• Member Since 16th May, 2013
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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

  • EFoundations
    A big change is coming. For Scootaloo, it's a sign that all the good things in her life are about to go away. Everypony says she's looking at it in the wrong way, yet the only pony who can ease her mind is the one she can't talk to.
    PaulAsaran · 8.8k words  ·  761  15 · 11k views

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Here I Go Again · 9:38pm Oct 23rd, 2014

Where's a 2-second Monty Python video when I need one? Anyway, quite a few things to talk about today. First:

Foundations Featured!

Whelp, folks, it's happened again. Foundations came at me on a whim, and I actually had some high hopes for it, but it was that "It'd be nice, but it won't happen" kind of hope. Lo and Behold, as of this writing the story is sitting nice and comfy at #3 in the Feature Box, and has been there all day. I'm tickled pink at all the love that story's getting, which is far exceeding my typical expectations. For a while there it was faring better in ratings (percentage-wise) than even my long-running best-rated story, The Gentle Nights (the original, not the new one).

When Tyrant made the cut, I was pleased... but also a little miffed. I wrote it in short order and didn't really work too hard on it, and it garnered vastly more attention than any of my superior stories ever did. Once the thrill died, I was left a little annoyed. This isn't the case with Foundations, which I actually cared a lot more about and worked much harder on, so to see it get recognition is a wonderful thing. My thanks to Mercury Gilado, Absolution and Vergathos for helping me make it even better for everyone. And also a big thank you goes to DANMAKUMAN, who finished the cover art weeks faster than I expected and made it possible for me to get this story out early.

Landmark Reached!
As of today I've finally breached the 300 followers barrier! I knew it was coming, but it feels good to know that there are so many people out there who like my horse words. I assure you, I will continue to provide them for the foreseeable future. Kudos to leifj2009, who is the one who landed #300! Now let's see if I can hit my '1 million words written before New Years' goal – which, at the rate I'm going, is almost a guarantee.

I also had a '# of views' goal, but now that I can't see them properly that's much harder to track, and I'm not sure if I will. We shall see.

Are you watching, Cerulean? I'm hot on your tail.

Other Material
I should take this opportunity to say that I will be updating Reddux the Tyrant this weekend... so rejoice, the three of you actually following that one. Audience of One is probably not going to be updated this weekend, but no worries; I'm already working on the next chapter. Meanwhile, I'll be releasing the next story of Sweet to Eat tomorrow, if there's anyone out there remotely interested in my attempt at spookiness.

Last but most certainly not least, the final (and, in my opinion, best) entry of mine in the Them AU is coming out this Monday. Unfortunately RainbowBob ran into some computer problems and won't be able to keep the schedule we'd originally planned – he was supposed to release three of his own Them stories during the same time period. Let's all hope his computer can be fixed soon so he can grace us with his crazy horse words again! 'Cause let's face it: this site just isn't the same without everyone's favorite sponge.

A Brief Disappearance?

I realized some time ago that Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is coming out tomorrow. There isn't a chance in Tartarus I won't be buying that game as soon as I get home, and it's entirely possible that I will be blowing my entire weekend and most of next week playing it. I'm a Civ junkie, but this is the successor of Alpha Centauri; even Luna's hot flank couldn't stop me from diving in for a few days (sorry, Luna!). So, uh, yeah... I might not be on as much as I usually am this weekend.

Report PaulAsaran · 389 views · Story: Foundations ·
Comments ( 9 )

Congrats on the milestone and the feature! That Civ game looks fun too.

Site Blogger

Thank you!

And only if you like turn-based strategy on a huge scale. If more actiony stuff is your thing, then...

2551838 No prob.
I haven't played too many of the Civilization games, but the few I have were pretty fun. If it's anything like the previous installments I'd probably get a kick out of it.

Site Blogger

Trust me, the Civ series has gotten better and better with every new game. It's the only video game franchise I always keep up with in terms of new games.

Well congratulations on all counts! :yay:

I'm glad for you! You're really good writer but you seem to have really shit luck sometimes.

Also any "news" on Audience of One?

Site Blogger

Bah, I luck at my luck as karma. I've had a lot of luck in my life, so if I have bad luck in my writing then it just balances out.

As I said, I've started on the next AoO chapter. I haven't gotten very far in it, but I don't think it'll be a particularly long one (at the moment). regardless, I have every confidence that it'll be ready for next weekend.

Are you watching, Cerulean? I'm hot on your tail.

Yeah, well... it took you twice the amount of stories :trollestia:
I'm always watching... :pinkiecrazy:
Good job on the feature though. Really. I knew it would be anyway; ScootaDash fluff is feature bait.

Edit: but you do deserve those followers. It's stupid that it's taken as long as it has to even come close to eclipsing me.

Site Blogger


I'm always watching...

How many hooves am I holding up? :trollestia:

I knew it would be anyway; ScootaDash fluff is feature bait.

Actually, for the first several hours it really looked like it wasn't going to happen. I went to bed an hour after it was accepted, and when I got up in the morning it was still completely unknown.


Then I wised up and stuck it in a dozen groups. :rainbowdetermined2:

It's stupid that it's taken as long as it has to even come close to eclipsing me.

I'm hearing that more and more often lately.

I was referring to that "thing" that Cerulean convinced you to do.

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