• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen July 20th

Lofty Withers

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Found 2 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 2,330
Estimated Reading: 9 minutes


Sweetie and Rumble march in the pride parade.

Content warning: hoof holding .

Cover art by the absolutely fabulous RayneTheSkunk.

Written for the Pride and Positivity event. You can help out too by donating to a charity at one of these links.
Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

Now with a reading by Rainbow Infinity.

Chapters (1)

Lyra keeps finging.  Whatever that is. Bonbon just wants sleep.  Love shouldn't be this hard.


Thanks to my pre-readers Lingo and Fillyfoolish, to Sockpuppet for feedback on titles and descriptions, and to JackRipper for asking me what my jumbled slang meant. The strangest things inspire me.

Content Warning: serious discussion about mental health.

Art by Mundschenk85 cc-by-nc-3.0.

Chapters (1)