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  • 25 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

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    It's been 10 years!

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Next WoW expansion · 6:43pm Aug 1st, 2015

Blizzard had announced that on next Thursday, August 8, at gamescone 2015 they will announce the next World of Warcraft expansion.

Being a great fan of WoW, and having great love for it's lore, I decided to try and speculate what this next expansion could be about. Of course, seeing how Warlords of Draenor was practically pulled out of nowhere, it can be impossible to guess what can be in store for us. Nevertheless, I have a few theories, and I would like to share them with you.

1. South Seas ("The Dark Prophet")

So, sometime ago, there was this information "leaked" that the next expansion would resolve around the Zandalari trolls and the naga. Here are the details. While I have my doubts wheter this is a true information or not, the general idea seems legit for a possible new expansion. Azshara is a major character in WoW's lore, being responsible for the original invasion of the Burning Legion and the creation of the naga race, and so far she had appeared twice: as a "boss" in Well of Eternity dungeon and she made a cameo near the end of the quest line in Darkshore (current). As for Zandalari, they've been a pain in our asses since 4.1 (heck, I really wouldn't have been surprised if they'd have tried to take over Draenor [makes as much sense as Aztec Invasion in Crusader Kings 2 Game of Thrones mod;p] somehow), it's about time we woud deal with them. Also, if we were to deal with naga, then maybe there would be more underwater zones. Vashj'ir might not have been perfect, but I am sure Blizzard have learned from that try. I personally liked it. In South Seas expansion, we could also expect to finally see Kul Tiras and Undermine on Kezan, and more of Bloodsail Buccaneers.

I'm not really sure about new races, but this expansion could possible have naga as a playable race. I know this would make the character unable to use leg and feet items (and female characters would be using 3 hand items), but I am sure Blizzard could make that somehow work. As for why the hell they would join either Alliance or the Horde (because I think they would be neutral like pandaren), I assume that there would be some unhappy with how Azshara tried to imprison Neptulon. In Blasted Lands, after Cataclysm, we see naga enslaving murlocks and there is one who tells us how both of their races used to worship Neptulon, but now the naga only worship their queen.

New class? Well, the one suggested in that "leaked" information seems logical. I've been expacting a shadow hunter since Cataclysm to be added at some point, ever since Vol'jin started to play bigger part. I thought about dark ranger since when in Wrath of the Lich king several of those appeared. This shadowstalker seems ideal combination, with different specs to reflect those classes.

2. Burning Legion themed expansion

The Legion is a constant threat to Azeroth. And any world for that matter. During the Legendary Questline in Mists of Pandaria, both Wrathion and Chi-ji says that they saw the Legion returning, and Wrathion feared what would happen to Azerorth. The Legion's numbers are infinite. When Illidan looked into the portal during the War of the Ancients, he noticed that while he had previously htought that most of the demons had already crossed it and came to fight the night elves, it wasn't even 1% of their number.

However, where would this expansion take place? Would they revamp Azeroth again, and have demons in every zone? I kinda don't see that happening, not now at least. Also, I disagree with Nobel's view on this matter, of how we would get back to Azeroth from Alternate Draenor, and found all that unexpectadly, how the Burning Legion is everywhere (or the same version for previous idea, only with naga). We are in constant contact with Azeroth. For goodness sake, Varian and Vol'jin come to our garrison for introduction quest in 6.2. I think somebody would send a memo.

But anyway, maybe we would somehow strike preemptively. Maybe the draenei would let us know where Argos, their former world and the stronghold of the Legion, is, and we would attack them before they would come to us. But after the previous expansion, where we had basically done that, it also seems unlikely. Which is another thing: since we fought Burning Legion in in Warlords of Draenor, having another expansion where they play such a big part would be... repetitive. On the plus side, though, we might finally find Turalyon and Alleria on Argus.

New race: satyrs or broken draenei for the Alliance, fel orcs or mag'har for the Horde. Those are the only choices that I can think of. I am especially not certain of mag'har, as they are only different from orcs by the color of their skin. Of course, Blizzard could introduce a new race just like they've done with the draenei. Yes, I know they've been in the lore before and in the game (the Lost Ones in Swamp of Sorrows), but in Burning Crusade a giant spaceship of completely different draenei crashed into Azeroth. I call that pulling a race out of *** ;p

New class: demon hunter! I wanted this class ever since I've started playing WoW. A mix of a warlock, warrior and rogue. With Illidan training us! We've seen the blood elves loyal to Illidan and Kael'thas being trained to become demon hunters, so why shouldn't we be offered to play as this class? Oh, and Illidan would return, something they've been hinting for a while.

(On related note: the whole "Twisting Nether transcends all dimensions and time is still bullshit. If Illidan is still alive [possibly because being half-demon hybrid he is also tied to Nether, which this theory seems to hint], then if Gul'dan had been sent to the Nether at the end of Hellfire Citadel raid, how they are able to both exist there? Illidan became half-demon after absorbing the Skull of Gul'dan. That practically makes him and Gul'dan the same being [sorta], and we know from the novel "War of the Ancients" how that ends [share life energy, are extremely weakened, and such])

3. Azjo-Nerub/Dark Below

The Nerubian Kingom is supposedly under all of Northrend. This means there are plenty of possible zones, and fighting the Old God's forces would keep us busy.

