• TGandhivilization
    When Princess Celestia and Gandhi have tea, Celestia learns that some of the most important aspects of building a civilization is hard work, dedication, diplomatic relations, and best of all, the threat of mutual assured destruction.
    RainbowBob · 2.2k words  ·  278  13 · 5.4k views

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Need Me Some Stories · 5:16am Dec 17th, 2014

First off, the story.

When Princess Celestia and Gandhi have tea, Celestia learns that some of the most important aspects of building a civilization is hard work, dedication, diplomatic relations, and best of all, the threat of mutual assured destruction.

Celestia won't be having tea with Gandhi anytime soon after this.

Basically I'm keeping it on a continue only when I think of something interesting basis. Which honestly amounts to whatever stories you guys can come up with for Civ 5. Plenty of you have played it, and thus plenty of you have your own whacky tales when dealing with other nations. Share them with me, and I may use it in the fic, because hey, it's super-duper fun, am I right? Let's get to it!

Scumbag Washington.

Report RainbowBob · 748 views · Story: Gandhivilization ·
Comments ( 16 )

Civ, Revo. losing your capital to barbarians.

One time in Civ 5 I played a game where I went for Tradition and only got 4 cities and went on to basically dominate for the rest of the game.

Oops, that is every game of Civ 5. :(

Go into more details about this. Which leader? WHICH?!

Dat Schrodinger's tag tho.

I actually wrote a blog on this very subject. Right here, specifically.

Most importantly, I will note that fighting Harald Bluetooth is always a losing proposition. Even when you win, you feel terrible afterwards, because you've robbed the world of Vikings. And that's terrible.

Idea 1:
Ghandi discovers the Mirror Pool.

Idea 2:
The Conversion Bureau tries to invade Ghandi's country. Trying to turn Ghandi into a pony just makes his aggression factor go to 256.

Never played Civ 5. Don't plan on doing so ever. Sorry, Bob, I can't help you here.

When i play on a continental map (80% < land) I play as the Chines. by the time i'm to the third age (I start in the Ancient Era) China starts pulling ahead. The Chines are OP. I have only played on difficulty lvl 2. If you want more info I'll send you some screenshots of my current game.

Well....there was this one time I had a War on Freedom....


2658781 2658777

It's true. A while back I was playing as France, and my friend was playing as France, and we allied up. This was literally the map at end-game time: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=303363505. I was light blue, he was dark blue. Look at how much fucking culture I was generating, man!

You want a hard game, a real hard game? Crusader Kings II, Hearts of Iron 3, etcetera. I have more stories about the former than the latter, but they're all gold.

EDIT: Kniggu pls update the site to recognize steam urls k thx

Two ideas that are completely opposite of each other...

- Rome. FREAKING ROME. Anyone who has played against the AI for them knows what I'm talking about. They settle cities literally anywhere, all over the place. They know no bounds, and will continue placing cities until they got at least 20+ by end-game. Their production is also ludicrously high, since their entire strategy revolves around the Capital making buildings, then the 19+ other cities spamming out units.

- Venice. Once again, anyone who's played AS Venice will understand. Their entire strategy is to over-produce gold, then make deals with other divs to practically control everything... all of this with just one city. One city is all that's allowed with Venice. Another next-level-strat for Venice is to hoard all the gold till super late end-game. Then, they buy out all the city states and win Diplomatic Victory all by themselves.

So, naturally, you can imagine what would happen when these two civilizations duke it out.

(Also, didn't they patch that bug where India always get's uranium for nukes, along with the trade glitch?)

Montezuma, we war regularly, still on friendly terms. Guess he likes war.


Montezuma : From Total Asshole to the Ultimate Bro
So, in one game a while back, I was playing a game as Indonesia going for a Science Victory. Decent Civ, if I can say, and I cruised into the midgame without a care in the world. Eventually, I decided to go blow up one of Venices cities because it was right off the coast and I had nowhere to expand due to it being an Archipelago world. So I did, and kept it for about 20 turns. Now, here's where problems started, you see, Montezuma had, for the entire game, been building overwhelmingly massive armies of units and crushing entire empires under tailor-made Chinese Slave Boots.
Quite literally dead bodies of Chinese citizens, of which he killed 14 cities of in the civ, until he totally destroyed them, and was the first Civ he destroyed. It wasn't the last either. For the entire game we were mortal enemies, he'd send hundreds of privateers after my cities and my allies, such as Portugal, I would kill them, then I would send submarines to his cities and kill his navies over and over until he finally killed my subs. This went on for quite some time until he took the city I acquired form Venice, and I wasn't in a position to take it back. So he kept it for almost the rest of the game. Not much happened between us for a while, to be honest, until I was almost in a position to win from a Science Victory. That's when shit hit the fan at 98 mph, went back in time, and hid itself back inside of my ass. All of my allies who were some of the strongest civs in the game (Portugal, Austria, Germany, and Venice) and have huge militaries, all simultaneously denounced me, then declared war 10 turns later. I couldn't hold back the hordes of ships coming after me, but my Great Admirals managed to keep most of my ships alive for me to deal with them.
But then, a bunch of Venetian submarines broke through, killed all my admirals, and a bunch of ships in one turn. My navy was destroyed, and I was about to lose the game. That is... until Montezuma the destroyer of empires and the guy who would be literally hitler if it weren't for the fact that Germany was also in the game, (they were in second place, and killed two civs, Montezuma killed 6) decided to jump into the mosh pit.
Anyways, Montezuma decided to ally with me, and due to my dire situation, I accepted. 3 turns later, massive fleets of nuclear submarines appeared near every city of every enemy civ of mine in the game, and a turn later, he not only gave me almost all of his gold to buy units with, but the cities his fleets were near were nuked so thoroughly that most of them were actually destroyed flat out. All enemy ships retreated to go defend their cities as Montezuma successfully took all of their capitals, and I got my Science Victory 5 turns later. Not before, however, he was reduced to one city and was completely wiped from the game. I like to think the Aztecs were feeling charitable that day, and decided to be total bros, successfully pissing off almost every major civ in the game and letting me get my win, otherwise I likely would've been wiped out. They paid the ultimate sacrifice so that Indonesians could go to an Alien Planet and breed giant Siege Worms in order to kill entire civilizations. I like to think they were just carrying on the memory of Montezuma there.
Ever since then, whenever I got an AI Montezuma in the game, I would gift him tons of units in the hopes that he killed some civs with them. He never did come close to the horrific, mass genociding warlord that I knew him as in that game, but it was still great fun. Also he killed the mighty warlord Gandhi, who had managed to kill an entire civ of his own (Huns I think).

2659407 Yes, they did patch the trade glitch, but I don't know why they WOULDN'T have India always start with Uranium. It's always fun for everyone involved when millions die by nuclear hellfire.

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