• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2021
  • offline last seen March 14th


All is not lost, not yet.

Blog Posts

  • 158 weeks
    The Alicorn Warrior Analysis

    Please read first:

    At the time of writing this, the newest chapter 18 of the TAW story opened up a lot of topics to talk about. In this post, I will present my interpretation of recent happenings, so that obviously means spoilers for the story. It is also noteworthy to say that I will not be only analyzing the chapter 18, but also the events that lead up to it.

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    3 comments · 197 views

The Alicorn Warrior Analysis · 11:37am Jul 10th, 2021

Please read first:

At the time of writing this, the newest chapter 18 of the TAW story opened up a lot of topics to talk about. In this post, I will present my interpretation of recent happenings, so that obviously means spoilers for the story. It is also noteworthy to say that I will not be only analyzing the chapter 18, but also the events that lead up to it.

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You deserve it! :-)

Thanks for the follow!

You are welcome. :)

Thanks for the fave.

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