I did drop a number of hints and teases about Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh because I genuinely do like that ship (though there really aren’t any ships I flat-out dislike on principle; any ship can work if it’s written well), but later realized that I liked it because of what I took away from the show. My fondness for MacDash comes from incidents and possibilities from the show (like the cute scene of them running together on a treadmill in “Super Speedy”), which naturally don’t exist in Dashverse. While I could introduce new moments for them, in the end it would ultimately be creating something I got from the show just for the sake of a ship I happen to find cute. It wouldn’t assist or improve the storyline or add to the originality of Dashverse, so I ended up shelving the idea.

I also once told someone (who then put it on TV Tropes) that I confirmed Dash as being straight. This because I was still toying with the MacDash idea at the time—and I just liked playing with (and subverting) the assumption most people have that Rainbow Dash has to be gay. I’ve changed my mind about that too. So while I’m not doing any romantic subplots with Rainbow Dash or the Mane Six, I’m also not going to confirm or deny any of their possible orientations. Perhaps a wink or a joke here or there (depending on if it's funny), but nothing should be seen as definitive. As John Kricfalusi, creator of Ren and Stimpy, said when asked about whether or not they were gay: “I don't know. It's not my business.”

Q: What is the significance of Cadance being a unicorn rather then an alicorn or a Pegasus (as the books have suggested she was prior to ascension)?

A: The significance is that I wrote Cadance as a unicorn before that book came out. Had I known it’s possible I might have written her as a pegasus but there’s no guarantee. All the princesses we’ve seen have generally been unicorns (pre-Equestria) or alicorns (modern Equestria). So a pegasus princess would’ve stuck out and been an anomaly. Indeed, Cadance was (if I recall correctly) not a princess before she became an alicorn. But since I went with keeping Cadance as a princess, I made her a unicorn. Which also makes sense because she’s a descendant of Sombra who himself is a unicorn. Of course, Cadance’s connection to the Crystal Empire in canon really hasn’t been explained either, hence why I had to invent my own.

Regardless of the book that explained her back story, I wouldn’t have made her an alicorn anyway. What practical impact has her alicorn status actually had on the show itself? Most of Cadance’s character and appearances revolve around her being a princess of the Crystal Empire and being Twilight’s foalsitter, neither of which requires her to be an alicorn. Lauren Faust apparently felt the same way because she was not behind making Cadance an alicorn, and I agreed with her.

Q: Will Sombra make an further appearances or is his crystallization the last we will see of him?

A: Spoilers! You’ll have to wait and see to find that out!

Q: What age level difference is there between Ditzy and Dash?

A: I hesitate to assign ages to the Mane Six since the show itself keeps it ambiguous. I see Derpy as being only a few years older than Rainbow Dash, as she was a junior counselor at the flight camp where Rainbow went. From my experience the age difference at places like that can oftentimes be pretty small. A rough estimate would be a three year gap, give or a take a year.

What is more or less the relation of Dash with the nobles and the other Princesses? We know that she have a good relation with Celestia because she is her teacher, Cadence i'm not sure if she was like with Twilight but I think also a good reputation.

What about Luna, Fancy Pants, Blue Blood, etc.?

Is RD relation with Scootaloo going to be like in the serie or is she going to focus a little more?

I know it might be a spoiler, but will the Foal Free Press still get a picture of Celestia eating cake? Will Cloud Kicker flirt with more ponies? Will Dash punch the Tantabus? Will Tirek open a tea shop?

Find out next time on Tales of Interest!

Q: What is more or less the relation of Dash with the nobles and the other Princesses? We know that she have a good relation with Celestia because she is her teacher, Cadence i'm not sure if she was like with Twilight but I think also a good reputation. What about Luna, Fancy Pants, Blue Blood, etc.?

A: 90% of what you've asked about, specifically Rainbow's relationship with Celestia, Luna and the upper crust elite, is going to be a major focus of an upcoming story, so I don't want go into that here. Fancy Pants appeared at the start of "Rainbooms and Royalty" with Rainbow considering him one of the only cool ponies in Canterlot high society. That should give you some idea of how she feels about the rest of it.

Q: Is RD relation with Scootaloo going to be like in the serie or is she going to focus a little more?

