• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2015

Jagged Fox

Search Statistics

Found 3 stories in 22ms

Total Words: 16,569
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Luna has been anticipating Nightmare Night since she heard that it had been created while she was gone. After making a trip to Ponyville, the place from which she had been freed, she finds herself rejected by everypony. Well, everypony but Rainbow Dash, that is...

Chapters (4)

When Gummy finally realizes what his true affections for Pinkie are, he decides to tell her. However, he is entirely incapable of speech, and must resort to other methods to tell her.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight finds herself in a strange world where nothing exist but trees and no memories but her name, she quickly goes on a search for the one thing she thinks could contain it. Only the little black box can contain all the answers.

Chapters (1)