Hello everyone!! Wanted to let you know that i have accounts on Furaffinity and Fanfiction under the name PuzzleMaster1998. I love doing puzzles, adore foxes, and favorite villain is Chrysalis.
Big fan of Spike x Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon(2 in 1 deal pretty much), Spike x Chrysalis and huge fan of those 4 mentioned characters. Erm.. well wanted to mention that. Um.. yeah.
Hi, I like chocolate (I sleeps for a few hours at night sometimes I forget), coca-cole and fanfics of , romance and comedy , dark and snow .
Wait I didn’t have the chance to become A memetic hazard yet! Oh yeah I’m also a random person apparently.
Dash is best pone Avatar image credit to https://derpibooru.org/profiles/nopony_you_know