• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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  • 150 weeks
    Been a while...

    Hi folks. How are you doing? Been a while. I like to imagine in the great solar system that if FimFic I'm some trans-Neptunian object that only occasionally comes into view intermittently before wandering out to the cold antipodes of space to which I belong. Personally life has been the same. Some original writing. Glacial progress on Homelands, but its not dead. I'm going to be at EFNW in

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  • 215 weeks
    Feeling better. Also, an interview.

    So my temperature is almost back to normal and I feel a lot better. Hopefully in a month or two I can get an antibody test and find out if that was C19 or just flu. Anyway, either way, doing better.

    I'm also going to be doing an interview for the midair pony faire on twitch. It'll be on Horizons, Homelands, and Worldbuilding in general.

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  • 216 weeks
    C19, cons, and other stuff.

    So 2020 sucks. It just sucks. I'm sick with something and waiting on a C19 test. Hopefully it's just a flu or some junk.
    But there is something good happening on the 25th. Ponyfest Online is a discord con and I'm going to be holding an hour long discussion on character creation, evolution and development.


    and the website is

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  • 239 weeks
    Ministry of Image Fallout Equestria print finished.

    Coming in at a whopping 9 books is all of Horizons. You can read it... prop up a leg of your bed... kill a caribou with it... Paper the walls of your house... have a yearly supply of toilet paper... the list goes on and on.


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  • 254 weeks
    Bronycon meet up

    If you'd like to meet me at bronycon or get something signed I'll be holding court in quills and sofas (310) from 4:00 to 5:30 on Saturday. Look forward to meeting awesome people tomorrow.


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Project Horizons is done. · 2:21am Aug 29th, 2015

Sorry. Lost the links. They're up there. I'm going to go away now. I am really... really tired...

Report Somber · 1,693 views ·
Comments ( 55 )

And I'm still on Ch 29. God damn it.

Well. That was a wild ride. Now you get to upload it to FiMFiction and basically hire a full time moderator for the comment sections because you've created the equivalent of Christianity in terms of reactions to this story.

Do my eyes deceive me, PH is finish. What type of dark magic is this.:pinkiegasp:

Its been a wild few years.

You have brought quality writing to my eyes from my time in high school to my first year of college.
All the ups and downs; the sad times and the happy times; the things that made us laugh and the things that made us cry, they have all brought us to this moment.

You have created an amazing thing the likes of witch can never be recreated by mortal man.
Rest now, young prince, for tomorrow is a new day, and with it will come new inspirations.

I look forward with great excitement to whatever your next endeavor may be.

I also hope the book guys get a print project going sometime.
I also hope I can afford it.

I've been waiting to read this till it was finished, now I can start!
Also I'll probably be doing little else besides reading thins for the next week XD
Congrats on finishing Project Horizon!!!!


That was quite a ride. Thank you for those years of epic story.

And now it must all come to a close...

Congratulations Somber!!! Now you just have to post it here :trollestia:

Congratulations man, and thanks for such an awesome story.

Enjoy your rest, you've earned it bruv :pinkiehappy:

Congrats in getting it done Somber! You seriously deserve a medal for all the effort and work you went through to get this story completed.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the trail! You've carried your burden, packed it all yourself, looks like you didn't leave much behind on your old and dusty shelf.

The ultimate chapter was excellent, and ended beautifully. It cut me deep enough that it was only when I was halfway through the epilogue that the blank crossed my mind. The final chapter was witty and satisfying, and felt like the warm hug everyone wants to cap a long, exciting journey.

Congratulations somber, it's been one hell of a ride. Thank you.

Well that was a pretty interesting ending to a long story.

I have to admit, I was remembering Blackjack's epiphany of how the Hoof was one big death trap during the war. Not sure if it could be considered as bad during that last fights just before confronting the Eater of Souls, but it certainly put a lot of effort into it when trying to stop Blackjack's group.

Congratulations on finishing your story.

Congratulations Somber! I can't imagine what it must feel like to have finally brought an end to a story that you've put so much time and effort and love into.

