• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
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There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.

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LFaFatEotW (Worst Acronym Ever) — Anniversary Q&A Extravaganza Post Thing · 7:29pm Nov 28th, 2013

Well goddamn... it's been an entire year since I started this story, and I can't believe it's still going. I know I've said it many time, and I'll probably say it many more before this thing is through, but the only reason I've made it this far is because of you guys. If it weren't for all you awesome readers, I would have no reason to continue, and for your continued support, I say thanks for being the awesome people you are.

Anyway, without further adieu, I'll go ahead and kick this thing off with few questions that were asked previously. For everyone else, please feel free to post your questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them. Oh, and if you want to do that thing from awhile back where you pull out specific sections to find out what was going through my head while I was writing that, then you're welcome to do that too. In fact, think of this as your opportunity to ask me anything you want, or Trixie, because I'll also be fielding questions for her.

All right, so first off we got a question from Swashbucklist:

Why the heck do all your other awesome stories never hit the feature box? And how does Trixie feel about this?

The answer to the first question is easy. I simply don't have the popularity required for instant feature box status. On top of that, I'm apparently not very good at figuring out what people want. I mean, the only besides Letters that has hit that illustrious box is Literary Love, and then only very briefly. I could go into a long rant about the feature box promoting stories with poor writing simply because of silly ideas/porn, but that's not interesting or funny, so the short answer is: I'm not popular enough. Oh, and the internet at large seems to support mediocrity, so if someone is actually halfway decent at something (like I'd like to think I am in regards to writing), then that's not going to become popular. But I digress.

As for the second question... well, I'll let her tell you.
If it weren't for alexmagnet's sub-par writing, the mere fact that I'm in his stories would mean that they would be instantly featured. I blame him for my lack of popularity.

Okay, so the next question comes from Twilight_Crow:

What do you do when you get a writing block?
Trixie, why did you use to speak in third person? Why did you stop?

As you may expect, I experience writer's block frequently. Sometimes it's because I don't know how to write some particular piece, or because I'm not sure how I want the story to go for a particular chapter. The way I usually get over it is to either write something else, (many of the stories I've written since Letters have been a way of getting over writer's block by writing something unrelated) or to just walk away for a day or two. I find that if I just leave something for awhile, it gives me time to think about it and come up with a solution to my problem. However, there's been a few occasions where I just had to power through it, usually with a lot of tea, or alcohol. That being said, I find the best solution is to just write something else.

I only spoke that way as part of my act. It was a way of making myself seem larger than life. In addition to that, it also helped ponies remember my name. If I just shout "Trixie" all the time, they're bound to remember me. I wouldn't say I stopped however, I just haven't had a need to speak in third-person anymore. If the need arises, then I'll speak in third-person again.

And with that, I'll now be fielding questions from the comments. Ask anything you want.

Comments ( 17 )

Trixie, how much blame do you shoulder for all the trouble Twilight is getting in while following you?

Alex, be honest - did you use a D&D Random Encounter table to come up with some of the situations you've put Trixie into? :derpytongue2:

I find the Featured Box has a good story about 1/10 times. Though most of them are just porn.

How did you come up with the idea for Lucidity?

At first, I didn't blame myself, but as time goes on and she gets into more dangerous situations, I start to feel worse and worse. I don't want her to get hurt because of me, but at the same time, I would be lying if said I wasn't happy that she cared so much about me that she'd track me down even to the ends of the Earth.

Fun fact: never played D&D in my life. Not once. So, while that sounds awesome, no, I've never used a D&D encounter table, heh. It all comes from my idea factory, a.k.a. my big stupid brain.

I've always had a fascination with lucid dreaming, but it wasn't until I was at work one day, reading Freud's lectures on psychoanalysis, that I decided I wanted to write horsewords about lucid dreaming. Oh yeah, and I picked Twilight for obvious reasons, but Rainbow Dash because she seemed the most ripe for interesting dreams.

I wish the story was more interesting or funny, but there you have it.

1550711 That sounds disappointing. We should totally get you into roleplaying. A game of Fallout: Equestria maybe? :derpytongue2:

One more for Trixie: does the Great and Apologetic Trixie enjoy peanut butter crackers?

I've wanted to try, just never had an opportunity.

Who doesn't?


Well I find it interesting and sometimes funny, so TAKE THAT!


Is showmareship part of your special talent, or does your cutie mark just concern magic? Have you ever worked as a tech for other stage plays, for example, working the magical pyrotechnics? Ever had any vocal training, dance instruction, or any other kind of formal stage-related education?

Hmm, that's an interesting question. I guess I never really thought about it. I've always had a talent for magic, but it wasn't specifically flashy magic, so I would say that my talent doesn't necessarily relate to showmanship, that's just what I decided to do. I mean, after I left Hoofington, I felt I needed to make a name for myself, that I had to make my life worthwhile.

No, I have not worked as stage tech, or anything like that. I was more of a one-mare show. I didn't used to work well with others. And no, I've never had any training of any kind. I'm entirely self-taught... for better or worse.

alexmagnet, There are multiple storylines in Letters From a Friend at the End of the World and I was wondering which of the story lines do you enjoy writing most?

Oooh, this is a fun one.

Honestly, I immediately wanted to say that I liked writing present-Trixie the most. I love the whole storyline with the drakes and all that, and there's so much more about to happen in the next few chapters of that storyline that I can't wait to get to. But y'know, despite all that, I'm not sure I'd say it's my favorite. Actually, what's been the most fun/rewarding to write is past-Trixie. Having her start this journey with a bitter resentment for Twilight and slowly grow to think of her as a friend, all while meeting new people and making new friends and healing old wounds, has been incredibly fulfilling to write. I can only hope that some of that rubs off on the readers. I mean, I do my best to make the story as emotional as I can without feeling like I'm trying too hard or shoving emotions in your face. I try, and hopefully I've succeeded, to make the emotions feel more organic than that.

Sadly, that leaves Twilight and Co. as my least favorite storyline to write, which is not to say that I don't enjoy writing them, I just sometimes feel as though they're not as interesting to read about, which is perhaps a failing on my part. I mean, they're basically just chasing after someone who's so far ahead that they can't even see the trail she left behind. But I digress. The short answer to your question is that I like writing past-Trixie the most because of the massive amounts of headcanon I get to unleash coupled with the unbridled character building that takes place.

So it's all your fault for not being as popular as you should be, huh? Trixie and I are very displeased with you.

In writing Letters, do you have the end in mind? Do you have an outline for the story? I ask because it's at 100k words, and doesn't show signs of resolving.

The short answer is yes, and sort of. The long answer is... a bit more complictaed.

Ever since I wrote that first chapter over a year ago, I've had an ending in mind. Over time, the details surrounding that ending have changed quite a bit, but the core concept, or message, that I want to convey has not. While it may seem like there's no end in sight, I assure you I am constantly working towards it, but there is so much more I want to get to first.

This segues nicely into your second question. If you're wondering if I have the whole story planned out somewhere, then I'll be honest, I don't. However, that's not to say I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here. I don't have all the specifics planned out, but I have scenes and places I know I want to hit. I have things I know I want to show, and have happen, it's just that the journey leading up to those things isn't set in stone. Personally, I find it more interesting that way.

Comment posted by Sandtalon deleted Dec 15th, 2013
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