• Member Since 17th Dec, 2012
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I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.

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Self-Esteem and Writing Stories · 11:00pm Nov 17th, 2014

For the first time in a while, I think I'm going to try to be heartfelt or whatever. We're all human, I guess.

I'm not that long-lived on this site. I've seen plenty of users go inactive, I've seen plenty of users stay active throughout my time on this site, I've seen plenty of new users come on this site to pursue their dreams, and I've seen plenty of those new users have their dreams crushed and leave this site the same way they started: alone and with no one.

Opinion of others is always a matter of great importance to any author who wants to be good at what they write. They want to know why someone feels a certain way about their story, whether it be positive or negative, and they need to remember that the readers only bring up issues that they feel are important enough to merit mentioning.

I am a mediocre author. My stories always garner generally positive reviews, but are apparently not the kind of thing that the user base here is looking for in a fanfic. It's just as well; an author who doesn't understand the audience they're writing to, no matter how eloquent or well-spoken they may be in their prose, is nothing if they can't catch the interest of the readers, and will always get a low amount of generally positive reviews.

I am adamant about not writing stories that I feel would garner undeserved popularity. I much prefer writing about what I find interesting to read about and let the readers decide for themselves if they like it. Thus, I don't know if I'm doing well or not much of the time.

If I don't know how well I'm doing, I have to be self-motivated to continue. Many authors are self-motivated in the beginning, then they taper off. Most authors who come here to pursue their dreams, then disappear before we even realize they'd arrived, started out with this delusion that they were going to make it big and become famous on this site with their alicorn OC story or whatever... and most of us who are still here started with the same story and the same delusions, but we are no longer deluded. We still have faith that someday we will be recognized for what creative talent we may have.

Bottom line: Most of us here aren't meant to make it big. I've decided that, if even one person reminds me of who I'm writing for with each story I'm writing, I will continue that story. The stories that stopped getting feedback despite chapter updates... those are the ones I struggle to keep writing. Maybe there are more like me out there. I have many ideas, and nowhere near enough time or motivation to dedicate to the purpose of getting them onto electronic paper for everyone to read. Maybe, if I'd been one of those famous folks with 2000 followers, that time and motivation devoted to literary pursuits would be easier to find... but who I am now isn't the person who desires to make it big. I'm happy enough with the one person reading what I write.

The tagged story here is the only story that I have had to put on hiatus thus far. While the ratings on it were generally positive, I got no feedback on it. I released a chapter with a big twist and expected a single comment of, "Did not see that coming!" but I got nothing. So, well... I gave nothing after that. If no one wants to know badly enough what happened next, I don't see why the rest of the story is necessary. I have plenty of other ideas, and perhaps that one reader will be happier with them than my ill-fated crossover.

My greatest fear, I guess, is that no one cares about the words shared here. Not my words, but everyone's words. We all have original ideas and we all have something to contribute... not all of it is good, but not all of it is bad, either. We just have to think of what we can give to the community, not what the community can give to us... or some Cracker Jack box wisdom like that.

I didn't start writing because I cared about the community, but I continue writing (mostly just typing up about 1000 words, then getting bored with what I'm writing and deleting it to re-think it and never picking it up again) because I now care about the community. I never thought I'd be spending so much time doing stuff, helping people, or applying my skills as a ninja editor to help edit (uncommon) or critique (much more common) a story. I'm a goofball because I don't think this is srs bsns. I think that writing fanfiction should be fun and that those who read it should be having fun when reading it.

I love writing the ending to a story, but I suck at ending blog posts, so have a picture of my first OC, Enigma:

If I get some feedback on this picture, maybe I'll even post the comic strip that someone was nice enough to draw with her in it.

Report Scootareader · 683 views ·
Comments ( 48 )

i thought it was trixie
the colouring is kinda eh, i guess?

I described her as lavender, same color as Twilight, with a sky blue mane that was incredibly curly and often covered her eyes. :twistnerd: I'm proud to say my first OC was an earth pony.


2601190 but earth ponies are ick. :unsuresweetie:

I released a chapter with a big twist and expected a single comment of, "Did not see that coming!" but I got nothing.

I cried.

And it's extra tough to be motivated enough to complete a story about that ick. :ajsmug: I actually write a pretty even spread of OCs of the three races, now that I think about it.


I want to thank you for this. I really needed it. I am new to the fandom and still nervous about sharing my stories and ideas... Thank you for the follow so I could discover you and read what you have to say.

I noticed you're somewhat new. It's why I started following you. :twilightsmile: We all start somewhere, right?

I am adamant about not writing stories that I feel would garner undeserved popularity.

I concur. Which is why I direct you to this frothing pile of shit. I'm honestly ashamed that this exists.

If I don't know how well I'm doing, I have to be self-motivated to continue. Many authors are self-motivated in the beginning, then they taper off.

This is precisely why I can go months without updating a story or posting a new one.

