• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Wintergreen Diaries

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

More Blog Posts54

  • 423 weeks

    tl:dr - I am no longer writing fan fiction.

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  • 458 weeks
    General Update

    NEW STUFF IS COMING. There, got that out of my system. Phew!

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    2 comments · 648 views
  • 464 weeks
    Help Wanted

    Rather than go into my usual tirade about this that and the other reason for not having been updating, I'm just going to jump right into the meat of this post. This next chapter of "Stay" is one of the most important, and it happens to be the one I am least satisfied with. It is also one of the longest, and one that I have been dreading editing for probably nigh a month now.

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  • 473 weeks
    Several computer crashes and one nasty cold later...

    ...I am, theoretically, back online. This last week was rather hectic. First came the plague, which knocked me off of my feet for a few days and set me pretty far behind at work, but on top of that my computer's power supply decided that having a working fan was a thing of the past. Consequently, my computer kept releasing a scent somewhat reminiscent of one most easily replicated by sticking

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  • 476 weeks
    It's Happening

    Just submitted my next story for moderation. The story is divided into three arcs, and I'll be releasing the first arc over the next few weeks since it is already finished. Hope you all enjoy!

    8 comments · 481 views

That feeling when... · 9:10pm Apr 25th, 2013

...the mare for whom one holds semi-secret affection informs you that her parents would like to rent you a room, for an extremely fair price with all utilities included plus internet, in the same house that their daughter is living by herself because they really like you.


Okay, HOLD up a second, life. That is not the kind of curve ball I've come to expect from you! You're freakin' me out!

*takes a deep breath and lets it out slow...*

Oh, right... I suppose an explanation is in order. If you've been reading my posts, you know that there are some big changes on the horizon for me, and that I had been slightly worried as to where I'd end up living when my sister moves to Texas. Well, a certain mare to whom I will refer to as "Twilight" from now on (primarily because she reminds me very much of the adorkable pony that I know and love) messaged me the other day out of the blue with this:

"So I remember you saying you're going to need somewhere to stay when your family moves and my parents said you're welcome to rent one of our rooms if you'd like. Just thought I'd throw the offer out there if it puts your stress down a little." ...down? Down?!? You just... you just offered to let me live with you! Like, in the same house! She went on to say that her parents, "...said it was fine because you seem like a very good person and they wouldn't mind (you living in the same house)." Point of clarification: I have never even officially met her parents. I work at a grocery store, and they came through my line. Once. I'm hoping this isn't a terribly huge leap in logic here, but wouldn't that mean that Twilight had to have basically talked me up to her parents? She's got over 1000 friends on facebook (no joke, and highly intimidating to somepony with as little self esteem as myself), but yet her parents, whom I don't even really know at all, already trust me enough to let me live with her? Here I was thinking these type of situations only happen in movies...

For the record (and my mortal well being in case by some bizarre chance she finds and reads this), I am quite firmly in the friend zone, and there I'm content to stay (for now...). She has a boyfriend, and being perfectly honest, I wouldn't want to risk the forming friendship that makes coming in to work the highlight of my day by trying to make anything happen. Just being able to spend a little time around her (even if she is poking fun at me most of the time) brightens even my darkest of days, and being extended the trust of her parents, and the opportunity to spend a little more time with such an engaging mare, isn't something I take lightly. Am I open to the relationship extending further? Perhaps in time... but right now, a good friend would be far more valuable to me. After all, friendship is magic, right?

Now, a word on business and my writing. "Soon." Okay, okay, I'll be a little more specific... As of this blog post, I have four, almost five chapters done on the next fic. It's going to be shorter than most, definitely not 200k, and I've been working on it in bits and pieces during my hiatus. It needs a cover art (which I haven't started looking into), but more than anything, I just need a little more time, though not for me...

My nephew, who is also my sister's child, is probably one of my closest friends right now. We've been together for a good 90% of his life, are extremely close to one another, and in a mere two months, we're both gonna have to deal with being apart. As such, I've been trying to spend as much time with him as possible, and therefore have found little time to write. In fact, the move as a whole is creating a ton of family tension, and it's only getting worse as the move draws nigh. After the move, the house is going to be very quiet, and I've a feeling I'll be driven to write out of desperation for something to release some of the crashing emotions I'm sure I'll be having at the time.

