• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,914 Views, 61 Comments

Discordia: Turn on the Lights. - overlord-flinx

You ever hear of a get out of jail free card? Well... What if there was something like that, only it protected you from the law for a whole day? And... What if that was given to the worst possible person anyone could find?

  • ...

History: Laugh with me!

Comedy has existed since--

BUCK THAT! If we're writing this, I'm making the rules and telling the story my way!

Look... Just let me finish the history section. Please? If we don't get through the history, no one will understand a single thing going on in this entire story.

What's to get? I'm Dis-bucking-cord! I wrote the rule book than used it as toilet paper after I ate beans and cauliflower! This is my time to shine!

Regardless that I am humoring you enough to go through with all of this, I still have rules I wish to follow. My first rule is that we set up the basis of the premise that the next events are set around.

...Fine... Do whatever. I'm gonna go put Pip in the laundry basket and drag him around.


Are you gonna stop me?

No, but--

Then I'm doin' it.

Annoying little... Where was I? Oh, yes...

Since the birth of chaos, laughter has also existed. One could debated which occurred first: calamity or comedy. Many of which who debate it would be classified as 'stuff-shirts' or 'man-likers'; but I digress. To laugh is to acknowledge something that has caught your eyes, of course. Furthermore, laughter is contagious. Some would say laughter is a disease in this way... I would agree with that. However, I do not agree because laughter is harmful; but rather because, like a disease, laughter does come from a foreign, uncontrolled source that thrives on spreading the plague. This source, is Discord.

In the very center of all chaos, calamity, lack of sense, or anything relating to any of those will always be Discord. And, it always has been since he was brought into this world. How was he brought into this world? History states he was the amalgamation of unbridled 'discord' brought together by some mighty being seeking a way to contain all the chaos through it. However... I stand by the theory that I am dead, this is the afterlife, and Discord is the embodiment of all the sins I have done in my life to forever torment me in my eternal afterlife. This is just a theory though... But it would all make sense if it were true.

Moving on, ironic or however you wish to put it, Discord was given life on April first: April Fools' Day. Granted, no one can prove that's true or not; so his word on that is all we have. Again, it would all make sense if it were true. Now, I will grant Discord one thing and one thing only: he controls himself. Discord by all accounts has unmeasurable stretches of power. He could twist time, warp reality, even turn gravity to gravel if he wanted. Yet, he doesn't. To him, I deduce he finds doing that 'un-fun' or 'too easy'. Creativity is Discord's greatest tool, perhaps. Honestly, I would prefer his creative tricks over him doing real danger.

However, this brings me to a dreadful point... His birthday in question. You see, on this day, Discord figuratively unclasps his limiters and lets his power take a full force for a single day; regularly with only one constant to it. Example; last year, Discord turned all of Equestria into an aquatic biosphere for a whole day. In addition to that, he turned all the ponies and creatures within the area into marine versions of their original forms. The point that I am trying to make is that Discord lets all his power go once a year for one joke to put it simply. It is also on that day that no one tries to make him stop with too much effort. Why? Simple; the collective believes that it is better for him to have his fun on one day out of the year instead of having him be a complete menace the entire year. Crude, but effective.

However, we now reach the crux and purpose of our gathering here today... In exactly one minute, it shall be Discord's birthday. Now, Discord and I have come upon an agreement between one another in the case of his birthday. I agree to not aggressively dismiss anything he does and will in fact take part in his games willingly, in exchange for him leaving my swarm out of it. A simple solution. And, in only a few more seconds, the time will come to pass. My heart and mind twist and turn with pain as I begin to think what horrors he will inflict this year...


Yes, cap'n, my cap'n?

I have kept you up all night and have been dragging you around in that basket for one reason. You're a smart little pony. So tell me why. Hm? Guess.

Is it because it's your birt'day, Cap'n?

Right! Ding-ding-ding! You win! Wanna know what your prize is?


Your prize is that you get to pick what I do this year. For the past year or so of you living under my tail, I've raised you to be as mischievous as me. And, even if your mother doesn't know it, she's been teaching you how to be as cruel as her. Now, I know you're a cute little bundle of sweetness... But make papa proud on his birthday. Just this once.

Hmmm... Gotta be something... Water's been done... Can't do anyt'ing too mean... Nopony gets hurt... Hmmm... I got it!

Tell me, tell me, tell me!

Everybody loves a musical, righ'?

That they do...

So... Why not 'ave all of Equestria sing?

Smart boy! But--

No-No-No! There's more. 'Aving all of Equestria sing at once wouldn't be fun on the ears. So... What if ya' put a spell on everybody so that whenever they get 'it by light, they'll start ta' sing?

...Makers... That's brilliant! And we'll record it!

Yeah! Than we'll show 'em all when it's done!

We'll call it "Discordia: Turn on the Lights"!

That's a bugger title, cap'n...

...It's perfect...

When do we start?

Oh, sweetie... We started halfway into when you were talking... I already started the spell!

Oh you.