I'd like to thank you and your team for all your hard work. I've spent quite a number of days (and more late nights than was perhaps wise) enjoying the fruits of your labour - reading and rereading, getting lost in the Hoof and all the characters that you've brought to life - and I don't regret a single moment of it.

It has been a pleasure from start to finish. Congratulations once again and I wish you all the best for your future endeavours - be they literary or otherwise.

Long Live Queen Whiskey!

Does Pinkie Pie come back to life as a chicken?

My life has no meaning anymore!

By the way, thanks for killing every. single. one. of my favourite characters.

Project Horizons is done.

I never thought I'd be alive to read these words. :scootangel:

Joke aside, I'm gonna read it tonight.

So... gonna upload it to FIMfic or what?

That is planned to be done, but I'm afraid that I don't know what the time frame is for it.

Thank you, and congratulations.

Now this is both awesome and sad at the same time. Awesome that you finished it, sad I don't have it to look forward to anymore. Now we just need it in hardback to sit besides Fallout Equestria and Pink Eyes.

Thank you for this story Somber. It was a wild and emotionnal ride , but it was entirely worth it !
The second to last chapter was just incredible and the epilogue felt very satisfying.
Especially regarding my all time favorite character... Rampage

Wanderer D

Congrats, bro! I saw this about 1am, but I was too tired to leave a comment. Have this instead.

Haven't read it, but you deserve something awesome.

Freeman's Mind is finished...
Project Horizons is finished...
Team Fortress 2 comic is coming soon...

See? Nothing is impossible!

Congrats, Somber

Thank you Somber and congratulations! The entire ride was a wonderful read ;]

After following this wonderful dark tale for over 3 years from the very days when I started reading fanfics and ponies, and now having read the final chapters, with many tears of sadness and joy that I have not felt in a long time, thank you for writing this Somber! For a great read, the feels, the inspiration, dreams, adventure, perspectives, laughs, the excitement and gasps that I got when hearing a new chapter is out; thank you for that!

I'll still be looking forward to what else you may write! Hope the sleep's good, you really deserve it! :twilightsmile:

That was wonderful...

It has been a wonderful ride, reading along the tale you've woven, and I want to personally thank you for writing it. It gripped me in ways I did not expect when I began reading.

Congratulations are in order, but much more importantly, thank you. It is not an understatement for me to say Project Horizons has become one of my favorite stories of all time. I feel richer for the experience, even if I came late to the party as it were.


Site Blogger

You, now:



Just finished reading.
I can't believe it's over.

Somber, congratulations, and thank you for this great story.

None of the download links posted on the front page of the gdoc are up to date. Anyone know where we can download a good copy of the story for offline reading?

So there is only one issue that I have with the ending to the story, and even that may just be me misreading something:

How long was it between her death and her waking up in the stable? In the epilogue it says that she wakes up in the Stable, and then goes outside and her memories come back to her, but it also says that she comforted Littlepip about her friends deaths, so it couldn't have been long after she died. A couple decades at most.

Which begs the question; what did she do after that? Did she go to her friends? Hide from the world? Drink all of the whiskey she could find?

:re-posting from KKat's post, because I some how never thought to look for you on here till now XP:
Finished. Love. Love, love, love, all of my love. With a healthy serving of crazy, hardcore feels. Only real complain is the several times in the story that takes some shot at the original Fo:E. Changing some of the original Fo:E canon for the benefit of the story is fine, but there were times when it almost came across as mean spirited. I know that wasn't the intent so I am trying not to hold it against the story, but it still really bugs me.
Other that that though it was great. Can't really say I would recommend it though. This story is definitely not for everyone, or even most people. Still for me personally I would say 8.5/10 Maybe 9.
Been along time since I started reading, and while I have a really good memory for fics, this one is just to massive to process without revisiting it. Will give it another go from the beginning once the audio version is done.
Big props to Somber and the whole team that made this possible. Thank you all. It has been a hell of a ride.

