• Member Since 19th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2018


Hiya! Birdlion here! But you can also call me Griffin or Sketch Book. I don't have much to say except "I hope you enjoy my stories." So, enjoy!

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My Birthday and Other Notes · 1:41pm Mar 2nd, 2018

Hello to you, all my wonderful friends and followers. And let me just say happy birthday to me! You can send me all the good wishes you want, but really the only birthday present I need is readers who enjoy my writing, so thanks for that. Thanks a million.

I might have a birthday present for all of you as well. My next ZEXAL episode is just about ready already. Wrote it really quickly because I was mega pumped for it. If you guys want, I can have it ready by tonight.

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Report Master_Birdlion · 370 views ·
Comments ( 86 )
  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86

Oh dear..
I never knew it turns out he has passed this whole time till someone told me yesterday..

And his fics were so interesting too..

I apologize if this brings you sadness but I thought you should know

I’m sorry to say this but masterbirdlion passed away

I was contacted by one of his parents on discord some time ago and they told me there was an accident and he did not make it

Hey MB, how's life going for you? Are you almost ready to update your 'Po-Ni-Oh! ZEXAL: The Crusade' fic? Also, my deck has had some changes since we last talked, want to hear them?

  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86
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