• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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More Blog Posts41

  • Thursday
    Updates: Book and Stories

    Hello folks, I wanted to give everyone some updates.

    On the book printing front, I’m pleased to say that things are moving ahead. The most significant piece of art for the story has been completed and we’re only waiting now for the cover art to be complete. Thank you so much for your patience.

    Pre-orders are still open if anyone wishes to grab a print copy of “Rainbooms and Royalty.”

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  • 8 weeks
    Rainbooms and Royalty Preorder Post

    Hello. I wanted to post an update to keep people who pre-ordered the print copy of Rainbooms and Royalty in the loop. I'm still awaiting some art from the book, once it's in-hand I'll place the print orders. Thank you again for your continued patience.

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  • 18 weeks
    Rainboms and Royalty Print Run: UPDATE

    Hello folks! It's July 1st, the date I asked folks to pay their pre-orders for the print copy by. I've gotten around 19 pre-orders so far and am waiting to receive payment from two.

    Now, to make clear: pre-orders are NOT closed. You can still order now if you haven't already.

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  • 22 weeks
    Rainboom and Royalty Print Copy Pre-Order Status Update

    Hello there!

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  • 23 weeks
    UPDATES: New Fics and Print Run Pre-Orders

    Hello one and all! Today is my 40th birthday and to celebrate, I'm giving you all some presents!

    First up, two new stories!

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UPDATES: New Stories, BronyCon and oh yeah, still alive! · 3:41am Jul 25th, 2018

Yes, it's true, I live!

I'm heading to BronyCon and decided now's a good time to a post an update--and show that I've not been completely idle.

So, a quick explanation for my silence. I'm going to skimp over the real world issues (job stuff, family stuff, insane stalker troll threatening me and my friends, etc.) and deal with some concretes.

I got myself into a bit of a tangle with my writing, one of my own making. For a while I wanted to go back and work out some of the kinks in "Rainbooms and Royalty," strengthen a few themes and iron-out some plot holes. But when I tried to keep writing new stories, I ended up covering material that really should be addressed back in RR, hence the delay in new stories.

I also got into a bit of a bad place for a while where I was less interested in telling my own stories than expounding on what I considered to be wrong with the stories the show was telling. And then not always keeping as cool-headed as I should when people argued with me about it. I haven't changed my mind about those episodes or themes that I dislike, but just about everyone in this fandom has that reaction to one episode or another. No sense in harping on it; best to just write good stories that I like telling and hopefully, some of you will enjoy reading.

So, with that in mind, posted are the first chapters to two stories. One is the new version of "Rainbooms and Royalty"--which became vastly different from the original. Never fear, I'm keeping the original up. But I hope you'll be interested to see the changes--almost an AU to an AU.

The other story is a side-story involving two of my favorite secondary characters in MLP. It is connected with my other Dashverse stories, but a knowledge of them is not required. It's a stand-alone piece.

Please check them out and enjoy!

Report Trinary · 803 views · Story: Rainbooms and Royalty · #Ranb
Comments ( 13 )

So glad to see you back! Your stories are actually how I got into the series, before I even saw the show.

Whatever life messes you were dealing with, I'm glad they've improved and you've successfully defeated internet monsters.

Thank you, that's very rewarding to hear!

It's been 84 years...

I hope to see you at Bronycon! Maybe at Quills and Sofas! :heart:

So you're remaking Rainbooms? Also, are you okay? You said you were in a bad place. *hugs*

I'll give it a try!

I'm quite happy to see you about and writing some of my favorite stories on the site. I'll be sure to check out Rainbooms and Royalty 2.0 as well as the new-new story.

Neat. Doing something kinda like A Pony Displaced: Another Path.

Hey, good to see you're back! The Dashverse stories were some of my favorites on the site, so it's great to see a comeback! :pinkiehappy:

Welcome back, also I'm not envious about Bronycon at all. :trixieshiftright:

I actually really liked "Life and Lesson Plans"; I thought it was a wonderful summation of a huge underlying problem in the recent seasons.

Comment posted by lonesometank deleted Aug 6th, 2018
Comment posted by lonesometank deleted Aug 6th, 2018
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