EET LIIIIVES! · 2:01am Jul 28th, 2014
*clears throat*
In any case, I've finally finished writing the next chapter of vampony. Sorry it took so long, but I have been busy dealing with life after some unexpected complications arose. However, things are settling down now and I intend to get back to writing.
So without further adieu...
I'll be sending the chapter off to be proofread. Please hold the torches and pitchforks for now.
Oh god... The first vampony story I ever read is alive?
2321709 This is great news, it's a great story.
Now you just need to write the next chapter of cyborg Twilight! She didn't ask for this you know.
That, and getting back to making music are my next two goals.
Whoa, in all honesty, kinda thought you had just stopped doing fanfiction altogether. I mean, its been awhile. But glad to see you are returning.
Congrats things are looking up.
god DAMNIT you had me thinking doctor steel was back!!!!!!!
toy soldier reporting in and marionette is best song ever.
I am very happy to see that this story is coming back. I love this story.
...of all the things I was expecting when I checked my notifications, this certainly was not it, excellent nonetheless, I'm excited to see a new chapter whenever it arrives.
it was never alive. it's forever undead...
regardless, welcome back...
Cool, now get back to work on Among the Ruins.
Whelp, better set aside some time and read the story all over again. I've almost completely forgotten how the story goes, in all honesty.
2322516 Yes, he should update a story that's NOT THE VAMPONY CHRONICLES, sericely thorght, Mr.Steam should update Symphony Shattered or Among the Ruins. So I'm keeping my torch and my pitchfork out till then.
2322007 May Doctor Steel come back.
~Two and a half days later~
Whelp, I'm on my last torch. Cain't wait na more. 'sides, if'n I sharpen mah pitchfork anna more won't be nought laft o' it a'tall.