• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 9th


Putting words onto pages. Maybe.

Comments ( 7 )
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Thank you! Hopefully you're having a fine time no matter what it is, but I appreciate the little message. It was a very cute story to read for sure! Very much enjoyable.

Hello. I'm not on here as much as I used to be, but I saw that you had taken the time to read one of my stories and so I wanted to say a big thanks for that! :twilightsmile: It means a lot to me that folk get some enjoyment from the stuff I write, and I had a lot of fun writing that one in particular. Have a nice day!

Thanks, and thanks for another fav for second tour:yay:

Well I look forward to reading them as they come out! I wish you luck in dealing with whatever it may be that's taking your time.

BTW, I'm working on more chapters of second tour. Promise, I'm just hung up on some heavier issues. :twilightblush:

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