• Member Since 19th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

King of Beggars

One of these days we'll form a union, and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve. Then we'll go too far, and become corrupt and shiftless, and the Japonies will eat us alive.


Sun Go Up, Sun Go Down, Cat's in The Cradle, Something Something · 4:03am Apr 22nd, 2020

Greetings patient horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the... oh my god, I started this story WHEN?... news!

Sundowner is now complete. You can go read it over here!

This week on Sundowner: Sunset Shimmer consumes the madness chiles of Quetzalacatenango. The resulting capsaicin-induced fugue leads her on a bogus journey where she meets Death, an evil robot version of herself, and even learns the meaning of love.

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She Looked Into His Eyes, Boobfully, Her Boobs Boobing In The Booblight · 4:41am Apr 19th, 2020

Greeting fellow hump-horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the stuck-indoors-so-let's-just-spank-it news!

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I'm Chris Hansen With Dateline NBC and We're Doing a Story About Men Trying to Meet Cartoon Horses on the Internet · 6:47pm Feb 4th, 2020

Hello to you, fellow Valemtimes horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the eligible news!

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The Sound of One Ham Clapping (No don't try to dissect it, there's no meaning, it's just stupid) · 8:48pm Dec 7th, 2019

Greetings fellow wet horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the rainy news!

It's been slightly rainy in my beautiful Central California, so I thought this was a good chance to release a story about rain. Holy shit did I really start this story that long ago? Okay, I need to buckle down here... For now, you can read the new chapter here.

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Behold, Your Disappointment · 5:02am Sep 16th, 2019

Greetings fellow tiny horse grievers! King of Beggars here with the massively disappointing news.

IT IS AGAIN THE TIME OF THE OROFIC! And as I slide into home plate, with 3 minutes to spare, I die. I die of powerful tiredness.

On this week's episode, Sunset Shimmer does horse things! Sad horse things. Many horse sadnesses.

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Update · 1:45am Mar 9th, 2019

My grandma's gone. Just thought I'd let everyone who sent their best know. Thanks for your words and your patience. She lasted 15 days at home, with nothing to eat or drink, fighting to the last. I'm going to miss her a lot. It's going to be a tough week getting everything squared away.

Thanks again for being patient. I hope you all have a better weekend than I'm having, and I hope you'll join me when I have some better news for you all.

Please be excited.

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Just a few words · 8:17pm Feb 21st, 2019

Hey guys. Ain't been around a bit, thought I'd update you.

So people who've kept up know from a previous blog that I've been taking care of my grandma. TL;DR if you don't: quit my job to try and get her back on her feet after a stroke, she didn't get better, things have been bad, I'm very tired all the time.

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A Blogpost Where I get Your Hopes Up, And Dash Them Upon The Rocks · 11:51pm Sep 9th, 2018

Greetings fellow swindler horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the imposterous news!

You all believed believed for a moment, upon seeing a blogpost, that this would be a new Sundowner chapter! You've fallen for my ruse! Like one of those snakes that rustles leaves to trick you into thinking it's a rattlesnake, I impotently flail about to bring you non-Sundowner Sunset Shimmer story!

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An explanation, an apology, and a promise · 10:02am Jul 29th, 2018

Greetings, fellow tiny horse enthusiasts. This is King of Beggars.

I haven't been around, and I'd like to explain why. I know you don't come here for this sort of thing, and probably you don't care (I don't say that to shame you or evoke sympathy, I genuinely understand that people have their own problems), but I feel I owe the explanation.

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No, They're BOTH The Worst · 11:11pm Sep 15th, 2017

Greetings fellow tiny horse rationalists! King of Beggars here with the classic news!

I did a story about one of the oldest ships in the fandom. It's for the AppleDash contest that ends today (as of the date of this blog's posting). You can read it HERE!

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