• Member Since 25th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 24th, 2021


Is best tree

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Found 2 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 3,281
Estimated Reading: 13 minutes


A collection of poems about ponies.
I'll keep putting all the pony poems I write here so if you want to stay updated you should track it.
Also, if anyone has ideas for a better cover image, those are welcome

Chapters (7)

It's Luna's first winter back home, and her work is weighing her down. She goes flying to clear her mind, but soon she wonders if anything has changed at all after her time on the moon. Soon she has to face her hatred in the form of windigos, but she doesn't know how to stop her own hatred. Can she find the solution in her dreams?

Written for this contest
Thanks to RaylanKrios, Bad Dragon, and Glocky for editing and prereading. You guys are awesome.
The amazing art can be found here: http://horseapparatus.deviantart.com/art/First-Winter-Back-479381886

Chapters (1)