• Member Since 17th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2020

Vylet Pony

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Total Words: 36,662
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


This story is a sequel to Starship Ponyville: Mystic Acoustics

Not long after the Statera conflict, the Satyrn ventures across the galaxy on the Starship Ponyville, rocketing into space to search the stars for a place to found new Equestria. Under the leadership of Celestia, Twilight, and Sylver, the ship is set onto a number of courses towards locations of interest. However, the mission digresses when they're attacked on an asteroid excavation a few light years out from Equestria.

Created by Vylet & Sylver
Written by Vylet Pony
Proofread by Leo, Sylver, Lavender, HomieRicky, Milk, Emby, Fizzle Soda, Araxnus, FlyoverRob, and Namii
Main artwork by Stereo Flier

It is not technically required that you read the previous story, Mystic Acoustics.

Chapters (17)

( This story was written for the concept album by Vylet and Sylver. Check that out here: Mystic Acoustics )

Post civil-war, Equestrian scientists and engineers across the world exhibit incredible technological advancements, such as the ability for earth ponies and pegasi to use magic. However, Equestria's unsustainability and overpopulation crisis further threatens the prosperity of the civilization. To search for a solution to the world's dilemma, Celestia and Twilight devise a secretive exploration project known as "Starship Ponyville 327000". Its goal: to launch hundreds of soldiers and scientists into the farthest reaches of space to discover other habitable worlds. Amidst these things, a brave new hero is born, bringing an even more serious threat with her.

Story written by Vylet and Sylver
Proofread by HomieRicky, Lavender, Cadie, and Peacetaker
Artwork by Alumx

Chapters (14)