• Member Since 20th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 29th, 2022


♫ Do you want to build an airship? ♫

More Blog Posts87

  • 456 weeks
    Pre-edit Preview: AtR Ch.9

    As stated in my last blog post and chapter, here is the preview of the next chapter. Let me know if you spot any issues within the next few days, I'll fix them up and then send it off for one final check.

    Told you that I wouldn't make you lot wait as long. :derpytongue2:


    Chapter 9: preparations

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    15 comments · 1,355 views
  • 462 weeks
    Pre-edit preview: Among the Ruins

    Since I didn't feel like making you lot who took the time to follow me on here wait any longer, here's the preview of the latest chapter of AtR, straight out of the word file.


    Among the Ruins
    Chapter 8: Revelation
    By: SteampunkBrony

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    30 comments · 997 views
  • 468 weeks
    I'm still here.

    Alright folks, I'll be honest with you, I've been a bit of a bastard on updating my stories on here. Good news is I'm starting to get back into the creative swing of things, and yes that includes writing.

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    10 comments · 761 views
  • 549 weeks
    Goin to BronyCan again this year.

    Like the title says, I'm heading to bronycan again this year. If you're gonna be there and want to meet up, let me know.

    3 comments · 760 views
  • 550 weeks

    *clears throat*

    In any case, I've finally finished writing the next chapter of vampony. Sorry it took so long, but I have been busy dealing with life after some unexpected complications arose. However, things are settling down now and I intend to get back to writing.

    So without further adieu...

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    19 comments · 892 views

I'm still here. · 3:22am Feb 24th, 2016

Alright folks, I'll be honest with you, I've been a bit of a bastard on updating my stories on here. Good news is I'm starting to get back into the creative swing of things, and yes that includes writing.

To those of you who've messaged me previously, I apologize for my silence. I hit a few rough patches in my life, as well as had work leaving me too tired to do much but sleep afterwards. Hopefully i'll be able to cover what has been asked, and if I don't feel free to message me.

1: will I be continuing my stories.

Yes I fully intend to. I have decided that Vampony needs a re-write of a few of the earlier chapters, as I feel they are too rushed. This will be secondary to Among the Ruins, which I will be hopefully getting a start on tomorrow. Feel free to pitch a few ideas at me for either, as I have yet to decide what to do with them.

2: Can you do a continuation/spinoff of my stories.

To this I will say a tentative yes. I hate to see stories drop off the grid without any explanation (hypocritical of me, I know) and as such I'll allow it. However, I'll ask that you give me credit for my writing, and to state clearly that your version is one that is a continuation/spinoff.

3: Do I need an editor.

Yes, but I'll toss up a blog post about it when the time comes asking about that.

Again, if I haven't answered your question(s) feel free to try again. I should be able to get back to you.

Report SteampunkBrony · 761 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Coincidentally enough, I just recently got back into the game of being an editor. Consider this me offering my service again.


I will message you as soon as I've gotten some writing done. Hopefully whichever chapter I get to next isn't any more of a royal clusterf*ck than previously. :twilightsheepish:


And I hope I don't disappoint, I have been meaning to get back to writing for a long time.

It's good to see you up and moving.

cue It lives meme, and the like good to see you back I will leave you fine folks with the music of the dead

Holy kajeesus you're alive.

Welcome back.

Well... I'll be. Nice to see you back here!

This. Makes. Me. So Happy :pinkiehappy:

Welcome back SteampunkBrony


Oh this is so exciting. Here I thought one of my favorites was going to remain unfinished.

Nice! I honestly thought you weren't coming back... then I look at your profile per random chance, and bam. I was holding on reading Among The Ruins because of that - one of the few stories with excellent prompts but dead updates on my folder. I can barely wait for you to work on it again!

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