Pre-edit Preview: AtR Ch.9 · 3:33am May 17th, 2016
As stated in my last blog post and chapter, here is the preview of the next chapter. Let me know if you spot any issues within the next few days, I'll fix them up and then send it off for one final check.
Told you that I wouldn't make you lot wait as long.
Chapter 9: preparations
Shortly after my little ‘pep talk’ concluded, I had made my way back to the communications center to check if they had any new news. As I stepped through the door, I could see that quite a few of the technicians had congregated around one of the consoles. One of them was carefully making adjustments to the panel of knobs and switches in front of him, while he focused intently on the screen. Celestia was still standing on the dais, watching what was going on.
I walked over to the group, and tapped one of the assembled ponies on the shoulder. “Have they found anything yet?” I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the technician’s concentration.
“There was no change until we turned up the power going to the transmitters. The original transmission then stopped and he picked up another transmission, but the signal is on a very narrow band, and was quite weak. Yagi was the only one who picked it up. Whoever is running their transmitter probably has the settings wrong, but unless there is too much interference we should have a lock on the frequency soon.” The tech replied, watching the readouts from the instrument panel above the currently sweating Yagi.
There were a few tense moments of silence, as he closed his eyes, listening to the transmission through the headphones that sat over his ears. After a final small adjustment to one of the knobs he smiled and nodded, flicking a switch labeled ‘speakers’, and above us the room’s speakers crackled to life.
“-Ello? Does anyone read me? Over,” came Morning Dew’s voice.
“Can we transmit back?” I asked Yagi, who nodded, and slid a microphone over to me.
“Just hit button, hopefully she remembers to let go of transmit button on her end.” He said in a thick Stalingrad accent.
“This is Canterlot, we read you Morning Dew,” I said into the microphone, “We got your earlier message, over.”
“By Discord’s horns you have no idea how glad I am to hear another voice. I haven’t spoken to anyone aside from my filly since… Wait a minute, Twilight? Is that you?” There was a short pause, before a hasty “Over.” Was added.
“It’s me Morning. I found a way out, and we’re already getting a team together to pull you out of there.” I replied, smiling. “How long can you two hold out? Over.”
“We have another day and a half of fuel for our generator, but I think I can shut down some non-essential things here and buy us another day or two. Once the generator dies, we’ll have about two hours before the oxygen runs out if I did my math right. We’ve got enough rations to last that long, but we’re out of mask filters. I burned through them trying to dig back up through the collapsed house.” There was a pause as Morning sighed, “If anything it’s the lack of filters that’s going to be the worst, once you get here, we probably won’t have enough fuel to shut the hatch again. We still have suits, but you’re going to have to be fast to get to us before we can’t hold our breaths any longer. Over.”
“We’ll keep that in mind. We’re bringing a hazmat team along as well as a good number of the guard and Discord, so we should be able to come up with a solution. In the meantime, save as much power as you can, and only radio us if something comes up. We’ll keep our receivers locked on this frequency, and we’ll be carrying radio gear with us. Help is on the way. Over.”
“You got it Twilight. Morning Dew out.”
“Canterlot out.” I replied, setting down the microphone and turning to Yagi. “What’s your full name?”
“Yagi Antenna Ma’am.” He said, in between sips of water from a glass someone had brought him.
“Great work on zeroing in on that signal. Can I trust you to help get this place focused on picking up anything from inside the wall?”
“With pleasure. We will be listening with sharpest ears for anything from Miss Dew. We will also keep ear out for anything from you and team.” He said, saluting.
“Glad to hear it. We will leave as soon as we can.” I said as I turned and headed for the door.
“Good luck Ma’am.” Yagi called, causing me to pause.
“We’re going to need more than luck.” I said, “In there is a place that makes Tartarus look like a playground. It’s the kind of place even Tirek would avoid for fear of his own death.” I paused, as I turned and looked him in the eye. “But even so I think that we do have more than just luck on our side. After all,” I smiled, “I survived in there for two years, and those who are going in with me know what they are getting into. None of us are willing to let those two die because we sat around doing nothing, and all of us have skillsets that should help more than fortune alone. Besides, we have you and the rest of the team manning the radios, never underestimate the value of passing on intel.” I turned and stepped out the door, as the ponies in the room behind me were still for a moment before Yagi called out.
“You heard девушка (devushka), get to work!” He yelled, and I could hear the grin in his voice as the communications center became a hive of activity.
As I was walking towards the staging area for the rescue, Proteus interrupted my thoughts.
Mistress, from what I can tell from the audio feed I am getting, there is someone approaching quickly from behind you. I am picking up faint echoes of hoof beats.
Thank you for the heads up. I replied, ducking into an alcove that held a suit of armor. Now that I was not lost in thought, I could hear somepony running after me.