I never thought I'd be spending so much time doing stuff, helping people, or applying my skills as a ninja editor to help edit (uncommon) or critique (much more common) a story.

Tell me about it. There was one time I had to edit three different stories. Editing is the most fun I have on this site, and it's the main reason why I continue to return here.

Also, I legitimately do like the simplistic coloring of your OC. It reminds me of children's story books.

2601205 That kind of destroyed my emotional connection with that singularity in your blog. :heart:

2601210 Could you please follow my friend http://www.fimfiction.net/user/CrystalMelody_kc ??? She has only been on for a couple of weeks. She is a wonderful Artist. (Did my pic)

Yeah... By the way do you know of any editors that are open to read over a short story? I don't want to just pick one from the bunch... I am a little shy... But if someone could send one my way... I would appreciate it.


This is precisely why I can go months without updating a story or posting a new one.

I haven't updated anything since... oh, September, I think? Apart from my secret spoopy Nightmare Night story for 200 followers. I am writing something secret, but if I was to publish it and try to update it witch chapters, I'm pretty sure I'll be bored with it 2 weeks from now and never look at it again. :twilightsheepish:

I used my tears as lubricant during that story. :pinkiesad2: Not my fault pregnancy and necrophilia are both sexy. :trollestia:

I will follow CrystalMelody_kc if she can prove to me how awesome she is, as you already have. :moustache: I'm already wrapped up in an editing job at the moment, but I bet 2601212 would be interested... provided he's not too busy editing other stories already. :raritywink:

You should have seen what happened when the fic I submitted to EQD got reviewed and rejected. The pre reader went though it, showing everything that was wrong with it. My reaction was, "wow I really can't write." And maybe I can't... yet. I was discouraged, but I went back though it and fixed everything. In all honesty, I leaned more from that devastating email about writing mechanics, than anywhere else. I still haven't resubmitted this story to EQD, and I'm not sure if I ever will. With all negative reviews you get, think, "hmm, what could I have done better?" within reason. Not everyone is going to like your story, but the ones that do will give you advice.

Yeah, sadly not all of us can make it big here. We can't all be Pen Stroke and SS&E, but we can still strive to be as good as them. I like to think that with each story I write that I get better.

Thanks to you, I went back to the only story I ever submitted to EQD to see how bad I was back then.

To be fair, the biggest issue with the story is the Zecora rhymes. I wrote the thing between, like, midnight and 4AM, so I decided some really poor rhyming was acceptable.

Most of the crap that EQD called me on was opinion, though they did gripe a lot about Zecora's rhymes. I guess I can see why they shot me down. :twilightblush:

It's funny that you mention this now. I've actually discontinued a fic that had positive ratings and reviews, but that I felt didn't deserve such praise. My answer to that hasn't been to give up and stop, instead I'm trying to write something new and managed to find some people who would give it a look and let me know honestly whether or not my ideas were worth pursuing or were total shite. Main point I've found is this: it has to be fun for the writer too. Just as much as the readers want to have fun, a writer wants to enjoy the fic they craft. If it's not fun or if the passion somehow dies down, it can be difficult to continue. And that can happen for a variety of reasons...

I do like your OC. Looks cute.

...Started out with this delusion that they were going to make it big and become famous on this site with their alicorn OC story or whatever... and most of us who are still here started with the same story and the same delusions, but we are no longer deluded. We still have faith that someday we will be recognized for what creative talent we may have.

Oh stahp it :twilightblush: Bitch I know you talking bout me :duck:

We need to continue that collab we were writing. If we put it on my account then people will care :trixieshiftright:

Sorry, sorry, okay, I think this was a beautiful blog that most of the authors here know very well. If I had useful or meaningful input on the subject, I'd put it here. But I don't. :pinkiehappy:

I just realized I said I'd submitted it to FIMFiction. :twilightoops: It now properly says EQD.

What have I done to disappoint? :raritydespair:


Main point I've found is this: it has to be fun for the writer too.

I'm actually a very strange author in that respect. I'm probably the only person I know for whom planning ahead is a bad thing. If I know what's coming next, writing the next chapters is just pointless to me. I like to be surprised at what I write myself, so I never go in with an established guideline of what will happen to my character or what they will learn.

If I find a part that's boring to write, I can imagine it would be boring to read. I delete it and try writing something more interesting, a better way for the story to go. Doesn't matter if that completely changes the path of the story... I didn't have a path in the first place. :derpytongue2: I wing it 95% of the time in my stories, and I don't even realize what the twists are until I'm putting them down on paper.

Actually, I'm probably talking to about 80% of the authors on this site. :raritywink:

We need to continue that collab we were writing.

I'm working on some kind of super secret project thing, and it will probably take me a few weeks of writing, as is my custom when writing anything--that is, slowly. After that, our collab is a good possibility. :scootangel:

2601309 I've started doing a bit of a hybrid: general outline, but organic scene writing. It's been working well so far.

>no hooves
>no sympathy

I still love you though. :heart: Can I have a hug..?


