• Member Since 20th May, 2020
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I definitely appreciate the advice. I honestly need all the advice I can get lol.

Yeah finding time to write can get tough. I work full-time but most of it is by myself and I can think about ideas and how my characters would act in that situation and in my spare time I make notes in my phone to help me keep track but actually finding time to sit and write Yeah. It took me a while to get to this point. But what I'm trying to say is take your time and let your mind just wonder around your story idea and it will help in the long run. 😀

I love reading the stories on here but unfortunately I am all caught up with all of them lol. I want to write something and I have the first part up (which after reading through it made me realize that I did horrible lol). That's what I get though when I am preoccupied with college work clouding my mind. Once I am done with college I will probably start from scratch with it.

Lol I do have a plan some some Changeling to but not what u would think. But I'll let ur imagination run with this song

Also I loved that ending in Dragon Ball lol honestly I'm loving this

I should apologize to since I shot out the guesses. I'm excited to see what you come up with, and if it makes you feel any better, think of what you said here as a "nexttime on dragon ball z" moment lol.

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