Sure enough, moments later I saw them pass by the alcove, a look of determination on their face. “Excuse me,” I paused as his head whirled around, which led to him tumbling ass over teakettle as he tripped, “but why are you following me?” I stepped out from the alcove, a neutral expression on my face.
“Ow… Oh, Miss sparkle.” He said, perking up as untangled himself from the rug he had gotten wrapped up in, “I was just trying to catch up to you to ask a few questions, if you don’t mind that is.” He said, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry for the scare, but with you leaving again so soon I wanted to at least get a chance to talk to you first.”
“Well, as you seem to know I’m on a bit of a schedule here, so I hope you can walk and talk.” I smiled as I helped him to his hooves. “Besides, I should be the one apologising, but I’ve learned it’s a little better to be safe than sorry.”
“It sounds like there is quite the tale behind that. I’m Clear Horizons, pleased to meet you.” He said, as we started walking.
“Oh you have no idea.” I said, shuddering slightly at the memories of how I learned that lesson.
”Come on you stupid door, move!” I muttered, throwing my shoulder against the door of one of the guard stations in the shopping district of Canterlot. After a few more tries the door gave way with a loud crunch, the acid and my body checking breaking the wood of the door.
I proceeded into the jewellery shop, looking around for what I came here for. I was trying to find gems large enough that I could enchant them with a recording spell so I could leave behind my story, if I couldn’t find a way out of the wall.
Soon I had found my way into the back of the shop. Sure enough there were a few display cabinets full of large gemstones against the wall, as well as a few on a table, still waiting to be set into amulets or jewellery. “Jackpot,” I whispered, as I started to levitate them into my saddlebags.
As I cleared the shelves, I caught a glint out of the corner of my eye, near the door I had just passed through. I paused what I was doing and stood stock still, looking carefully around that side of the room. I had learned already that it was a good idea to not ignore anything that may have moved.
For a few moments, nothing happened, then I caught another glint under one of the workbenches. There was a puddle of silvery liquid slowly moving along beneath the workbench. It was making a soft hissing noise, as if sand was pouring slowly onto the ground. I stayed frozen in place as the puddle slid out into the middle of the other side of the room, hoping that it was just another nanoswarm as they were easy to fool now.
As it turned out, I was wrong.
Slowly, as if to put on a show, a griffon’s skeleton rose out of the puddle. It was the same silver color as the puddle, and was staring right at me. When the skeleton was fully formed, the rest of the puddle rushed up the frame, filling in the areas between the ‘bones’ as it took a slow step towards me. I took a defensive stance, smashing the display cases with my magic and creating a glittering whirlwind of sharp glass fragments and gems around me.
With an blood chilling screech, the silver griffon launched forward, only to be thrown away by the whirlwind around me. The shards had torn its head to taters from their speed, and many more had embedded themselves in its body. It crashed through a workbench nearby, the hoses of the jeweler’s torch upon the bench getting ripped from their gas tanks by the sheer force of the impact. The shards and gems that had made up my shield flew off, their momentum carrying them away from me as a deadly cloud of shimmering shrapnel.
I stood there panting from the exertion of keeping that many small objects orbiting me at near supersonic velocity. The store was deathly quiet, the only sound being that of my breath as I backed towards the door to the front of the shop. I prayed that I had killed whatever that griffon had become, but the sound of rubble shifting told me that it was still alive.
Thinking fast I drew out a small fire ruby, charged until it was glowing with magic. Activating the spell inside, I launched it into the back of the shop as I dove out the front windows and ran.
Moments later the shop erupted in a four story fireball as the fire ruby detonated in a burst of flame, igniting the gas and turning the inside of the shop into a searing facsimile of the flaming pits of Tartarus.
As I slowed a few blocks away to catch my breath, the griffon’s unearthly screech echoed through the streets as it screamed its anger at loosing me to the sky. It was a sound I grew to dread throughout the remainder of my stay inside the wall, and each encounter with the griffon had led to a fierce and violent fight to survive.
“Regardless,” Clear Horizons said, snapping me out of my memories, “It’s one I would like to be privileged to hear one day.”
“I highly doubt you have the stomach for what happened to me in there.” I replied, “Now, what did you want to talk about?”
“Well, first off, I’d like to say it’s good to see you survived that idiot’s attempt on your life.” He said as we rounded a corner into the hall of the elements. “Secondly I’d like to apologize for not turning that degenerate in sooner. I knew he was unstable but I never thought he would go that far. We were friends at one point, but differing viewpoints drove us apart. He thought that we should take a more… active role in changing this country, while myself and most of our movement are simply content with protests and non-violent activism.”
“It’s good to hear that there are others trying to make a change without using violence,” I replied, relaxing slightly. “He requested to see me you know. Once I’m back from this rescue mission I’ll be having a chat with him.”