A: Scootaloo is getting a bit more time in the updated "Rainbooms and Royalty" but not a lot. She's an admirer of Rainbow Dash and Rainbow in turn thinks the squirt's got a lot of spunk and is pretty cool herself. But with Rainbow Dash being Dinky Doo's godmother and Dinky, Alula and Pipsqueak being the unofficial Cutie Mark Crusaders means that Dashverse Scootaloo doesn't have Rainbow's (or the readers') undivided attention. However, this is a foal-centered story in the pipeline where this will be explored further. Though Scootaloo might not have the same amount of screentime as she enjoyed in the show, never fear as she won't be neglected--by me or by Rainbow Dash.

A: Oh yes, definitely expect to see Sunset Shimmer before too long.

Q: I know it might be a spoiler, but will the Foal Free Press still get a picture of Celestia eating cake? Will Cloud Kicker flirt with more ponies? Will Dash punch the Tantabus? Will Tirek open a tea shop?

A: Real quick and in order: Possibly, yes, should she get the opportunity-yes, and unlikely.

So what you're saying is there wont be anyone getting Tea Rekt. And now I have the image of Dash pouring some tea on a defeated Tirek and saying "You just got Tea Rekt." Queue sunglasses and Bulk Biceps.

And yes, I feel terrible for that pun.

Might be better if the fight has Tirek being hit by a Tea Shop.

Cloud Kicker will always flirt with more ponies. Always. Even when she's Granny Smith-aged.


Go sit in the corner and think about what you did!


That she will. And thank you for the mental image. None of us will be able to sleep soundly tonight.

3491365 Thanks, that was really informative. I am really looking forward to your next Dashverse tale, as they really are a unique and fun look at our characters had their lives been altered just slightly, but changed heavily in other areas. Twilight being the academic of the show fit with her character, but I find Rainbow Dash being the student here actually fits well with Celestia's character and even with Shining and the royal guard. Very great tale my friend.

Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, The Dazzlings. Will any of these characters make an appearance in any future installments of the Dashverse Saga?

And maybe I've asked this before, but does Rainbow Dash become an alicorn princess? Or will I expect a twist to that story?

I'm going to feel very dumb if I'm remembering wrong (it's been a while since I read any of the stories other than Bug Hunt), but I'm pretty sure that Lightning Dust has not yet appeared. If she hasn't, do you have any plans for her?

Also, any chance we'll be seeing anything Daring Do related anytime soon? I'm pretty sure that she hasn't shown up either in any great capacity (but then again, as I've established, my memory is shite).

Also, when are you going to stop beating around the bush and write a clopfic about Cloud Kicker banging everypony in Ponyville?


Q: Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, The Dazzlings. Will any of these characters make an appearance in any future installments of the Dashverse Saga?

A: There are plans for them to appear, yes.

Q: And maybe I've asked this before, but does Rainbow Dash become an alicorn princess? Or will I expect a twist to that story?

A: Spoilers.


Q: ...I'm pretty sure that Lightning Dust has not yet appeared. If she hasn't, do you have any plans for her?

A: Lighting Dust has appeared, in "Rainbow Triumphant."

Q: Also, any chance we'll be seeing anything Daring Do related anytime soon? I'm pretty sure that she hasn't shown up either in any great capacity (but then again, as I've established, my memory is shite).

A: Rainbow Dash is confirmed as a fan of the series (Princess Celestia introduced her to them) and it's something she shares with Twilight. Beyond that Daring Do-related things haven't come up yet, but still may at some point.

Q: Also, when are you going to stop beating around the bush and write a clopfic about Cloud Kicker banging everypony in Ponyville?

A: You'll have to ask Chengar Qordath about that. Write a note to him detailing every lurid and perverted act you want Cloud Kicker to perform and ask him over and over again until he complies. In fact, demand it of him. Don't stop until he gives in! You may note him here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Chengar+Qordath

Tell him I sent you and I'm sure he'll comply...

Tri, how many times do I have to tell you I won't write Cloud Kicker porn for you? I swear, every day...

I have another couple of questions if you're still answering them.

1 - So far we've had the Nightmare Moon arc, then Sombra, then the Changlings. Is there a method to the order structure you have given, or is it simply random (or having Rainbow and Co verse villains in order of your favourites)?

