• Member Since 21st Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday


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Blog Posts

  • 37 weeks
    So... I tried to get Inferkit to write a HTTYD fanfic. Here's how it went.

    (The text in bold is the starting text.)

    Toothless was having a nice day with the human who called himself Hiccup when suddenly he noticed a white cat paw leap on top of him.

    The cat continued to pester Toothless until he flew into a rage and bit the feline, causing it to fly into a heap on the road.

    The human, Hiccup, swooped in and scooped up the cat.

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    0 comments · 91 views
  • 57 weeks
    Changeling Quest is cancelled

    So... I've decided to cancel Changeling Quest, but I'm completely fine with, if someone decides to do so, other people continuing or remaking the story as long as they credit me in the long description or comment that they are doing so in the comments of this blog.

    1 comments · 113 views
  • 78 weeks
    So... In case you were wondering, I haven't died from Covid.

    The title is probably pretty good news for at least one person. But, there's also bad news. If you want to know what I've been doing these last more than 4 months, you'll have to click/tap this link. Or wait for someone to comment it below.

    1 comments · 195 views
  • 102 weeks
    About Chapter 2 (Part 1.75)...

    It's finally been successfully rewritten.

    0 comments · 132 views
  • 107 weeks
    So, I'm not dead

    I decided to make this blog post just in case anyone was worried I was dead. Also, I have been slowly making the final part of Chapter 2, and figuring out what I'm going to do with the Timeline Split ability. Originally, my plan was to just split the timeline. Now, I'm going to do something else which was inspired by one of the comments on the story. 28 people, I'm assuming, know what it is.

    Wow, that was a long paragraph. Anyway, I'm not dead.

    0 comments · 121 views

So... I tried to get Inferkit to write a HTTYD fanfic. Here's how it went. · 12:18am Nov 10th, 2023

(The text in bold is the starting text.)

Toothless was having a nice day with the human who called himself Hiccup when suddenly he noticed a white cat paw leap on top of him.

The cat continued to pester Toothless until he flew into a rage and bit the feline, causing it to fly into a heap on the road.

The human, Hiccup, swooped in and scooped up the cat.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Thank you for taking interest in my story.

Well I was gunna say thanks for adding my story to your library, but looks like it's already been removed. So, I'll just say thanks for giving it chance at least. :)

Thank you for adding Striving for perfection to your shelf. I hope the reading will be pleasant for you.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the shelf add!

Thanks for the add.

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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