“Do try to beat some sense into his thick skull, figuratively of course. I can handle doing so literally when that idiot brother of mine gets out of prison for attempted murder. Ever since our sister died in Canterlot… well I’m sure you get the picture.” He frowned, sighing, “What’s done is done though, and it appears I’m almost out of time.” He said as we stepped through the cliffside doors of the castle into the castle’s small aerodrome. It was a flurry of activity as a few military airships were being loaded with various equiptment for our trip into Canterlot, courtesy of the princesses. “I’d like to invite you to one of my movement’s events, as an honored guest. Consider it an apology from me for my brother’s actions, and as a chance to hear our side of the story over dinner. We’re having a small gala in three weeks to raise funds to keep the lights on at our headquarters, and we would be honored to have you join us.” We both stopped at the top of the stairs.
I am not detecting any sigs of him lying mistress. Proteus’ voice nearly made me jump, but I managed to keep it under control.
Thank you, but next time please give me some kind of warning before piping up like that. I replied. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. If you could send a letter addressed to me with the details to the castle, I’m sure it will find its way into my hooves.”
“You can expect it upon your return then. Good luck Miss Sparkle, I hope everything goes well.” He said, nodding to the bustle of activity in the courtyard.
“Thank you, and have yourself a good day.” I said and we parted ways.
I heard a small double beep in my head, ”Well he certainly was interesting… Proteus chuckled as we headed towards the gathered ponies in the courtyard.
”He means well, and seems to not be crazy… Good idea with that sound by the way” I replied, looking over the supplies gathered.
”Thank you mistress, and I think it would be worth it to hear what he has to say. After all, you can’t really hear the whole story without knowing both sides.” I paused, thinking on what Proteus had just said.
”That’s… rather philosophical of you Proteus.” I was surprised at the AI’s statement to say the least.
”Well, we do have a lot of time on our hooves to think about things. That is a philosopher’s job after all is it not?”
”I guess it is… huh, never really thought of it that way.” I replied as my brother came up to me.
“It looks like everything for the mission is together Twiley…” Shining trailed off as he looked over the assembled team, “try to bring them home safe will you?”
“Shining…” I wanted to say that I would, but I didn’t want to lie to him, “I’ll be honest, I will do my best, but it’s dangerous in there.”
“I know.” He said, giving me a hug, “All I ask is that you try. I am still a captain after all, and I know better than anyone around here that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” He broke the hug and saluted me. “They are yours to command LSBFF, may Celestia’s sun watch over you and Luna’s moon guide your path.”
I returned the salute, smiling at his use of one of the traditional Royal Guard farewells. “And may Faust help those who stand in our way.” I replied, completing the phrase, much to his surprise.
“Who taught you that?” He asked, a little shocked.
“Luna did actually. I know most of them.” I smirked at the look of realization on his face.
“Even the Stallion’s farewell?” He quirked an eyebrow.
I simply smiled before replying, “Wherever you may roam may the mares be plenty, and the fields ready to be sown.”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at his face, now resembling something akin to a beached fish than a pony. Hugging him once more, I turned and walked over to the team, some of whom had obviously heard our conversation.
“Alright, everyone double-check your gear, we leave in five minutes. Dismissed!” I called out, the ponies saluting sharply before rushing off to do one final check.
“Two minutes until we reach the LZ.” The captain of the airship called out over the intercom. I was sitting by one of the viewports, gazing out at the wall of the containment zone.
“Hey, Sparks,” Discord said as he floated over to beside me, “Cheer up. I doubt there is anything in there that would give the two of us trouble. After all, the two of us make up quite the dynamic duo. I can see the headlines now.” there was a pop as a newspaper appeared in front of him, “See, right here.”
I took the paper in my magic and read the title out loud. “Lord of Chaos and sidekick Purple Smart save the day… Really, that’s the best you could come up with?” I deadpanned as the other ponies in the room chuckled politely to themselves.
“I’m the Lord of Chaos, not good jokes. That’s Thalia’s job.” He said as the paper disappeared. “Seriously though, lighten up a little. No point worrying while there’s a job to do and all that.”
“I know; I’m just worried about how this will go. I’d rather go in there with just you to help, but magic isn’t as easy to use in there. I can’t teleport, and telekinesis is far more difficult. Even with your help, I’m sure we’ll still need the extra hooves to move the house and keep an eye out for threats. You and I will be the ones handling said threats after all.”
“Hmm… fair point. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one wondering about that.” He said, nodding towards the wall, as if there was someone there.
“Uh… there’s no one there Discord.” I said, after glancing over at the empty wall.
“No one but the fourth wall my dear.” He replied cryptically before vanishing.
