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  • 25 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 49 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 81 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 88 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Patch 6.1 and speculations · 10:13pm Mar 6th, 2015

Wow. I must honestly say that I hadn't expected that. I have some predictions regarding the future of this expansions (as well as some complains agains what Blizzard already told us we can expect, but I'll talk about that later), but I honestly hadn't expected Kilrogg Deadeye to betray Grommash, or to drink the demon blood (I'm not calling it that because I'm having some doubts if it is Mannorth's blood) Gul'dan offered. Back in the original timeline, Kilrogg was honorable warrior. To see him betray his Warchief like this... when in the original timeline he had gladly gave his life to save his Warchief (Ner'zhul) and to give their people new life... I wonder what exactly his vision of death showed him.

So, back to that bit I mentioned, about what Blizzard told us to expect, they've announced that Grommash Hellscream will the the final boss of this expansion. To quote George Carlin:

And I'm thinking to myself... WHY?!

I mean, don't get this the wrong way, Grom is one of my favorite characters from WoW, and he's a legendary warrior... but we literally had a Hellscream as a final boss in the last expansion! All the possibilities they have with this timetravel, and they are giving us basically the same thing! What about Archimonde? He's still alive in that reality, it would be different fight than the one we had with him in the Caverns of Time, then we were (lorewise) just stalling him. Or how about freaking Medivh!? You know, the Last Guardian? Possessed by f***ing Sargeras?! He would be epic final boss!

Eh... what else we can expect in the future patches? Well, aside from increased Legion activity (which is basically a given at this point, what with Gul'dan running around, and that toy that intercepts Burning Legion's messages), and Tanaan Jungle (where the Citadel along with the final boss will be), I think we will also have an arakkoa patch, exploring their 'city in the sky' that the Order of the Awaken on Ashran mentions. We also might get to see more of the ogre empire, as it was mentioned that they have it on some other continent.

Don't know about you, but I am still hyped!

PS: I can definetly say now that the next chapter of Rebirth of the Damned will be the longest to date. I still plan to finish it within next week, don't worry.

Report Borsuq · 477 views · Story: Rebirth of the Damned ·
Comments ( 16 )

Looking forward to the next chapter.

This is badass. I remember Kilrogg in like... Hellfire somewhere.

So I assume Gul'dan and Kilrogg will be bosses?

2855331 You mean the last boss of one of the wings of Hellfire Citadel? That was Kargath Bladefist, the same guy that in this other timeline was that first boss of Highmaul. Or where you talking about some other guy... there was a warlock mob in Hellfire that you had to kill during quests called Feleye, or something like that...

Either way, the original Kilrogg had died before WoW, during the events of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, so there's no way you could have met him.

Yeah, it looks like that, at least in Kilrogg's case. I'm not sure what exactly is in store for Gul'dan, though. I bet Khadgar will have something to do with his end, though I am not too sure. There's a theory going over internet that the two of them will be locked in a timeloop for all eternity, based on one of the statue you can put in your garrison after you complete the final chapter of the legendary questline.

I stopped putting faith in Blizzards ability to use it's own IPs potential long ago. There are literally hundreds of pre existing plots in the lore that could be used in WoW alone that they seemingly ignore for stupid filler bullshit time and time again. The entire Panda expansion was ridiculously idiotic. Hey we have the old gods, you know, the cause of Deathwings insanity, the ruiners of all good, the root of all bad in our world. The logical next step after taking out the monumental enemy that is the previous Aspect of the Earth itself.

But no, let's make an entire expansion around this new Panda race and their Ying Yang horseshit. I wouldn't get your hopes up about anything. This expansion is just proves my point, sure it is cool seeing all the good parts of the lore, the parts written in Blizzards golden age. But it also just goes to show how they are unwilling to do anything definitive. They could have used any number of themes for the expansion. Instead they chose to back pedal into what we already did in other games, with a slight change and a tenuous connecting plot point.

As glad as I was to be back in Outland, there is a dark cloud over my head telling me they are just reusing assets and saving money while they rake in the cash and milk it without giving any form of closure. In BC, we had huge enemies that really meant something. Illadin, the leader of the Burning legion, notable demons from previous games. In Wrath we had the Lich King, etc etc. Lately it has been significantly less interesting, and I find it hard to invest any of my hype into it.

