• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2023

Level Dasher

You can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain; rainbows won't up the sky unless you let it rain. —Autumn Blaze

More Blog Posts353

  • 45 weeks
    Level Dasher's friends want your stories

    Hey there, I'm Level Dasher's childhood friend, Eloise.

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    3 comments · 811 views
  • 48 weeks
    Josh's Memorial - Thank you all for your patience!

    Level Dasher's brother here! This community has meant so much to him, so I wanted to reach out about his memorial.

    We will be celebrating Josh's life on Sunday, October 15th, 2023 in New Rochelle, NY. If you are local and interested in stopping by, please reach out to joshstabilememorial@gmail.com, and we will share additional details.

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    2 comments · 652 views
  • 65 weeks
    Level Dasher Health Update

    Hi everyone - this is Level Dasher’s (Josh’s) brother Chris. I wanted to update you all on his behalf as I know how much he cares about this community, how much you all mean to him and would want you all in the know.

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    144 comments · 5,229 views
  • 70 weeks
    Man, Recovery Is a -itch

    Hey, Everyone!

    A comment on my previous blog reminded me that I didn't update here yet, but it still won't be horribly long.

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    8 comments · 760 views
  • 73 weeks
    I Live!

    But I’m on a buttload of drugs and am going to pass out.

    Surgery went great, even better than expected. I’ll elaborate more later.

    Until next time!

    — LD

    20 comments · 407 views

Man, Recovery Is a -itch · 4:16am Mar 22nd, 2023

Hey, Everyone!

A comment on my previous blog reminded me that I didn't update here yet, but it still won't be horribly long.

Anyway, I'm happy to say I'm out of the hospital; I'm staying with my mother during my initial recovery. I've got a decent supply of painkillers—which I'm likely about to use right now—because I'm still in a fair amount of pain in various places (given how much was taken out of me, I'm not surprised, but it's still annoying). I'm way behind on reading, but I just don't have the energy. Hopefully I'm not missing too much or going to get spoiled by the time I get to all the chapters.

Anyway anyway, it's great to be out, and hopefully the recovery process doesn't take too long.

Until next time!


Report Level Dasher · 760 views · Story: A Daughter and her Dragon ·
Comments ( 8 )

I am very glad you're doing better, and I wish you good luck and good health for your recovery period!

Get well soon! Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery!

Sleep is good, I like sleep! (Except when I have to sleep in my office at work... don't ask. :applejackconfused:)

I'm glad you're doing better and have family around. You take care of yourself!

Happy to hear it. Get well soon!

Speedy and safe recovery.

Glad the surgery went well and that you’re home safe with family. Rest and take care, Dasher!

Keep alive

Hope you recover soon.

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