Thank you so much for all the work you've put into this over the years. PH has been an important thing for me for years, even though I wasn't around reading at the start, it's been a wonderful ride and I'm delighted that it ended so well. I look forward to your work in the future, whatever it may be, in or out of FoE, in or out of pony. Characters, worldbuilding, plot, emotional investment, and in many cases just plain well-chosen words and syntax have all played such important roles in Horizons, it ought to be hard to choose any one dimension that most stood out, and I'm sure there will be fans/readers who could point to just about any of them or others as what they thought was best. There is very, very little in long-form fiction that I can even say comes close to how much I enjoyed Volume Two in particular

But even beyond all that, this just feels like such a, well, end of a time in our little niche of the pony fandom. And not just FoE, but I think it's fair to say pony fanfiction in general, as unless I'm mistaken it was the oldest of the EQD 6-star stories that hadn't completed or gone dead, or basically so. There just aren't very many of the big classics (at least by that metric) left going, with probably The Sweetie Chronicles being the best example left.

3357518 ::Nods:: I hope I can keep telling other stories that are as good. I really don't want this to be my only story. I might go back to Broken Accords or the zebra FoE story.

Also, thanks so much, Icyshake. You've also been a priceless resource to this project. Reading your reviews and commentary helped remind me of things I'd forgotten in the story. Thank you.

PH has been a huge part of my life over the past couple years, so thanks for everything you've done. Sad that it's over, but also glad that everything is finally resolved.

Keep well, Somber, and take some rest! You've more than earned it.

You did it Somber! I'm NEVER going to forget these wonderful characters and the world you created, I pinkie promise you :twilightsmile:
Once again, congratulations. It's been fun :heart:

Comment posted by Last-place deleted Aug 30th, 2015

I can't believe this amazing epic of a story has actually finally reached its close... I actually only registered this account here so I could comment on this blog post and thank Somber for the amazing story that they made here that I've spent the last 4 years of my life reading almost religiously. After finishing the original Fallout Equestria story, I had felt a huge gap open within myself that I felt would never be able to be filled by anything else; until I began to read Project Horizons however. PH filled that huge gap and then some; and quickly became one of my favorite works of fiction of all time.

I've waited on each chapter with baited breath, terrified of what would happen to all these wonderful characters I've come to love so dearly, curious as to what would happen next, and anxious to see where Blackjack's story would go. All in all I love the ending and epilogue; they were beautiful endings to this story, bittersweet and tearjerk-y, but beautiful none-the-less.

I began reading this story as a young-in who had just began highschool, and now it has finished wit me beginning my journey into college, so you could say this story was a pretty large part of my young life, hahah!

Thankyou so much for your amazing work here Somber, It's been an amazing ride I thought would never end, and sort of wish never had ended!

If you ever decide to give this story a sequel, or branch off on it and follow some of the other characters through their lives, I'd love to give them a read (although a little half chapter or so exploring LittlePip, Blackjack, and Rampage's lives after they return home would be astounding and would make me happier than anything else in the world!)

Hope to see some more awesomeness out of you soon Somber, take care, and thanks again for the wonderfully-long-epic known as Project Horizons; a fanfic with no rival!


I second this request! I am also looking for a good download source for the entire story, ebook would be nice.

Congratulations on the completion! It was one hell of a ride, and most certainly worth it. :yay:

Took me a bit to psyche myself up to finish it but I have. Bravo, just bravo.

Now I need it in physical form. :twilightsmile:

Well, here we are. I started reading PH back in the Fall (or so) of 2012, shortly after reading KKat's original. It's been one hell of a ride, and now, at long last, it's done. I have a few quibbles, but overall, the ending was really satisfying and appropriately epic. A little bittersweet perhaps, but I think I actually squealed when you did the thing with Rampage.

I do have to echo High Flyer's questions. I really want to think that Blackjack got to spend some time with her old friends before they all kicked the bucket.

So yeah, a great end to one of the most epic undertakings in ponyfiction history. You did good, and you should feel good.

3363065 Some knew Blackjack lived. Psalm knew she was alive, as did Homage. But Whisper never learned and neither did Grace nor did Scotch Tape it seem's. I have a feeling Sweetie Bot finds out from her Pipbuck though.

