• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

More Blog Posts931

  • 1 week
    Hardest Boss Fight You Ever Won?

    Icewind Dale's Belhifet. I played it on Heart of Fury (hardest difficulty).

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    3 comments · 70 views
  • 12 weeks
    Fun Police People?

    Just think about it, you and a couple of friends are watching classic South Park or something edgy. And then, some person comes who's not even a fan of it, demands changes (censorship) or outright turns off the program. Just why do people do this? Why do they ruin everyone's fun?

    13 comments · 203 views
  • 17 weeks
    A story based on this image would be nice

    I think it would be quite cute. Art by icey.

    derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3327595

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  • 23 weeks
    My thoughts on Stellar Blade

    Her ass is not fat enough. That is all.

    Ponies got much better asses.

    2 comments · 244 views
  • 36 weeks
    MLP Gen5 Butts are too small

    Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

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    16 comments · 405 views

MLP Gen5 Butts are too small · 6:22pm Nov 14th, 2023

Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

MLP FIM G4 Butts are much better! They are bigger and fatter!

Report Bendy · 405 views · #Gen4 #Gen5 #MLP #Butts #Butt
Comments ( 16 )

[...] and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

D-dude, I think she heard you:


You better start repeating, "Celestia's ass is majestic, not fat!" in rapid succession :pinkiecrazy:

Is it about time for another of Bendy's stories featuring big booty mares?

~ I like em big, I like em chunky, I like em big, I like em plumpy, I like em round, with something something ~

I'm anticipating a Bendy fic about how with the devolution of magic, pony asses similarly deflated, but with the new g5 surge, so came larger rears and problems that they hadn't anticipated by more bodacious bodies. So began G5 MLP:BiM My Little Pony: Booty is Magic

I will simply give her a big chocolate cake to clam her down.

I'd love to see a Gen4 version of that.

I'm still working on stuff. I've just been busy with work and other stuff.

That is quite a good song.

An evil dietitian put Celestia on a diet. This was the catalyst of the apocalypse. Without Celestia's booty to guide them ponies began to fight one another.

The shape of the legs and the lower, smaller backside crosses some line for me. I don't see magical characters doing impossible things in a fantasy world like G4 did, I see dogs holding cellphones.

More butt.

Yes, I find it be heresy. The butts are way too small.

More booty is always better and needed.

You're not just cooking, you're making a nine-course meal.

Depending on which one your eyes are drawn to says what type of person you are.

... You'll still be gay, but one option is gayer then the rest:pinkiecrazy:

:unsuresweetie: Look at this necromancer over here.

Ive been doing that a bit lately. This site has an obnoxiously large amount of intelligent threads over the years.

But was I wrong?:trollestia:

I don't watch G5, agree, and also want to note that it's whose ass is even fatter.

Big butts are nice, but they're even nicer with a big pregnant belly.

I agree. they should make their asses fatter. they would be a lot sexier that way.

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