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Pen Stroke

A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.

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  • 44 weeks
    EFNW 2023

    Realize I haven't breathed a word about this, and that I'm generally silent on the blog side of Fimfiction as it is, but I'm attending Everfree Northwest this year!

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  • 81 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022

    It's that time of year again, and sign ups are closing soon. If you have any interest, and haven't yet, sign up for Jinglemas 2022!

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  • 142 weeks
    2021 Movie Thoughts + 1 Question

    Super Short Answer: I really enjoyed it!

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  • 144 weeks
    Glimpses 2 - Now Complete

    Though it was a day late, hopefully, it's not a dollar short. I've posted the final chapter of Glimpses 2! I hope everyone enjoys the last chapter and enjoyed the story as I whole. I would also like to thank everyone that submitted suggestions to my blog about a month ago. The anthology would not have been nearly as interesting without your input!

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  • 145 weeks
    Last Chapter of "Glimpses 2" slightly delayed

    Just what it says on the tin. Need 1 more day for the "Core" chapter of Glimpses 2. Should be up tomorrow. After that, the story will be complete!

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Was at E3 yesterday · 2:39pm Jun 6th, 2012

The benefit of being in LA and being a Game Programmer/Engineer by trade: can actually go to E3. Didn't get to stay their long, was basically doing a time share on the company pass from my summer place of employment, but still got to see a lot of cool things that are looking really cool. Of what I was able to see, watch, and get my hands on, here's what I'm looking forward to the most.

--Sly Cooper, Thieves in Time
Always been a big fan of this series, and they had a playable demo of it at E3 this year. Despite the fact it's being developed by another company, its has that discernible Sly Cooper feel and is looking amazing. Particularly, the game's animations are a real step forward compared to the good, but at the times wonky animations of the PS2 predecessors. That, and I was all giggles the rest of the day because I didn't realize it was coming out this fall. That made me happy.

--Pikmin 3
This game is looking just as good, though I'm a little ticked that it's only going to be out for the Wii U. Still, while I didn't get to play it directly, got to watch someone play it. The motion controls seem to be a real benefit to the game now that it's designed around them, and the world is looking even more vibrant and full of life than it did in Pikmin 2 (which was amazing when it was released, if you don't remember.) Again, ticked about Wii U exclusiveness, but can't really do anything about that.

Got to sit and watch a live demo of the new SimCity, and I'm real impressed with what they are calling their Glass Box simulation. Basic mantra behind it is that everything they are simulating has some visible effect on the city you're building. If there's a high crime rate, they're will be graffiti on buildings. If they're are traffic jams, stuff that needs to get around the city will be delayed cause the trucks are sitting in traffic. The city's light up at night, and will go dark if there aren't people inside or if the power goes out. Basically, it's a very literal "What you see is what is happening simulation."

That, and curved, free form roads. No longer is SimCity a game on a grid.

The one nuance I found out about from a co-worker, however, is that it's a game that's trying to fight piracy by requiring you always have a connection to the internet. Hopefully, this won't be such an issue to SimCity like it was for Diablo 3 (didn't play it but coworkers around my office and droves on the internet were complaining about the deaths caused to them in the single player campaign because of internet lags.)

Those were the games that really caught my eye for the two hours I was able to slip into the convention before I had to return the company loaner pass, and I can't wait until they come out.

Report Pen Stroke · 433 views ·
Comments ( 30 )

I wish I could have been there, it seemed so interesting this year! You lucky author you.


So jealous. As if I didn't have ENOUGH to be jealous about. :trixieshiftright:

Any NEW ideas this year? I didn't see any at the press conferences.

New SimCity! HAYS YES!
Wait, it requires always-on? Oh, those a-holes don't want my money then.

Sim City sounds most interesting... I haven't played a game like that in a long time, and t' be honest, I missed em'.

I see that Will Wright is trying to salvage his reputation after that Spore fiasco, going back to what works is a good idea but that DRM is gonna blow up in his face. :facehoof:

It must have been awesome being there firsthand and witnessing everything that was going on, if only for a short time. The most any of us have is just watching on the internet or on TV. Being a long time SimCity player myself, it was great seeing it pop up again, as well as your take on it. So much to look forward to. Though I'm sure our bank accounts won't be liking us in the future. :rainbowlaugh:

i would say most looking forward to Assassins Creed 3 those games just have such a brilliant storyline

Eeeeee! Sly Cooper!

...sorry, my fanboy was showing.

Always been 'meh' about the Sim-series. That sort of gameplay never really appealed to me. Though I do like Rollercoaster Tycoon, but that could be because I delight in killing my customers.

Pikmin 3? No! I can't suffer watching my Pikmin dying a third time! I can't micromanage! I won't do it!


Sly 3 was far and above my favorite Sly, and I'm hoping they manage to retain that feel for Thieves in Time. It's good to hear someone who was there say that it does. Can't wait to pickpocket all of the things!


All I can say is, Watch Dogs. :yay:

you lucky fuck.

You're mad about Pikmin 3 being a Wii U exclusive? Where else are you expecting it? :rainbowhuh:

In any event, Pikmin 3 will be AWESOME :pinkiehappy:

i forget whats E3 stand for again? i know its a big gameing thing but what dose the E stand for?

Damn. I have a 360, but I loved the Sly series.

What "Spore Fiasco"? Are you talking about him actually having the gall to SELL the DEMO and overcharging for the parts addon and the expansion?

...because if you're talking about something ELSE, then I'm going to need more information.

MY big question is how they plan to actually connect this with Sly 3. At the end of the last game, he was retired from crime, dating a cop, and may or may not have started working AS a cop. ...oh, and was apparently either fully recovered from temporary amnesia, or was faking it. Not sure which.

I know, right? It's a First Party franchise, same as Zelda and Metroid.

Electronic Entertainment Expo

The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is perhaps it would come out for the Wii as well. But even then... :rainbowhuh:

From what I've read about it, it seems that some mysterious villain (as per usual) is somehow screwing with time and messing up Sly's ancestory, destroying his lineage, and the plot of the game is to correct it and save Sly's family history, as well as figuring out why it's happening at all. Even if he's retired from crime, I can see him still being proud of his lineage and getting very upset that someone is destroying it.

My bet is it's Carlita trying to erase her lover's 'bad past' using technology from the remains of Clockwerk, and it would totally be at the tricksterish suggestion of some kind of puppet master villain pulling her strings that Sly wouldn't learn about until the very end of the game... and given that this game seems to have time traveling shinanegans, this theoretical puppet master could totally be a younger Clockwerk. Dun dun DUUUUN.

Any news about Episode 3?

Pikmin is a Wii U exclusive because it's a Nintendo first-party game.

How about any info on HALO 4 or Dead Space 3?

Allow me to clarify that. I'm not made at Nintendo for keeping Pikmin 3 exclusive to their console. I don't like the fact it won't be coming out for the old Wii.

159127 Ah, okay. That makes more sense.

I'm waiting for Maxis and EA to come out with a game that integrates SimCity, The Sims, SimTower, and SimEarth, and introduces something like SimUniverse.

What I envision would be basically a Sims game, but your sims could populate a city you build using SimCity-like tools, which would be part of a SimNation consisting of numerous regions and cities, which would be part of a SimEarth containing a number of nations, which would be part of a SimUniverse consisting of other players' earths via the Internet.

Maybe my vision is a bit ambitious... :applejackunsure:

159052 Valve wasn't there.... or at least I think they weren't.

what game company do you work for or are you solo?

Snoring...snoring...snor- Wait, E3? WHAAAAAAAT THE FU-

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