• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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Elric of Melnipony

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A few recommendations (groups and other people's stories) · 3:16am Sep 24th, 2013

Not all that long ago (relatively speaking) I would have told you that Sturgeon's Law needed a second iteration in order to be properly applicable to the world of fanfiction. There are days when I would still put it as high as 1.5, but that's mostly out of frustration with specific things I've read rather than lingering geek snobbery. The truth is that there are a lot of people out there doing good work. And when I say "out there", I mean in the MLP-FiM fandom, because I've never been as active

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And now, a word from our sponsor. · 3:03am Jul 28th, 2013

Do you suffer from ocular nomadism?
Head shot of sufferer, direction of eyes as close to this diagram as possible.

Are you accident prone?
Video clip from collapse of Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

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Report Elric of Melnipony · 2,719 views ·

So maybe I'll do some blogging about music... · 5:59pm May 19th, 2013

And by music, I mean primarily non-pony stuff (although a few of the better examples may get linked from time to time). And why would I do such a thing, you may ask? I have a few reasons. One is that I'm one of the older bronies (exiting my 30s soon, if you really must know), and I feel it's my responsibility to share some older stuff. I know there's a fair number of you who enjoy music from the 1980s, but me, I remember when a lot of those songs were new. (I also remember when the girls

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Report Elric of Melnipony · 178 views ·