• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2015



My Apologies · 6:38pm Sep 29th, 2012

Heya, followers! For the very few of you that do keep track of my stories, I'd like to say that I'm very sorry for the long wait you are having to endure for my inspiration to kick in.

School and band keep me pretty worn down, and my writing has been wasted on my poems. However, if you do want me to post more and have some new ideas, or just general comments, please e-mail me at:


I'll try and write another soon for you guys.

Report Saekwaka · 422 views ·

Author's Notes:

1. Unless I request it in the description, please don't give me demands on what I should or shouldn't change about a story. All constructive critism that is given to Surrender will be disregarded.

2. If you're going to favorite my stories, could you please take the time to "like" it, too? I fail to see the logic in the substantial amount of favoriting when the "likes" are so low. Favoriting helps you, but liking helps me.

3. All people that are looking for edits should Private Message me for my e-mail adress. As I've explained to many people, my Private Messages feature messes up and doesn't allow me to view the whole screen in a Private Message. Also, I am willing to edit stories, but not on Google Doccuments. I just cannot deal with the lag. Otherwise, I'd be happy to recieve a story to edit through E-Mail or a Private Message.

4. If you have any requests on a certain story you want me to work on, please be sensible about it.

5. I don't do clop fictions.

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