Whatever comes, these guys know how to do a hammy villain

2855349 I was thinking of Grimlok Darkeye. I was close. Well, Gul'dan would be a welcome final boss honestly. Wonder what the new raid's gonna be for Kilrogg

2855380 I fully agree pandaland is complete fucking horseshit. Deathwing, while his fight was absurdly stupid, was at least a formidable foe, and even in Vanilla there was the looming threat of like... EVERYONE. I honestly wanted an Emerald Dream Xpac, but we're at least getting a possible future for a formidable foe (Gul'dan).

as a final thought, whenever Kilrogg becomes a boss, I anxiously await the "Eye of Kilrogg" warlock ninja pull.

2855380 Actually, I think Blizzard was long over due introducing pandarens. They've been first mentioned in Frozen Throne, which was... in 2003? They were bound to pop out at some point. At least they thought of a reasonable excuse as to why it took so long...

Although I agree that making an entire expansion around them was a bit too much... which they didn't do. Aside from pandaren, they've introduced the mogu and the mantid, the latter which was very interesting, and raised my hopes that maybe someday we will get insectoid-like playable race. Also, the mane theme of the expansion, to me, was the Alliance-Horde conflict, which we've seen to escalate to epic proportions. And while I often found myself calling bullshit at most parts of pandaren philosophy (which I might address in Rebirth of the Damned in the future:pinkiecrazy:), I liked the main lesson of the expansion: what is worth fighting for? What things are worth protecting, risking your life, taking life of others?

I agree, it would be good to finally take out the Old God responsible for Deathwing's madness, N'Zoth. However, as far as I can tell, he is hiding in the Rift of Aln, a portion of Emerald Dream that even Ysera wasn't able to reach when she was still an Aspect. I suspect that until he (or maybe it would be more proper) makes his move, we won't be able to come to him. Also, we cannot completely destroy the Old Gods; if that was possible, titans wouldn't have bothered with locking them up. Supposedly, their lives are tied to Azeroth, so destroying them would destroy us as well. I think titans had figured that out somehow after they killed Y'Shaarj, who's heart we get to see in Siege of Orgrimmar.

Pretty sure blizzard never said that grommash is going to be the last boss of the xpac, i remember they saying they wanted to keep it a surprise this time, unlike Mop, when since the start we knew garrosh was going to be last boss.
Also, seen that statue on your garrison? the one with guldan and kargath in the middle of a fight? pretty sure thats a clue :P

2855816 Damm.. well thats dissapointing, honestly i hope they are saying that to misslead us, i mean seriously? who are we killing next xpac? garrosh's uncle?

As this is a semi alternate past, there is a semi alternate Mediv... who is staring at the dark portal on his end wondering where he went wrong. Add in Sargeras, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden scrambling to salvage this interdimensional time twister of a mulligan.

This scene would have been so much better if Kilrogg actually said something. Especially since he is kinda PURPOSEFULLY spitting in the face of everything he has ever known.
( Seriously the guy tore out his eye for mega mojo, at the cost of a lost eye and knowing EXACTLY how he was to die. Which he based his entire existence around... )
All visions, prophecies, destinies, and fates didn't change until AFTER Garrosh showed up. THEN things went wonky. Draenor was BLIND to the changes alternate Azeroth caused.
Regardless... at this point if Grommash is the final boss... its because Gul'dan is holding Grom's leash.

The real question is here though. Does Medivh actually exist in this timeline, or is it only Draenor that got recreated. Maybe Azeroth did as well, and if so, why haven't we found out by now? Surely something would've proven that. Also, There's no proof whether or not Medivh is actually dead or not in our timeline since he kind of just vanished. Not to mention that the essence of Sargeras that was he was cursed with was destroyed when Khadgar killed him. Cool thought, but it would be even more lore bending than this expansion has already been.

I agree that having Grom as the last boss would be an annoyance. Not that I PvE at all, I'm a huge PvP'er, I suck at PvE in honesty, but I do end up doing the raid finders just to get the experiences from the raids. Gul'dan would make an interesting last boss, but I feel he'd be more of a second last boss leading up to a big bad demon. Honestly, I don't really care, as long as I get to go in on kiddie mode and clear the raid.

EDIT: So would you agree that this is the "selfie" patch?

I have to agree that Blizzard is getting pretty...boring when it comes to the villians. I said it in the past, but the Thinder King should have been the final boss in Mist and not Garrosh. It feels like lately whenever there is a villian in WoW somehow the Orcs have a hand in it and it makes it boring.

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