I stood there for a moment, trying to figure out just what the meaning of that phrase was, before heading for the cargo bay. “It’s like Pinkie… don’t question it…”
The landing was uneventful, and within fifteen minutes we were kitted up and ready to go. The hazmat team had returned my outfit, freshly cleaned, and I had just finished pulling the goggles over my head as the sound of two sky chariots landing came from behind me.
Turning around I saw that Luna and Celestia had arrived, along with four other unicorns who I did not recognise. “Squad, Attention!” I called out, remembering how Shining had done that ever time the Princesses had arrived on the parade square or in a camp he was commanding.
“At ease.” Celestia called out, smiling at the assembled ponies. “It seems you were paying more attention than I thought at all of the military events we went to.” She said, nuzzling me.
“What can I say Princess, I’ve been to enough of them.”
“That you have Twilight, that you have.” She smiled once more, then turned to Luna. “Shall we?”
“Let’s.” Luna replied, charging her horn as Celestia did the same. Feeling the immense amount of magic they were building up, I stepped back and let them do what they had to.
Twin beams, one golden and the other silver with a slight blue aura surrounding it, flew towards the wall. Upon impact, lines of pure magic spread across its featureless surface as runes flared to life here and there. Slowly the shape of a massive spell matrix, larger than I had ever seen, took shape upon the wall.
“Luna, you’re forgetting to tie the Uruz and Ehwaz runes to the third lateral again.” Celestia said, her voice as calm as if she were discussing the events during afternoon tea.
“I really do have to stop forgetting that.” Luna muttered, and two of the runes shifted position in the matrix. Soon the outer circle had formed and the spell matrix flared a blinding white. With a deep rumble, as if there was a weak earthquake, the spell’s results took shape.
Inset into the unbroken obsidian wall there was now a massive set of doors. Ringed in silver and gold, they slowly and silently slid open. Upon both of the doors, and a set at the other end of the cavernous tunnel through the wall, numerous runes were etched. I could see many for containment, cleansing, and strengthening, and the roof had water runes at regular intervals. There were large, crystal clear windows along one side, and I could see the four unicorns that had arrived with the Princesses heading for a much smaller set of doors off to one side.
“There, that should do it.” Princess Celestia said, looking over the results of their spell work.
“We have enchanted the doors so both sets will not open at the same time. Those four will handle decontaminating all of you when you come back through, as well as watch over the gates so that nothing unwanted gets in, or out.” Luna said, pre-empting my question. “We wish thee luck, and hope that you all come back safely.”
“We will do our best.” I replied before turning to the assembled teams. “Alright, let’s move out!” I yelled to them, and with those words we marched into the maw of Tartarus before us.
You still have the problem of using periods/full-stops (whatever you want to call them) during the dialogue.
A few instances are as follows:
If it's the same clause as the dialogue then you should change the period to a comma and then de-capitalise the following letter if it's not a noun. If the dialogue is one clause and the following sentence is a different action, only then do you keep the period and capital. It's mainly grammar and punctuation that I noticed, including some missing punctuation.
When you've got the chapter all written up just drop me the link to the gdoc in a PM and I can fix everything up as best I can.
Will do, I'll probably do that wednesday. I'm going to see what else pops up in the comments section until then.
With an blood chilling screech
With a blood chilling screech
head to taters from their speed,
I’m just worried about how this will go. I’d rather go in there with just you to help, but magic isn’t as easy to use in there. I can’t teleport, and telekinesis is far more difficult.
In the first chapter Twilight teleports over a small river and levitates multiple things and she also levitated stuff in the flashback of this chapter.
i swear how the heck do you get that highlight thing
3950240 tasty, tasty taters...
We've seen twi do far larger teleportation a in the show, it's the reason why she didn't just 'port to the castle and skip the walk.
the acid helping me break the wood
"Just press the button,
head to tatters
Tasty tasty tasty tater tots tasty
She's not saying she can't use magic, just that it is more difficult to. Yes she's managed it, but my headcannon is that magic is linked to emotion. Levitating a ball because someone asked you to? more difficult than normal. In a panic because your about to die? you have the magical equivalent of an adrenaline boost to defend yourself.
hopefully that helps clarify.
read it could not find any thing wrong, but then again, I suck at spelling and grammar
Hey i'm just wondering when this chapter is gonna come out, it's been almost 6 months since this blog and i don't think we have heard anything from you in that time, just curious as to when it's going to be published, thank you for your time and i'm sorry if it seems like i'm pressuring you to hurry up because that is not my intention.
I've seen this chapter here for almost half a year now. Is there any reason you did not release it yet? Do you still need to edit some more? I mean it looks good to me. (although I kind of hope to see her friends and Spike send her off as well)
I was actually just about to start writing the next one (damn thee life and your setbacks), and i realized my fuckup. it will be up shortly.
Is everything going well for you IRL??
Please let us know if there will be ANY more updates for your wonderful stories..
Best Wishes,
Merlin (the NOT bearded)