2 - Why did you choose Firefly to be Rainbow's mother, and will this alter the historical Firefly figure that was said to head up the EUP in Equestrian history?

3 - Gargoyles were involved as well as Seaponies in your first story. Do you have further plans to introduce new creatrues or other creatures from older generations of MLP?

4 - Were there any other reasons to select Dash as the protagonist besides her impressive Sonic Rainboom? Why could the others have not been in similar positions to be selected as the student?


Yes, I’m still answering questions.

Q: So far we've had the Nightmare Moon arc, then Sombra, then the Changlings. Is there a method to the order structure you have given, or is it simply random (or having Rainbow and Co verse villains in order of your favourites)?

A: In general I follow the main story arcs from the show in the order they appeared (while sometimes doubling back to tell slice of life stories that happened in between them). The only exception to this was switching around King Sombra and the Changeling invasion stories. There isn’t really an in-universe explanation for this (that is, it isn’t something that would’ve logically been affected by having Rainbow Dash be Celestia’s student instead of Twilight) but a meta-textual explanation.

I don’t think I’m saying anything controversial or unique when I assert that a big part of the fandom did not and still does not care for Shining Armor and Cadance, in no small part because their wedding was the first time they were ever even mentioned, let alone appeared. So I decided that if their wedding was going to have any impact on the readers or the Mane Six, they needed to be introduced before that and go on an adventure with our heroes. So, King Sombra got pushed up and Chrysalis and the changeling invasion got pushed back. While I might do a few twists and turns with future villains, I generally plan to follow the order they appeared on the show.

Q: Why did you choose Firefly to be Rainbow's mother, and will this alter the historical Firefly figure that was said to head up the EUP in Equestrian history?

A: Because we’ve never seen Rainbow’s mother and seeing as Firefly was the inspiration for Rainbow Dash (indeed, Faust originally meant to have Rainbow Dash actually be Firefly) it only made sense to use her as opposed to creating a totally original character. I really don’t see it as affecting anything historically, especially since I doubt in a society where all names are Noun-Verbs that name reuse is totally out of the question. If we do ever meet Rainbow Dash’s mom at some point I might rewrite her scenes from “Rainbow Triumphant” but that’s a maybe.

Q: Gargoyles were involved as well as Seaponies in your first story. Do you have further plans to introduce new creatrues or other creatures from older generations of MLP?

A: There was an earlier question where I dealt with a small retcon about just what the gargoyles were (namely that gargoyles are just an alternate name for the batponies). But to answer your main question, yes, I have seen the earlier incarnations of the show and like incorporating things from the other series when and where I can (as long as it fits). And seeing as the show has done the same with the Smooze and Tirek, it’s a safe bet that I’ll be doing the same. And since the writers keep delving into all sorts of mythologies (Greek, Celtic, etc.) for inspiration, that means the door is potentially open to all sorts of new creatures.

Q: Were there any other reasons to select Dash as the protagonist besides her impressive Sonic Rainboom? Why could the others have not been in similar positions to be selected as the student?

A: The easy answer is that she's my favorite of the Mane Six and I'm generally considered (if my reviewers are to be believed) of having a pretty decent grasp of her character. There have also been a handful of stories that suggested a connection between Celestia and Rainbow Dash based on them both having rainbow manes. But aside from those considerations, I thought there was real story-telling potential by giving Rainbow Dash to leading role. Just look at the episode “Testing, Testing 123” and imagine if Rainbow Dash was Princess Celestia’s student instead of Twilight—plus realize that unlike Twilight, Rainbow Dash doesn’t have a problem talking back to others when they annoy her. That and Rainbow Dash hates being overshadowed and when put next to Celestia, well, how can she not be? So that makes for tension in their relationship, something noticeably lacking from Twilight’s own relationship with Celestia, which borders on worship. I’m sure a story could be told with Fluttershy or Rarity or the others in the Mane Six role, but I thought Rainbow Dash as Celestia’s student was more interesting. But the fact that she's my favorite didn't hurt.

3501539 Awesome, thanks for the info. Rainbow is also my favourite character, and you are definitely a pro at writing her.

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