What can you all expect, then? Well, I am tentatively planning to "end" my hiatus come July. I will at least release the first chapter of the next entry in the Ceruverse around that time, if not sooner, but with some warning so you all know to be looking for it. Take caution, though: this next fic is not a happy fic. Its purpose is to resolve all the side-plots that I've generated that would only distract from the remaining two character's stories (I feel like I've said this before, but I've a terrible memory). Hay, if I get cover art soon, I may torment you all by releasing the first chapter sooner rather than later with only monthly updates until its finished...

Oh! And thanks to those that responded to my previous post. Melody may well join the Ceruverse, but as to who he'll be shipped with... well, that's up in the air at this point. See, I had somepony already picked out for Pinkie, but honestly, I think Melody is more engaging, and I already have his back story and character pretty much figured out. At the same time, I can totally see him working with any of the Pie sisters, so I may end up holding a poll after the next story is finished to see who he should end up with (Inkie~!!! *squee*). So... yeah! Thanks for bearing with me through the downtime, and I hope to get you at least a new chapter to read soon-ish.

Report Wintergreen Diaries · 556 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

INKIE IS BEST PIE SISTER! (Aside from teh Pinks. X3 )

stay in the friend zone lest you bring your life crashing down on your head.

A.K.A. do not make moves. ever. period.

if she comes to you, you get props, if she doesn't but is still your friend you still get props

stay in the friend zone lest you bring your life crashing down on your head.

A.K.A. do not make moves. ever. period.

if she comes to you, you get props, if she doesn't but is still your friend you still get props

this next fic is not a happy fic

Welp, I'll be reading that at the beginning of next semester. :eeyup:
It'll be very fitting, and might bring some luck to my luckless life.

Also, I approve of the beginning of this blog.

Mainly because that's the typical format of my blogs. :trollestia:

My powers of deduction are telling me that at least one of the new sub-plots in the Ceruverse will be Cerulean's parents attempting to fix things between them and their kids, all of which have been through different kinds of psychological torture throughout their lives.

Am I close to correct, at least?

Well well, what a stroke of luck for you then hmm? I can practically feel you reeling from the curve ball just by reading this. Glad to know some things are falling into place for you.

"Not a happy fic" huh? That is a bit concerning, but that may be pessimism talking. Still, I suppose I shall wait and see, take your time and release it when you are ready. I'm sure all of us shall be looking forward to it.

maybe her parents are spies that spied on you very secretly. You know, a spy with Pinkie suit and Pinkie night vision? :rainbowderp:
they may have studied you without your knowledge and they finally figured out that you're a good stallion. :pinkiehappy:

I've married a woman who is more than I like like Twilight. The secret is .... Naah.
I am not telling, that you'd better figure out yourself.:trollestia:

1033863 Agreed.

Never make the first move, or it might just be your last. She could have something for you, maybe not, but just act normal (if not a little nicer than normal) around her. There's always that asshole Murphy and his stupid law just waiting to steal your good standing with her, and you don't want to attract his attention.

Sounds like some good providence fell in your lap here, I am really glad to hear things are looking up for you.

1033863>>1033935 Well, DUH! Making moves when my very livelihood depends upon remaining in her good graces is just plain foolhardy. Besides, the friendzone isn't so bad... it's actually rather cozy. :rainbowlaugh:

1033921 Good! I wouldn't want you ruining the joy (and necessary blunders along the way) of discovering the answer for myself. :twilightsmile:


You lucky guy Cerulean.

must... not... make... SECKS JOKE

I am incredibly happy to know that your possible living situation is going to change for the better! It's good to know you'll be with a familiar, at the very least.

And, again (again and again), there is absolutely no rush.

Glad to see things are starting to work out for you, albeit slowly. And seriously dude, as much as we want to see the Ceruniverse continue, real life has to come first! Only release it when you are ready.

Is she, perhaps, a certain 'new' girl mentioned a while ago?

And if you want a cover art, PM me the general gist of it and I'll try and find one for you. I seem to have a knack at finding almost perfect for the situation pictures.

