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Professor Donger

Imagine not writing about ponies in the current year

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Don't you hate it when you post a fic to a site and no one cares? · 7:50pm Dec 9th, 2013


Okay, SO I know that I don't post stories that often, and I'm trying to get better at it. But don't you just hate it when you post something new and most people EVEN your watchers who are supposed to be like stalking you for stories ignore it? without even giving it a second glance or benefit of the doubt? Hell even the 700 favorites for Cousin Vinyl ignored the updates that came out for the story.

Thats partly the reason why I neglected Cousin Vinyl was because not only could I not think of a relevant plot to it, I couldn't for the life of me tell if the people who Favorited it just kinda pressed the star button and left it there to rot. Yes there are quite a few requiring people who commented on the story when it updated, but they're support couldn't help.

I don't expect any new story I post to be like "OMG HE POSTED A NEW STORY INSTA FAVORITE HERDER DER DER" But I at least want to know that the 158 people following me care enough to at least read it or look at it or something.

Hell most of you don't even look at my blog posts, I think at most I got around 50 views on a blog post, whatever, I'm going to continue writing....but thanks for the support guys.

Report Professor Donger · 160 views · Story: Bell Toll ·
Comments ( 15 )

Stop doing this! I'm not following you! This has nothing to do with Cousin Vinyl! Stop this garbage!

1589718 But you're also talking about a new story. So basically your trying to shoehorn in more crap. Don't be abusing this power, I only care about Cousin Vinyl, not the other story.

Dude, I would be happy you have this much view on a story likes this, not saying that its bad. But all stories or fics in general if they're good. No matter when you update it, if it's good people will read it regardless and at this point of day I don't think too many people active. When updating stories, you want to update when you could see almost two thousand people on the site. That way it guarantees more views and favs. And if the story is good it will get its support regardless.

1589725 You can be reported for abusing this....

1589732 I changed it, I'm tired, I"m irritable, and I'm not in a good mood. Sorry for ruining your day go have a good day

There is only so many stories people can read, many just stick to who they're following. Others likely forgot they were following since you have had a very long hiatus and you did cancel that Vinyl Scratch story. I'm sure you didn't miss the ability to tag stories as "Hiatus". Till it gets rewritten however, I'd suggest you not abuse the story update for blogs as it is against site rules.

Second, November and this whole week of December are the worst days for posting stories. Least for many that frequent this site seeing how it's finals for most people for the semester.

Third, 25 likes and 1 downvote, and possibly more favs than likes or vice versa since many forget to do one or the other or don't do it at all after reading the story. You, sadly, only got those views and likes/favs on Vinyl Scratch since the video for that thing was still very fresh in peoples minds. Don't think for a moment that is the norm. Even the most viewed authors don't get huge views on all their stories.

Be thankful for what you have. I for one help run a Diamond Tiara centric group where I run events that give out big prizes to those who compete and even for those who participate in the voting and those tend to be very small turn outs.

So really, with how little time people get on the front page, how even less I myself even spend looking at the front page directly, at times I go weeks without looking, and why is that? Because I'm usually too busy to read anything and when I do it's to catch up with what's become a huge list of read laters when it used to just be 10-20 at most. Chalk all that up with hoddies, real life friends, online friends, skype groups and the occasional video game and that's aside from basic life responsibilities.

People have way more things keeping them busy that they aren't going to have much time to read every single story. Premise and characters and tags play a major role whether it'll have 10 or 6000 views.

Be upset. It's perfectly natural. But try not to alienate your fans, however many of them are still active and interested. You've already taken away the story they started following you for which is supposedly being rewritten since, like, months now.

You need some time off to cool your jets and reassess why you even bother writing anything at all. Don't share stuff with the world if you're going to be upset over how few turn up to read it.

Any who, I've got group responsibilities to get to and a Diamond Goes to Boot Camp chapter to finish. Maybe when I have more time I'll check out your new story. Not gonna lie, might not happen. But I need to get going. Best of luck with whatever you decide on doing.

Only thing I'd suggest is skim through the newest stories section on the front page. How many of those stories have YOU bothered to read through? Don't you think it's a bit selfish to think you're more deserving than any of them?

Personally, I would of loved your story if it stayed without Vinyl being tied to Octavia. That got me to lose interests as it limits what the character can do, but whatever, fandom can only ever love what someone else already wrote and tries to force their headcanons on others.

Sometimes the stalkers don't like what you posted. Sorry man.

1589712 Dude, squashing the guy is not how you inspire an author to write. If you want more of your fave story but you just can't stand to read the blog then quietly click away. For you, relief is just a button click away. For him? How does he get his fire to write back after you sprayed high pressure CO2 all over his mood? He's got to recover while picking chunks of dried ice off his pants - what's so bad that's happened to you?

1590273 Haven't been sleeping well, but thats besides the point

1590273 What's bad is this new system, people can now abuse it to get people that aren't following them to read blogs that nobody cares about. I always keep my blogs and my actual story blogs separate.

1590285 you see this is why we can't have nice things

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