New race: nerubians as neutral? Seems impossible, given how different they are from all the other races, but seeing how there are many different types of nerubian, there could be some more humanoid like form?

4. The Lich King/Queen

Couldn't find a good pic ;p So basically, the idea is that it's undead themed expansion. One theory is that Bolvar goes crazy, another that Sylvanas finally crosses the line. Both have their cons. With Sylvanas, it would be another Horde leader getting kicked out. It's way too soon after Garrosh. But... if it was Bolvar, then it would be basically Wrath of the Lich King all over. I know that its considered to be the best expansion by many , but I doubt they would like to if the next expansion was WotLK 2.0.

Getting back to Sylvanas, Nobel had presented a theory that would work around the main problem of, that of having to fight another Horde leader. That she is being manipulated by Ner'zhul, who in turn is possessing Bolvar. That he had send Val'kyrs with falls vision, and corrupts her via them. That it was Ner'zhul, disguised as Terenas, who said that there must always be a Lich King, because apparently "it makes no sense otherwise". I hope I won't offend Nobel of his fans here, but that's riddiculous (and I will be really pissed if Blizzard actually goes with this). Uther also tells us in Halls of Reflection that there must always be a Lich King, and his dialog with Jaina sounded too personal to be faked. And the Lich King, when enters, says "Silence, paladin". I am pretty sure that he, of all people, would notice who's soul was speaking. And why would Ner'zhul ressurect us all after the Lich King kills us during the fight? Tirion would win by himself, the Lich King was incapacitated (and in fact, Tirion can get him down to 0 health, but it takes a while). Seems kinda stupid from Ner'zhul to bring back to life those who gave THE MOTHERF***ING LICH KING a good fight (in game mechanic's terms, got him down to 90% health). And Tirion would probably notice with what kind of energies he brings us to life. Terenas seems to be using Light-based spell there, Ner'zhul used vastly different powers. Also, on topic of Val'kyr sending a false vision of what awaits her after death? No, she goes to hell. After ordering all those experiments on humans, allowing her champion to kill her former people, making Lor'themar Theron basically her bitch in the short story? And after all the things she had done since the death of Arthas...

Regardless, both of those seem kinda too small to hold expansion on their own. Not to mention that aside maybe from Northern Lordaeron no new zones would be added. Maybe this could be a part of another expansion, similar how Battlefield: Barrens happened during Mists of Pandaria.

No idea of possible new races and classes.

5. Alternate Azeroth

Seeing how we've been on Alternate Draenor, there could be Alternate Azeroth next. Gul'dan had orginally planned to open the Dark Portal to Azeroth from their time, so on the other side could be standing a pissed of Medivh. And lets not forget that Gul'dan doesn't exactly die in Warlords of Draenor. Rather, it looked as if he was sent to Twisting Nether. So... any chance that history will repeat itself, and Kil'jaedan will make the Lich King out of Gul'dan, and send him to that Azeroth? And then the undead counquer everything, and we have to go fight them there? Would be intersting, and would tie to the theory earlier. Also, in Velen short story, he has a few visions of the possible futures, and one of them shows another Lich King, much terrible one than Arthas, who wins, and when the Legion comes there are no living being there, and the demons laught and play with undead draenei. This could be Gul'dan's work.

6. We stay on Draenor expansion

There are parts of Draenor that we have yet to explore. Like that part over there that might be the Ogre Empire, or Fields of Farahlon (the part that becomes Netherstorm), or that misterious civilization in the sky of arakkoa, the Apexis. Would be interesting idea, to have access to new content from Draenor rather than from Azeroth. And this way, we would continue playing with our Garrisons (I know, a lot of people hate them, or got annoyed at some point, but it would seem kinda strange for Blizzard to drop them so soon).

New races: arakkoa for Alliance, ogres for Horde. I love arakkoa, they have great story, and ogres had been speculated to be a possible playable race since the beginning of WoW.

New class: no idea, but maybe there would be new combinations added. Like draenei warlocks; Sargerai could rejoin the draenei sociaty, similar to how the Highborn rejoin the night elves in Cataclysm which allows them to become mages.

7. The Emerald Dream

I saved this for last, as it seems both the least likely, and the most likely. But first, a little background. Emerald Dream is a vast spirit word, that exist outside the boundaries of the physical world. It's accessible by portals located in Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands, and Darkshire (and in-lore, in Crystalsong Forest and Teldrassil).

The Emerald Dream is basically how the world would have been, if intelligent beings had not altered its surface. Its guarded by Ysera and her flight. Or well, used to be, with the Aspects losing their powers they had to start to relay more on druids, who are also connected to the Dream. Several years back, it came under assault by Nightmare, which turned out to be orchastrated by the Old Gods. It even corrupted several green dragons back in Vanilla WoW, including Eranikus, Prime Consort of Ysera.

