• Member Since 10th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I mainly write Equestria At War fics, but other things too. If you have story ideas or requests, just send me a message.

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An invite for an interview from an intriguing mercenary sees Coral Ridge, Arisian reporter, head for the city of Tobuck.

Written for fun, with the help of DraconianHorizons. Go check him out, he's a great guy and writes amazing stories.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/helmie-art/art/Commission-Draconian-Group-Picture-971873156 (cropped)

Chapters (1)

''Throughout the years, few voices within Aris have proven to be as persistent as Coral Ridge's. During the tumultuous times of the late 1000s and early 1010s his was a voice of reason amidst the chaos that took Aris by storm, and it can be stated without question that him and his writings were very impactful on Arisian society as a whole.'' ~ Princess Skystar, Eagle amidst the Hawks, 1048

Coral Ridge is a Seapony reporter and Head Writer for the Daily Fish, one of Aris' largest newspapers. Over the span of the years, five summer days have proven to be some of the most decisive days in his entire life. What happened on these days? Read and find out!

This story was written for the 2023 Equestria at War Writing Contest. It is not connected in continuity to any of my other fics.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/joeyjazz/art/To-claim-the-dream-790679461 (1920x1536 version, resized by me)

Chapters (5)

Totally legit speedrun too.

The short description really said it all. Just some fun I had while procastrinating on actual projects.

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/images/3105094?q=flurry+heart (resized) and resized PNGs of Dagoth Ur and Vivec.

I regret nothing.

Chapters (1)

A fell power has risen on Equus, and many refugees have fled its clutches across the ocean to Aris, which now stands as the last beacon of Harmony in a world beset by war. Amidst this chaos, a reporter comes to the Royal Palace in Mount Aris to meet one of these exiles, and tell her story to the world.

You can see this as a sequel to Turning Over A New Loaf, since it takes place in the same timeline, but these stories can be read separately.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/images/2979193 (resized and cropped)

Chapters (1)

A little celebration never hurt anyone, did it?

This is, I think, the first EaW fic to have Posada as a main character; it is also, I think, the first fic to have two characters from Tobuck (Wallnut Drive and Rose Rain) featured in it. Huzzah.

Written in an evening because I was bored.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art made by putting the in-game portraits of Wallnut Drive, Rose Rain, Posada and Skystar next to each other.

Chapters (1)

Hippogriffia's isolationism has had both good and bad effects for the nation. One ardent reporter with no real opinion on this isolationism heads out to interview a recently-immigrated baker after she's made a name for herself. This is what follows.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

This fic is a present for SuddenlyZoey!

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/images/2918701 (cropped)

Chapters (1)

''In those days, nodeer really knew what to expect. Most suspected something was coming of course, but no one was quite sure what that something was, or how it would manifest itself. But the Hjortland meeting of 1008 was the first time plans were made, and it was those plans that ended up saving the Deer of Olenia from humiliation and destruction.'' ~ Lord Rushuo, The Last Lord, 1027

The year is 1008. Following a coup to remove the weak pretender king Johan Djavulen, the Goðar are in control of the Deer nation of Olenia. But simply exiling Johan is not enough to save Olenia, especially not with the looming threat to the north. Following visions by Seers across the country, Allsherjargoði Jurva, head of the Goðar, calls for a meeting of industrialists, Seers and generals, to assess the present and plan for the future.

Written for the Equestria At War 2022 Writing Contest.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art: map and text made by me, portrait of Jurva done by MrScroup for EAW (top of the antlers done by me, as the original portrait didn't have those, and edited by DraconianHorizons, be sure to check his stuff out).

Rated T for adult themes such as war, the costs of industrialisation and light swearing.

Chapters (1)

It is Canterlot, 1015 ALB, roughly one-and-a-half years after the end of the Great War. On a sunny afternoon, two conversations take place at the same time.

Written in 80 minutes as a challenge to myself. Enjoy.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Covert art is cropped from this: https://www.deviantart.com/viwrastupr/art/Cutie-Mark-Crusaders-661798537

Chapters (1)

The Changeling war machine rolled over Equestria in a little over a year. The following three years saw brutal oppression of Equestria by said Changelings, but now the Manehattan Protectorate, covering the eastern coast of Equestria, has collapsed. Out of it the Ponies' Front for the Liberation of Equestria, or Equestrian Liberation Front (ELF) has risen, sending the Changelings reeling as they try to minimise the damage and prepare a counterstrike.

But the uprising left many soldiers of the Heer trapped behind enemy lines, and surrounded on all sides by unfriendly ponies. This is the tale of one such 'ling and his unit, and how he saved his own life and that of the others.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/images/2603164

Chapters (1)

Newly-crowned Imperator of Nova Griffonia Erwin Highhill finally has a moment of rest for himself

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212917/equestria-at-war

Cover art is Erwin's portrait from EAW.

Chapters (1)