Good luck to you :raritywink:

Hope everything works out.

SHIPING AHOY! weee INKIE GO!! :pinkiehappy:

Well that's a bit of good fortunate that you got someplace affordable to move to. Also good on you as it's with 'Twilight' with time and a small amount of luck she might come over that barrier between you too and then :heart:

Congrats man. It's good to hear things are looking up.

This is great news! I'm glad that things are starting to look up for you. All the best, bud!

1033982 I'd be careful if I were you, girls that smart usually are fucking crazy man :pinkiecrazy:.

I should know......

I still have nightmares about what she told me :fluttercry:

1033982you have reached the ultimate goal, when she paints herself lavender for you on your birthday, wearing horn and a ponytail and says "call me Twilight":yay::twilightblush:

Well, based on the information you've given, it sounds like you made a good first impression with her folks and she put several good words in to corroborate. I'd recommend just maintaining your behavior as it was up to this point around her so that you fit the description she gave of you--obviously whatever you're doing is working.

She trusts you quite a bit, and her parents are VERY trusting people to simply go off of their daughter's word when they haven't really had a chance to figure you out yet. I also think it would be unwise to say or indicate your attraction for her until you've had a chance to figure out what the dynamic is between her, her family, and the boyfriend: How do they act when he's over? Does he spend the night? How much time does he spend there? Does he come over whenever he wants? How long have they known him? How long have they been dating? Until you know all that, making a move would be a huge risk since you'll be living there and he won't be.

Even if she were to make it clear that she's attracted to you, unfortunately it's still better to let her make the first move so it doesn't appear to her folks that you were taking advantage of their generosity. If she does make the first move, then hopefully when they find out about you two she'll come to your defense, but you're still betting your living situation on their mercy there. And they will find out--there' s a million tells she'll be giving them that something is different between you two, and that's assuming that you're playing your part perfectly, and I've no idea how good an actor you are.

That's the most I can say given what I know. Get both parents to explicitly state what the house rules are so no embarrassing incidents have even a chance of happening. Be sure to poke fun right back at her and try not to over-analyze everything. The more time you spend fantasizing about her, the more nervous you'll act around her. If you find yourself with free time while you're there, periodically asking her folks if there's anything around the house you can help with can only improve your standing.

Good luck! I love it when good things happen to good people.


mother of comments...

My old friend... life seems to be looking up for you. I am more than pleased, I'm elated on your good fortune. I wish all of the best for you and your future. (I really hope you remember me)

Ceru, I will say that your life is like a movie to me. Ups, downs, some schot inbetween and now this. This, mate, is great for you and the lot of us who are with you.

By the way, that pun was terrible.:facehoof:

Good luck in your new residence and for those who are interested I've made a group called as said by Cerulean "The Ceruverse" as of right now it has the romance stories under the main universe folder and side-stories having "Cutie Mark Chronicles" and "Unplanned Parenthood" as the side-stories hope to see you guys there.

I probably shouldn`t have been as excited as I was when I read this, yet I`m super happy that you found your possible special somepony! In about a year Hearts & Hooves Day will come around, hopefully Twilight will be yours be then. Best of luck with all that! Also, that is the best situation you could hope for after your grief about where you will live. I didn`t know that you work at a grocery store! You could turn your pony stories into human stories and get them published! You could ask Hasbro for the rights or at least the right to publish your stories! Think of the possibilities! I want more of Fluttershy and Whisper in your stories. They were completely forgotten the CMC one, except for a sentence here and there. I also want to know if you come up with your own OCs or do you get help from your friend(s)? Read my stories! This is the end of my rant about Cerulean1313 stuff!

this is great news! i would post a big super long paragraph telling you how happy i am for you, but since my writing skills are not the best in the world, i'm just say that well i'm really happy for you.

also since you know from my last post i kinda want melody with pinkie..... but if you can think up someone better for her i guess he can go with one of her sisters.

i can't wait for the side plot story! im good with cover art and first chapter soon.... keep up the awesome work, hope your RL goes good and remember take your time writing! you are good enough that your fan base will wait, well i know i would.....

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