Anyway, why do I think it's the least likely expansion? Because most of the Nightmare had been defeated in the novel "Stormrage", which takes place in between Wrath of the Lich King and the Cataclysm. What was remained of its forces has been imprisoned in the Rift of Aln. However... in Dawn of the Aspects, there is this little fragment during a meeting of the Wyrmrest Accord, green dragon Merithra notes that the Nightmare is stirring within the Rift of Aln and seems to be seeking a new Nightmare Lord to replace Xavius. However, Ysera says it is now the duty of the Druids to watch over the Emerald Dream as she has become mortal following the Hour of Twilight.

So, why do I think it to be most likely? Well, aside from that bit above, there is also the fact that this would sorta be alternate Azeroth. It would be all continents combined, from before the Sundering. So... if we would look on the big map:

SInce we already have "two Draenors", now we would have "two Azeroths", and both groups would be from before and after the great calamity struck.

Sadly, I cannot think of any new races or classes in this version.

So that's all my theories. What do you think? Have your owns theories? Post comments below then:twilightsmile:

Report Borsuq · 1,318 views · Story: Rebirth of the Damned ·
Comments ( 12 )

As long as the following things happen I may resub:
1) Faction balance fixed. I am an alliance player at heart but my highest level characters are horde due to my friends/guild playing horde. It is frustrating sometimes where it is harder to find new raiders/good pvp as a horde
2) Do away with garrisons. Don't even try to revamp them. This was the single reason why I unsubbed back in January. Garrisons are just not fun. If blizz wants to do player housing, then do it like FFXIV where it is only cosmetic.
3) No more time travel. It's cool on a micro level, but the big picture lore of WoD is all sorts of screwed up. I am really scared that the "Leak" shown on MMO Champion might be true where we travel to AU Azeroth.

I think the Blizzard as we knew it is long gone; forever consumed by Activision. The fact that they're already announcing another expansion when Warlords hasn't even been out that long is telling of Activision's game release policy.

Funnily enough, Blizzard merging with Activision makes for a few interesting real world parallels to Arthas merging with Ner'zhul:

- Arthas (Activision) merges with Ner'zhul (old Blizzard), creating a singular Lich King (Activision Blizzard).

- During the time Arthas (Activision Blizzard) spent asleep on the Frozen Throne, he banished his humanity and consumed Ner'zhul, becoming the dominant personality (Activision killed the former "magic" that Blizzard once had, and became the primary force that made future decisions, to our detriment).

- Arthas awakens from his dreaming (Activision begins to implement its preferred changes to former Blizzard games), and becomes "active" in Azeroth (rewrites games as Activision sees fit to boost sales; lore retcons become the norm, rather than the carefully applied exception).

- Since Wrath completed development before the merger with Activision, it became the last "true" WoW expansion to a lot of people, myself included. The presence of the "old Blizzard magic" was strong in Wrath; it permeated throughout the expansion. Cataclysm would become the first "Activision" expansion, and while it did include some long-requested features (transmogrification was the big one), it still ended up gutting out what made the game a Blizzard title.

Personally, as far as I'm concerned, World of Warcraft has become the "Call of Duty" of MMORPGs. WoW was never meant to be "so easy that everyone can succeed at end game". Legendaries lose their inherent intention as a "status symbol" when everyone has them.

I may not have ever gotten a legendary at any point during my time spent playing retail, but there was still a strong immersion sense when you drooled over the ones that other people had. You would go like "Holy shit, that guy has both Warglaives?! He must be strong!"

And more often than not, they were strong. I miss our old quality standards...



My guess for a while has been an Argus/Legion themed expansion. Would make a certain amount of sense as a followup to Warlords, and it would be kind of neat for the plot of an expansion to be proactive instead of reactive for once.

I hope that we don't have to fight Sylvanas. Too many times we have had to fight a Horde race and its becoming boring. I hope that one day we do get to go to the Dream or the South Seas.

One thing I do wish Blizzard would do is fix Jaina. I almost left WoW after reading that book not just becuase of what it did to her but the rest of the Horde as well. I have been playing the Horde side since the beginning and there should have been no way in hell the other leaders of the Horde would have gone along with something so dishonorable as attacking someone who has been an allie and supporter. And then seeing Jaina like that (and how she still is to some degree) has been a sickening experiance. That someone who was so kind, so full of compassion in this world of endless war would be twisted like that. All that I would like to see is Blizzard 'fixing' her.

I rember that I used to play this game but i got bored then found other similars to it like Tera or Raiderz, got bored too. It seems that genre is not for me

Sadly, I cannot think of any new races or classes in this version.

There should totally be more tiny races like gnomes

Guesses 1 or 2 to are most likely.
3 might be a patch content rather then a expansion.
4 -Alternate expansions will probably not happen any more since blizz thinks this expansion was not that successful.
For guess 5 thought that was the GM isle or map bug it might be end of expansion event.
Guess 7 is not a chance since you have the emerald dream covered in one of the books.

I'd like to go to Argus.

But Emerald Dream is something I've waited for too.

A friend of mine has always thought that the Emerald Dream would have its own content at some point...and i admit to running at those darn portals even way back in BC just to see if i could avoid aggroing the guardians there.

LOL The Dark Below was actually a Destiny Expansion XD

#TheTakenKing Hype!!

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