• Member Since 19th Nov, 2021
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Clinically diagnosed with SciSet Brainworms


New Stories + Contest Stuff + Con Stuff! · 12:32am July 10th

What's that? I have as many stories as blog posts now? Better fix that.

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Something I Forgot to Hype · 11:01pm June 3rd

No, I don't mean my new fic. But also yes that. You should definitely read that, it was fun to write and from the sound of it, fun to read too. Extremely short, since it's a Dialogue-Only contest entry. Consider yourselves nudged.

EA Quick Question
Does Midnight Sparkle's body have built-in glasses?
EileenSaysHi · 1.3k words  ·  153  4 · 1.7k views

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The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest (May 26-August 3) · 6:12pm May 24th

Two blogs in one month? Scandalous. Well, as a reward for following me, you get to see a special preview of a contest launching in two days! Yes, we know there's a lot of contests going around right now (I should know), which is part of why this one will run a lot later than most of those. Anyway, this is your opportunity to get a head start, and also bug-test some of the rules before they get published on the group page and,

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Wait, Eileen Still Writes Stories? + Special Announcement · 9:23pm May 13th

The muse is cruel and unforgiving.

Yeah. Lately I've had ideas for the next chapter of Together from Canterlot to Canterlot. Ideas for the Shining is a Terrible Dad contest. Ideas in general. And I keep bombing out of actually writing them. Or reading. I've had a bit of a rough year, mentally.

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Mistyversary, Story Updates, Contest Results, and More! · 8:00am Oct 10th, 2023

Hey! It's been a little while since I did a blog, hasn't it?

Wow, yeah, not since EFNW. Well, let's fix that, shall we?

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EFNW 2023 Report: "The New FimFic Royalty" · 7:15am Aug 15th, 2023

Well, damn. This is a long one.

So it turns out I made it to Everfree Northwest 2023 after all -- well, most of it. I did have to miss a big chunk of Saturday, unfortunately, and some of Friday evening. But I got to see almost all the panels I was most excited for, got to do the big activities that I was itching to do, and got to meet (or reunite) with so many members of our lovely fanfic community!

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Join the SciSet Shipping Contest! · 6:04pm Aug 7th, 2023

I did say I'd have more exciting news shortly in my last blog, didn't I?

I wonder if this news has anything to do with this picture of two gay dorks here?

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State of the Author: Contest Fics, Longfic Progress, and More! · 5:16am Jul 31st, 2023

Hello all! After a few exciting days of work on fics both large and small, I wanted to post a little about what I'm up to.

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New Cover Art for "What My Destiny is Telling Me", Courtesy of Harwick! · 6:50pm Jun 30th, 2023

This is just utterly incredible.

So for a lot of my fics, I appreciate the value of a simple visual. The one I commissioned from daOtterGuy for The Final Conversation, for example, is very nicely minimalistic, using simple outlines and colors to convey the emotions at play in the story. Sometimes, less is more.

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It's Here! My First Longform Story Has Begun · 7:52pm Jun 20th, 2023

She became conscious of the fact that she now really was looking at Sunset. Like, right at her. The rich amber of her face, the lovely cyan of her eyes, the fiery crimson of her hair, that kind, inviting warmth that radiated from her, a gaze that somehow felt as piercing as it was inviting.

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