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- Chaos, such a big part of Sonic's life, though let's see how his life became connected to Chaos and the friend he couldn't save, whilst gaining some new friends who will show him the Magic of Friendship!HedgehogofRed1999 · 70k words · 23 4 · 2.4k views
- I guess this is more of a complementary short side story to my original story Sonic Dimensional Chaos, detailing Sonic's Clones and the Elements of Harmony's stay in Mobius to get the Chaos EmeraldsHedgehogofRed1999 · 18k words · 307 views
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2212410 i will at some point. i just got a new job
Well I already saw your Mobian and Equestrian stories on and have throughly enjoyed all of them, there are not too many people I know who wrote a concise, layered Sonic story specifically if it crosses over with MLP, though not to try and sound entitled, though someone has troubling me about grammar, and assuming my story is crap, though my grammar is usually 98.99% correct most of the time, I'd like to have a second opinion on my story, so this is more of a suggestion rather than a demand, could you possibly, when you have free time examine my story and show me if my grammar is terrible, this is only for me to understand my shortcomings and work around it. Thanks for acknowledging me.
Thanks for the watch what's the reason?
Thanks for watching me