Actually, I'm probably talking to about 80% of the authors on this site. :raritywink:

Actually, you were talking to me. :coolphoto:

I'm working on some kind of super secret project thing,

What in Equestria could be more important than a collab with the great FlamingPizza? :rainbowderp:

My general outline usually extends to about a quarter of the next chapter. Any more and I'll get too bored in the beginning of the chapter and it'll take me a month to write 100 words. :twilightsheepish: That's basically just my ideas on where I want to start the chapter, and the rest is I have no clue.


What in Equestria could be more important than a collab with the great FlamingPizza? :rainbowderp:

*hugs da Sexy*

Begin watching this at 1:25.

Is what happens every day.

Who is Frank and who is Buzz.

Only Sexy and me know. :heart:

2601336 *Watches*

Why are you doing this to me..? :heart:

Many authors are self-motivated in the beginning, then they taper off.

I know what it feel like. I'm a bit afraid that I'll just disappear one day. My writing have decreased a lot this year. Maybe is because I am a bit disillusioned. After that my story Vacant got a lot of views and likes I thought I was going to be great. Me! with just 11 followers got into the feature box! I couldn't believe it. My mood dropped when my next stories didn't get the same amount of attention. They aren't bad, they have a good rating, but it seem that they aren't interesting enough.

I have to push myself to write another story. I enjoyed it, but there were some moments when I didn't felt motivated to keep writing. Thanks again for the help, by the way. :twilightsmile:

I love that picture. :rainbowlaugh: You made me laugh at work. My coworkers always look at me funny whenever I find a reason to laugh out loud.

I was actually thinking of PMing you sometime soon. :twilightsheepish: My laziness, as I'm thinking you may now be coming to realize, knows no bounds.

I can see how much it would hurt to not get feedback on something you worked hard on, whether it's detailed or a simple "I liked it". The picture at the bottom of your post is well-done as far as I can tell. I'm curious as to the background behind it. Anyway, I wish you luck on your art, stories, and any other projects you plan on doing.


I'm curious as to the background behind it.

She's actually the cover art to my first story. :twilightsmile: The first OC I ever made was the main character to the first story I ever made. Weren't we all like that? :derpytongue2:

2601407 Interesting. I must say that I like her design. She actually fits in with how some of the canon ponies are designed. :pinkiesmile:

I haven't wrote a single word of the next chapter of the story I asked you to edit.
That just show how motivated I am to write right now. :facehoof:

The first OC I ever made was the main character to the first story I ever made. Weren't we all like that?

Yes! my first OC was the main character of my first never published story. She was so Mary Sue, with grey coat and red mane.:rainbowlaugh:

I am actually proud of most of the OCs I've created. :scootangel:

Enigma - Lavender with light blue curly mane (The Pony That Never Was)
Sea Spray - Weather pony from Manehattan (The Seasons - Summer)
Briar Patch - Makes my skin crawl to think of him because he's an ex-human (The Seasons - Autumn)
Alkaline Grey - Diverted Mary Sue (The Seasons - Winter)
Darkness Awesome - Glorious Mary Sue (Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC and the series reboot)
Shadow Incredible - Glorious Mary Sue #2 (Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC's Son)
Scootareader - Glorious Mary Sue self-insert (Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC's Son's Son)
Sweet Pea - Trixie's daughter, journey of self-discovery (North by Northwest)
Thoroughbreed - Geneticist (The Alicorn Solution)

Also a dozen side OCs that aren't considered main characters (or are important to plot and I don't want to potentially give something away), thus I don't mention them. :twistnerd: My OCs are always supplementary to my story, except in the case of the Alicorn OC family; I will always make OCs that fit my story, never stories fitting of my OC.

It's all right. I can out-lazy you any day of the week. :moustache:

>most of us aren't meant to be big
I'll show you once I finish starting my story "Avocados rape all of equestria"

I did not. :ajsleepy: I wish I had that kind of talent.

Instant upvote and favorite.

You might be amused to note that this is the way I plan road trips: hardly anything is scheduled more than two days in advance, which takes a certain amount of blind faith if you're going out for 17 days.

I've never been within screaming distance of being Featured, and I'm okay with that; most of what I've written would never come close to passing muster with EqD, and I'm okay with that. I never figured anyone would read anything of mine anyway, and I estimated, based on the way Fimfic counts story views, I'd get 25 out of my first story.

We still have faith that someday we will be recognized for what creative talent we may have.

Creative talent? Shit, I gave up on that years ago.

Do you know that happened to ThatScootaloo?

2601183 Who is the woman in your avatar?

Yeah. Ink, the person who made the tumblr, got tired of drawing it. Some artists get really bored doing the same kind of art style over and over again.

I was lucky enough to get the art of Enigma commissioned before she disappeared. I miss her awesome art style. :twilightsmile:

I love it. :rainbowkiss:

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