• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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More Blog Posts41

  • 1 week
    Updates: Book and Stories

    Hello folks, I wanted to give everyone some updates.

    On the book printing front, I’m pleased to say that things are moving ahead. The most significant piece of art for the story has been completed and we’re only waiting now for the cover art to be complete. Thank you so much for your patience.

    Pre-orders are still open if anyone wishes to grab a print copy of “Rainbooms and Royalty.”

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  • 9 weeks
    Rainbooms and Royalty Preorder Post

    Hello. I wanted to post an update to keep people who pre-ordered the print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty in the loop. I'm still awaiting some art from the book, once it's in-hand I'll place the print orders. Thank you again for your continued patience.

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  • 19 weeks
    Rainboms and Royalty Print Run: UPDATE

    Hello folks! It's July 1st, the date I asked folks to pay their pre-orders for the print copy by. I've gotten around 19 pre-orders so far and am waiting to receive payment from two.

    Now, to make clear: pre-orders are NOT closed. You can still order now if you haven't already.

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  • 23 weeks
    Rainboom and Royalty Print Copy Pre-Order Status Update

    Hello there!

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  • 24 weeks
    UPDATES: New Fics and Print Run Pre-Orders

    Hello one and all! Today is my 40th birthday and to celebrate, I'm giving you all some presents!

    First up, two new stories!

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UPDATES: New Story and Future Plans · 7:39pm Nov 19th, 2023

Hello there, readers (all five of you, lol)!

Within the next few hours, as soon as Ponyville Ciderfest concludes, I will publish a new story here on Fimfiction. It was my entry for the Storyteller writing event at Ponyville Ciderfest, which was published along with many other fine stories in "Scattered Pages: Tales from the Book of All Stories."

But that isn't the only thing this post is announcing.

I've gotten occasional comments and queries asking about the state of the Dashverse and if it's dead or not. I know my story output has been glacial and largely centered more on stand-alone stories set in the main canonverse. But no, Dashverse is not dead and gone. In fact, I can now safely announce that I am currently 80% of the way through a brand new story set in the Dashverse. It isn't the big story with Discord that's been in development hell for a while, but hopefully this will help me break through some of the gridlock there.

I also have a non-Dashverse crossover story still in the early stages, I'm hoping that will be a fun read for folks.

Finally, I have a big announcement and I'm curious what the interest will be for this. At the last few pony conventions I've been to this year (Everfree Northwest, Ponyville Ciderfest) there's been a new (or renewed?) interest in printed copies of MLP fanfiction. They've had quite an array of published stories for sale at these conventions. One of my best friends and biggest supporters has nudged me into the prospect of doing a print run of "Rainbooms and Royalty," something that was at the back of my mind when I was working on the new version. I'm announcing it here to see what interest (if any) there would be for folks to purchase a copy of the book and what preferences there would be for paperback vs. hardcover. To spice up the book and make it more engaging, I've been in talks to commission various artists from the fandom, including some top-tier talent, to create art of various scenes and moments from the story to be printed in the book itself. My goal, if I go ahead with this, would be to have the book printed and in-hand in time for my 40th birthday in late May 2024.

I would be very interested to know people's thoughts: if there'd be an interest in going forward with this, what they look for when purchasing printed fanfiction, and so on.

Thanks for your time and thank you for being so patient with me when I haven't been as productive as I once was. I can't promise a full return to the days of the 2010s, but I can keep chugging along for as long as there are still people willing to enjoy my stories.

To steal a line from another friend: I'm Trinary, thanks for reading.

Comments ( 20 )

Great to hear from you again!

I would LOVE to have a print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty!
As well as copies of any sequels, as well.

A print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty sounds pretty cool.

I didn't know you were at Ciderfest! I was there doing the doctor thing!

I would one hundred percent but a copy of A Camping we Will Go lol.

Hope to see you at another con!

Where can i fined Scattered Pages: Tales from the Book of All Stories?

I'd love to get a hard copy of rainbooms and royalty

Awesome! I look forward to the upcoming release. :rainbowdetermined2:

It was sold at Ponyville Ciderfest. You can try looking up the con information if they have any plans to sell any remaining copies they might have.

Ok but will the stories featured in it be added to FimFiction eventually?

Up to the individual writers.

I would DEFINITELY buy every dashverse story

Hi there, I opened for pre-orders here if you're still interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15M4wWuFw0GZ5MjcsUBCV2U9cfGKq-jtaOTZE7IfOFic/edit

Hi there, I opened for pre-orders here if you're still interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15M4wWuFw0GZ5MjcsUBCV2U9cfGKq-jtaOTZE7IfOFic/edit

5783165 Cool, thanks!
But just out of curiosity, do you accept any OTHER method of payment than Paypal?
Because I don't have that; just an American Express debit card.

Let's take this to DMs.

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