• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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Been a while... · 8:16pm Jul 26th, 2021

Hi folks. How are you doing? Been a while. I like to imagine in the great solar system that if FimFic I'm some trans-Neptunian object that only occasionally comes into view intermittently before wandering out to the cold antipodes of space to which I belong. Personally life has been the same. Some original writing. Glacial progress on Homelands, but its not dead. I'm going to be at EFNW in august and hope to see folks around. It'll be nice to see folks before G5 lands and we all either

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Feeling better. Also, an interview. · 7:41pm Apr 29th, 2020

So my temperature is almost back to normal and I feel a lot better. Hopefully in a month or two I can get an antibody test and find out if that was C19 or just flu. Anyway, either way, doing better.

I'm also going to be doing an interview for the midair pony faire on twitch. It'll be on Horizons, Homelands, and Worldbuilding in general.

Date is Friday, May 1st at 9EST, 6PST. https://www.twitch.tv/midairponyfair

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C19, cons, and other stuff. · 8:59pm Apr 21st, 2020

So 2020 sucks. It just sucks. I'm sick with something and waiting on a C19 test. Hopefully it's just a flu or some junk.
But there is something good happening on the 25th. Ponyfest Online is a discord con and I'm going to be holding an hour long discussion on character creation, evolution and development.


and the website is


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Ministry of Image Fallout Equestria print finished. · 5:46pm Nov 17th, 2019

Coming in at a whopping 9 books is all of Horizons. You can read it... prop up a leg of your bed... kill a caribou with it... Paper the walls of your house... have a yearly supply of toilet paper... the list goes on and on.


In case you're wondering, I don't actually get any of that, and I think they print at cost.

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Bronycon meet up · 1:05am Aug 3rd, 2019

If you'd like to meet me at bronycon or get something signed I'll be holding court in quills and sofas (310) from 4:00 to 5:30 on Saturday. Look forward to meeting awesome people tomorrow.


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Homelands isn't dead but it is on life support. · 2:09pm Jun 12th, 2019

I've written myself into a corner with homelands. It's been that way since April. On one hand I don't want the story to pad out any further. I want to get the characters to Roam for the next arc of the story. On the other, I want to avoid 'character X lives because of plot armor.' I'm hopefully going to find a way to make it work.

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About printings · 3:21am Jan 27th, 2019

There's a number of printed versions of Horizon coming out it seems. One group is doing it in sets, the other is doing it all at once. Generally if anyone asks me if they want to do a printing I'm cool with it. It's a really big hurdle. Neither, or both depending on how you want to look at it, are official. I can't really say anything for artwork or quality of either project. As long as it's accurate to the story, I'm happy with it.

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World building stuff for Quintus · 5:57am Jan 18th, 2019

Just some history for another story, so I have it down.

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Wow... it's been a while. · 8:23am Jan 17th, 2019

Ever look at your blog history and realize that you haven't updated in 500 days? Yeah.

Anyone want me to talk about anything?

Skeeter: Life's been... life. I moved to a new city to try and make a new life, but it's pretty much like the old one. I hope things work out.

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Screw you July! · 11:09pm Jul 30th, 2017

I know, not a pithy statement, but July sucked, like all of 2017 sucked.

But I did get another chapter of Homelands done. It's on that site where people donate money that I can't mention because mods get angry at me, but if you want a look at it, it's only a dollar. Otherwise I'll be publicly available here on saturday.

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Report Somber · 1,571 views · #homelands #screwyoujuly