• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I live life deliciously.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) · 7:41am Dec 22nd, 2016

Tis the season for all sorts of stuff. Whether it's shopping, shipping or heading to church there's something that you're going to be doing. I can't offer much in the way of advice as to what to do at church though if I followed the rules set forth for me it was, "Sing when they sing, don't talk or fidget and drink what they give you."

"But dad," I'd say, "It's blood!"

"You're a vampire now son! Drink up!'

"And the cracker?"

"That's his flesh."

"How BIG was this guy?"

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Cannibal! The Musical (1996) · 3:53am Nov 25th, 2016

Thanksgiving is here. Diets will be blown! Party games will be played with the family. Toilets will be destroyed and then people will roll out to various stores to pillage like their barbarian forefathers did. Except, instead of gold coins or salted herring it will be for things like weird computer gizmos and clothes that don't fit.

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Frailty (2001) · 2:39am Oct 23rd, 2016

Well, it's October. That means it's the "official" time for the horror stuff to come out. Frankly, I think anytime of the year is a good time to watch a horror movie or at least a thriller. I mean, July is just as good of a time to walk around town in a clown outfit as any other time. Heck, I guarantee more folks will be interested in your costume in April than in October. That's a fact.

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The Stepford Wives (1975) · 12:24am Oct 10th, 2016

So, how full does Queen Chrysalis have to be before she's full and gets her own hippy dippy coat of paint? I only ask because Thorax made like Zeppelin and gave her all of his love and she still didn't get a paint job or even a buff job. Heck the rest of changelings at the hive just covered her in their love beams and it still wasn't enough. I haven't seen a woman that insatiable since porn star Andrea True did the song More More More and still never got enough.

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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987) · 4:51am Sep 7th, 2016

Does anybody want to hear about my weekend at Dragon Con? No? Good. It wasn't bad but it was uneventful. I'd say the biggest four things I managed to do were as follows. On the first day of the convention my roommates and I went to JalapeƱo Charlie's where they ran out of food and had to shut down the kitchen for a half hour. When we ate the food was good and when we left we took the elevator.

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28 Pranks Later and The Times They Are a Changeling · 10:45pm Aug 20th, 2016

So, the last two weeks of the show have been interesting haven't they? I mean we got a prank/zombie episode and then we got a changeling episode. It's a pretty big time for the show with new lessons to learn and all. Or not.

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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) · 7:19am Aug 17th, 2016

So, I went to a wedding recently. It's the one time I can show up at a party and not feel obligated to apologize for the choices I make in drink preferences. Steel Reserve you say? Well if it's got reserve in it, it has to be good. Lord knows I needed it to get through this thing.

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Batman: The Killing Joke · 5:46am Jul 31st, 2016

The past week has been different. On Monday when I left my house for work out of nowhere a giant black wasp flew overhead and stung me in the back of the neck. My initial reaction was to essentially say, "Son of a bitch. Really?" I got a welt for a couple hours that went away. No trip to the hospital or anything like that. Just another day of me finishing out a shift before calling it a day.

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Maniac Cop (1988) · 3:16am Jul 25th, 2016

Do you think that Rainbow Dash has a lot of fines for going to fast or entering no fly zones? I don't mean the hole in the front of your pants. Ponies don't really wear a lot of clothing anyway.

But this brings up a point, how do ponies handle such matters? I know speeding tickets are a viable source of revenue for cities, counties and heck states. You can always tell when one of them is worried about not making their quota when the speed traps pop up in areas you wouldn't expect

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Howlinq II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985) · 12:50am Jul 17th, 2016

I know what you're thinking. Where the heck have you been? I mean this is the time for vacations and cutting loose! Well fear not my intrepid readers I've been quite busy. Living it up as it were and spending money as if it were a finely crafted box of Thunderbird. Until this week, I've been seeing doctors of one variety or another.

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