The only real issue I had was the entire 'waking up in the Stable' scene. It took me a bit to figure out that it was her Clone body waking up and Psalm finding her. That really wasn't made very clear, nor is it did the Clone body get its cutie mark back.

Boo was fun though, I will say that.

I started reading Project Horizons back in 2014, and spent every moment that I wasn't at work or asleep trying to catch up to the current chapter. I think the only break I really took was when I was in the process of moving from North Carolina to Japan.
I remember finishing the original FOE and feeling all bittersweet about it, but I was so enthralled by the novel, I just had to read more. I did some searching around, trying to decide which side-story I wanted to read, and eventually settled on PH because I had already heard a little about it. Honestly, I was not prepared for the amazing ride that I was getting on board.
From start to finish, Somber, you have done a masterful job of painting this world and weaving this tale. I am more inclined to call you an artist, rather than an author. Creating these characters that you can relate to, that you can feel for; characters that when they hurt, you can hurt as well. Simply the fact that Blackjack's "weakness" was that she wanted to know why ponies did what they did, turned so many characters from having black/white morality to being so much more gray and complex. There is so much of this story that I can praise, but the world-building and character complexity are the two that stand out most for me.
I finished this story the other night/morning, getting off of work and immediately pouring myself into the last two chapters. I was very hopeful with these chapters, and it paid off. The story deserved the ending that you gave it. So congratulations, Somber, you made it through until the end and your work is now complete. You deserve a rest, a round of applause, and probably a drink or two.

Well, I finished Project Horizons today. It was a good thing I waited until today to do so; I only had two classes to attend, and when I finished, I didn't feel like doing anything other than sitting back and thinking for a long time.

I feel like I've lost something now that it's over. There was always that moment of excitement and fear when I saw that the index page had updated on my gdrive. Sometimes it took me a little effort to work up the will to read the newest installment, because I knew it was going to be good, and it was going to hurt. But I was always glad I did so, even if I couldn't help but feel despair right alongside Blackjack. No punches were pulled, no calamity was carefully tiptoed around. You delivered fully and completely what I think most of us believed and expected would happen when so many faces were going up against insurmountable odds in the final few chapters. That's one thing I really appreciate Project Horizons for over the original Fallout: Equestria; when the climax came, and everything was on the line, you weren't afraid of making many, many dear characters pay the price. The ultimate price.

I could go on and on about what makes this story great, because there are so many. I suppose I'll limit things to a few quick things. The climactic battles against the Eater, the Legate, all the buildup throughout the entire story finally paying off... it was absolutely wonderful to behold. Few authors I've read, from New York Times Bestsellers to people I follow right here on fimfiction, write as well, as completely, as eloquently as you do. Were you ever to write anything to publish in the future, I wouldn't be able to buy a copy for myself fast enough.

In the end, there isn't much to say other than thank you for the story you've given to us all. I may not have been around since the beginning---I only started reading this in the spring of 2014---but I enjoyed every moment of it, and I know hundreds, thousands of others did as well. You've written a story that I proudly hold as a shining example of what us authors in this community can accomplish. You've written a story that's like no other I've ever read. You've written a story that I will fondly read over and over, again and again. Perhaps, most important of all, you've written a story that you should be proud of. It's not easy to do what you did. If it were, everyone would do it.

Thank you, Somber, for giving us Blackjack, giving us Horizons, and giving us so many other beautiful things.

Ante Legionem nihil erat, et nihil erit post Legionem

3355450 I agree wholeheartedly, I have the bookshelf opened for just that occasion.
Truly this was well worth the time spent reading and re-reading it. Between the characters, the setting, and the depth you put into it.
I am profoundly grateful to Somber for writing this engrossing story and I find myself both excessively happy it is completed, yet also depressed to know that there is no more....

Thank you for the story,
I will cherish it forever.

I do not see a derpy pony.
I see Derpy, a pony.
One day I will figure out how to get a sig on FimFiction.

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