• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 3,065 Views, 93 Comments

Writer's Block. - xXCondemnedSoulXx

  • ...

Good Friends, Past Acquaintances.

The mare looked to john with terror in her eyes, a criminal standing before her. “I was blamed for what happened, and I didn’t do anything. All I’ve been trying to do is return to my world, so that I can bring Darkmoon back.”

“How do we return you back to your world?” asked the mare. John looked to her and shrugged.

“I don’t know, but I have this feeling that Chrysalis can help me. So I need directions to the Mystic Mountains.”

“If you’re trying to find your way around, and you need help.. I’m in.” the mare stated with confidence as she stood before John.

The author looked to her and smiled,“Thanks, but are you sure? If you’re caught with me, you could be arrested and sent to prison for helping a fugitive. All I need is directions.” John placed a hand on her shoulder to have her focus. “Are you sure you’re ok with this?”

She simply nodded and trotted into the back room, the author stood there and smiled. “It’ll be a nice change to have some company.” She returned shortly with a backpack and coat.

She looked to John as she slipped to coat over her,“Ready when you are.” The author let show a large grin and nodded. He pulled the hood over top his face to hide his identity once more and the two exited the building.

The hooded figure and the mare walked through the city, and something caught the mare’s eye. “Hey, check this out!” John looked over to her and raised an eyebrow.

“What is it?”

She lowered her voice as to not attract any attention,“It’s the newest newspaper. They found someone that helped you escape and she’s going to be sent to prison soon. It’s a grey mare.”

John snatched the newspaper out of the mare’s hands and gazed over the paper:

Big Trouble, Little Ponies.

This morning, a mare by the name of Ditzy Doo has been detained and is currently being questioned by authorities. She was caught associating with the Monster known as John Dixon the early morning just before the attack on the princess last week, and with the accomplice soon behind bars, the real monster will soon follow.

These will be trying times ahead for us all, my fellow ponies. But soon enough, John Dixon shall be caught and Equestria and her people can sleep easy.

~ The Canterlot times.

“Ditzy.” John looked to the mare and worry over took his face,“I need to save her.”

“And how do you expect to do that? She’s inside the Castle jails, and getting to her will be impossible.” the mare stated in a disheartening tone. She stepped back as John stomped on the ground angeredly.

“Ditzy helped me and believed in me, she thought that I could bring Dark back and if that doesn’t seem to be an impossible task, I don’t know what is. I have to save her, she’s a good friend.”

The mare looked to John and smiled,“Have a special somepony I see, that’s adorable.”

“She’s not my special someone, she’s just a good friend.” John could feel a slight blush overcome his cheeks.

“Sure, sure.”

“Shush you. I’m going to save her.”

She placed a hand on John’s shoulder to comfort him. “We’re going to save her. We just need to find the best time to find a way in.”

“This is true, I want to try get in without us having to fight our way out.” John ran his fingers through his hair and thought. “Is there any special events being held at the castle anytime soon?”

“Yeah, the royal ball. It should be happening in a couple days I think, why?”

A smile overcame John’s face as he thought out his plan,“Because that’s our chance, Come on. We only have a day to get to Canterlot castle.” John grabbed the mare’s arm and began to drag her down the street. She dug her hooves into the ground and looked to the hastey author.

“That does sound like a good time to get it, but there’s a flaw in this plan of yours.” She frowned as she said,“It’s invited guests only. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have an invitation.”

John placed his hand against his face and sighed,“It’s ok, I’ll get everything ready. All you need to do is play the part.”

She raised an eyebrow,“And what ‘part’ is that?”

“You’ll be my date of course.” John returned his sights on Canterlot once more and smiled. He began to think to himself,‘Don’t worry Ditzy, We’re coming to save you.’

A deep shade of crimson washed over the mare’s face as she followed behind John,’Date? He doesn’t even know my name yet!’ She quickly trotted beside John,“I can’t be your date.”

“Why not? It’s not like it’s an actual date, sure it does sound like the ‘Ideal date’, taking your loved one to a royal ball and all that stuff, but we have to focus on the task at hand. If Celestia wasn’t looking for me, I wasn’t a wanted criminal, and Ditzy wasn’t in trouble, then yes. It does sound like a hell of a good time.”

The redness slowly left her cheeks, “Well, since we’re traveling together now, we should get to know each other. The names Dusk’s Shadow.” John stopped in his tracks and looked to the mare.

“That name rings a bell, why does that sound familiar?”

“My name? You said you haven’t been here long.”

“Yes, but.. wait. What’s your mothers name?” Asked the author, a hint of curiosity lacing his mind.

“Well, I never really knew my mom.” A frown overtook her face. She reached into her pocket and dug out a small picture,“All I know about her is that she looked like this.” She passed the picture over to John and as he set his eyes on the pony in the small photo, his eyes shot open.

“Moon Shadow.”

Author's Note:


Keep it cool, Condemned.