• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday



More Blog Posts1050

  • 47 weeks
    Give Me Your WILD and WACKY Experimental Fics

    Self promotions encouraged!

    I’ve been on an extended weekend holiday with the boyf in Amsterdam and boy howdy they should be calling it Slam-Your-Man-sterdam because we are having tons of gay sex like a coupla fags

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    34 comments · 881 views
  • 48 weeks
    Fundraiser for Ice Star's Boyfriend

    Hey all! I really meant to do this earlier, but better late than never, and the fundraiser is still active and about halfway to where it needs to go, so:

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    3 comments · 211 views
  • 48 weeks
    Desire [NEW STORY]

    "What do you want, Discord?"

    The question is so simple.

    So why can't he answer it?

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  • 69 weeks
    thirteen years

    how did we get so old?

    17 comments · 420 views
  • 75 weeks
    Never A Dull Moment

    Thank you all for helping me out back in May :heart: The support means the world to me, and thanks to your kind contributions I was able to go and visit my boy in Britain. I'll try and mock up a proper recap blog—though I am notoriously terrible at doing those, I don't think I've ever managed a proper recap blog for any of the various conventions I've gone to over the years. I guess there was

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    7 comments · 335 views

Never A Dull Moment · 12:40am Aug 27th, 2023

Thank you all for helping me out back in May :heart: The support means the world to me, and thanks to your kind contributions I was able to go and visit my boy in Britain. I'll try and mock up a proper recap blog—though I am notoriously terrible at doing those, I don't think I've ever managed a proper recap blog for any of the various conventions I've gone to over the years. I guess there was maybe once for a Babscon like seven or eight years ago but literally who the fuck can remember back that long? please do not go through my old blogs to confirm this, that would make me look very stupid >:(

Now, as is typical for me, I had several blogs planned before a portion of my life went up in literal flames—every other person at Everfree two weekends ago was asking me if I was alright once they found out where I was from and it was all very much appreciated :pinkiesad2: However, this means I now have an absolute glut of things to blog about for you beautiful people (and also that one ugly guy; you know who you are still luv u. you're beautiful on the inside)

As soon as possible (probably tomorrow, but perhaps even tonight), I'll have a blog about the Maui fires explaining my perspective on what happened as it happened (not super exciting but it's not often I'm tangential to an international news story, nor is Maui for that matter), the leading thoughts on why it happened, how it could have—if it could have—been prevented, why it was so devastating, the response, the fears going forward, the challenges to rebuilding, and what you can do to help. Real quick, I DO have the following links to share if you'd like to make any donations before I finish up with the megablog:

Lahaina Ohana Venmo - these have specific families you can donate to via venmo as well as pictures and descriptions to get to know them a bit
Maui Rescue Mission
Upcountry Strong
My Ko-Fi for personal relief for me and my family (we do not live in the area the fires occurred but my father's business had quite a few assets that were destroyed and my job was suspended due to my boss's finances being turbofucked, more on that in the megablog)
If you would like to signal boost, that would be incredible and is always appreciated, but I would recommend waiting until the next blog is up as that one will have much much much more info and many more donation links.

So, over the next week or so you guys can look forward to:
My Trip to Visit Me Boy Recap
Everfree Northwest 2023 Recap
My Move To Washington (believe it or not, was planned before but expedited and affected monetarily by the fires)

New stories should resume sometime next week, possibly as soon as tomorrow. The first one's a doozy; either incoherently brilliant or disastrously masturbatory, it's the peak synthesis of my brand of balls-to-the-wall metahumor and diary-tier emo bullshit with a veneer of sincerity—excluding all else it is Fluttercord, so take that as you will (and also clocking in around 7k, my longest one-shot since summer 2020). I've got a few others in the pipeline, as well as something extra special for fic 200. Part of my move to Washington (enabled by Scarlet Ribbon, whose basement I now inhabit) was always to make sure I could buckle down and write, something that was difficult to impossible back in Maui with my job I had. Things have changed, but I'm doing my best to plod forward.

stay neon tumbleweeds

Report Regidar · 335 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Good to know you're still alive. :twilightsmile:

it'll take much more than that to kill me! (this comment is going to age very poorly when one of Scarlet's gremlin children barrels into me when I'm going up the stairs and I fall and break my neck)

Author Interviewer

it is Fluttercord

banned, cancelled, to the sun :c

Truly a modern day Rasputin.
Looking forward to the new stories!

I'm glad to hear from you. I was so worried, man.

Yo you're in Washington that means you will more likely be at babscon right? I missed everfree because my housing and financial and living situation is a shitshow but god damn it I'm not missing babscon it's going to be a bacchanalian dionesian kerfuffle

grandpa badger cannot remember how this thing works

just glad you're doing ok

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