• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen January 27th

Appleloosan Psychiatrist

dude i'm so good at nfts they used to call me "the blockchain ballerina"

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Found 5 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 38,124
Estimated Reading: 2 hours

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Finally allowed to camp by themselves, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are determined to make the most of their freedom. Passing back and forth stories, Scootaloo is struck by a particular request, and the memories of a long buried incident flood her mind.

Editing help from Evil Betty, Badgerpony, and SpaceCommie

Chapters (4)

Twist has been waiting for something for a long long time. Now, it appears that that day has finally come, and the little filly can barely contain herself throughout the school day.

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Twilight just wants to go back to sleep. She finds her room lit up in the middle of the night, and can't help but to investigate the source. Twilight soon finds that Rarity is the latest victim in a wave of paranoid witch-hunts that have swept across Equestria.

Chapters (1)

A magical mishap results in Twilight being shunted across the dimensions to the land of Nirn. Though overjoyed to have finally returned to Equestria, the scattered reports she kept and delivered to Princess Celestia indicate that not everything went smoothly in the years she was stuck there. (For the Friend-off, based [very] loosely on http://okiedokielowkey.deviantart.com/art/Moon-and-Star-01-259866995. Sorry)

Chapters (1)