Princess Cadance loves you... · 11:14pm Feb 14th, 2016
...even if you feel like nobody/nopony else does.
(Sorry 'bout my silence the last few days. Been away from my computer at home, logging on through other means at the moment.)
Ask your doctor about DERPIPONE(TM)!
...even if you feel like nobody/nopony else does.
(Sorry 'bout my silence the last few days. Been away from my computer at home, logging on through other means at the moment.)
Thanks, Imgur. Thanks a whole fing lot.
Oh, look, it's yet another...
(Note: This is not a complete list, and any given story may have several items that apply to it.)
Over the weekend, I saw that the Discovery Family Channel had A Very Minty Christmas on their schedule, and on a lark, I decided to record it for later viewing. After all, this wasn't my first encounter with the title character. Oh, sure, I knew she wouldn't be the same Minty I had fallen in love with in the fantastic G3 photo-comic Kimono's Townhouse -- the geeky Minty who works in tech support, plays D&D,
A couple of days ago, I was presented with a new and improved version of my ponification of Elric of Melniboné by writer, aspiring artist, and all-around good guy Arcum42. For years now, I've been operating with various sizes and crops of an image made with the well-known Pony
As a companion piece to my latest story, "From Dat Place to Dis Place", I've decided to compile this NAQ (Never Asked Questions) to enlighten you about the protagonist. I believe you'll find that it adds entire millimeters of depth to a character who is already quite rich (by the standards of undeveloped nations).
As I mentioned in the comments of the previous blog post, I'm sorely tempted to do a parody of "displaced" stories. Of course, as I also mentioned, I also have four or five writing projects that I've started that I can't seem to get myself motivated enough to finish, so that's something to keep in mind.
Still, after I came up with the core concept I would use as I was heading to bed, I felt that at least a bit of descriptive text was in order. I hope you enjoy it.
Sadly, I feel there's very little chance of escaping. I think we're stuck. (Warning: This blog entry is going to be pretty heavy on quotes. I've tried to break it up a bit by including a bunch of pics. Hope it helps.)
About three weeks ago now, I wrote a great deal of well-deserved profanity about the simians in charge of Equestria LA, stopping just short of cursing their descendants unto the seventh generation. Now, after way too much needless procrastination, I'm finally going to talk about the good bits that happened at that con.