• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th

La Vallett1

A pony fanfiction reader from Malta. Sometimes write when inspired. Once a Scout, always a Scout. Most important of all, Twilight is best pony.


Twilight Sparkle decided to use the Time Travelling spell to study how pony society used to be like centuries before Equestria's founding. While there, she found a familiar white coated Earth Pony filly with a curious name. Lost and her home burned down, the filly found herself under Twilight's care with a promise of either finding her a new home or searching for her parents. Twilight will learn more than just her history lesson while on their adventures.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows that the ruler of a powerful kingdom Equestria, Princess Luna, has a mad and supposedly evil sister, Corona the Tyrant Sun. But nopony knows that the powerful megalomaniac alicorn of the sun suffered night-terrors since her descent to madness. This story gives us a recent example of what Corona fears above all else.

A Lunaverse October event story.

Pre-read and edited by Talon and Thorn and wolfstorm56.

Chapters (1)

In their foalhood, Twilight and Blueblood were best friends. In their teenage years, they were in a relationship. After two years not seeing eye to eye, Blueblood came to Ponyville to visit his old friend and maybe also restart their relationship.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had just invented a spell that can temporarily take something from the past and bring it to the present day in front of her. As she was testing it in front of Celestia, the solar alicorn could not believe what, or more accurately who, came to visit from the past.

Thanks to Cerulean Voice for helping me editing it.



Chapters (1)

North Compass was a scout. He had many scouting adventures with his friends back in Canterlot. When he moved to Ponyville because his dad opened a new shop there, he joined the scouts in Ponyville. Watch as he and his new friends have some adventures in Scouting. From hiking, knots, first-aid, camping, you name it.

Just remember our motto: Be Prepared.

Constructive feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

Chapters (2)